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Quick Battles let you jump straight into the action, controlling a faction lord in a challenging scenario. The command interface is unavailable, and all keyboard controls are disabled other than those that control your character or your party. Saving is also disabled. The Quick Battle scenarios are listed below, along with the troops on each side and the relevant skills and attributes of the characters you control (skills that have no affect on the scenario are omitted). In Warband the Quick Battle feature is replaced by Custom Battle.

Skirmish 1[edit | edit source]

Lord Haringoth of Swadia is travelling with his household knights when he spots a group of raiders preparing to attack a small hamlet. Shouting out his warcry, he spurs his horse forward, and leads his loyal men to a fierce battle.

Character: Lord Haringoth[edit | edit source]

Level 41
Strength 20
Agility 20
Intelligence 15
Charisma 25

Bascinet, Mail with Surcoat, Bastard Sword, War Bow, Khergit Arrows, Kite Shield, Hunter, Mail Chausses

Allies (27)[edit | edit source]

  • 6 Farmers
  • 5 Swadian Sergeants
  • 4 Swadian Sharpshooters
  • 8 Swadian Man at Arms
  • 3 Swadian Knights

Enemies (32)[edit | edit source]

  • 6 Vaegir Infantry
  • 6 Vaegir Archers
  • 4 Vaegir Horsemen
  • 10 Vaegir Knights
  • 6 Vaegir Guards

Skirmish 2[edit | edit source]

Lord Mleza is leading a patrol of horsemen and archers in search of a group of bandits who plundered a caravan and ran away to the hills. Unfortunately the bandits have recently met two other large groups who want a share of their booty, and spotting the new threat, they decide to combine their forces.

Character: Lord Doru[edit | edit source]

Level 41
Strength 20
Agility 20
Intelligence 15
Charisma 25

Hunter, Rich Outfit, Haubergeon, Leather Boots, Mail Chausses, Segmented Helmet, Bastard Sword, Kite Shield

Allies (24)[edit | edit source]

  • 9 Vaegir Archers
  • 4 Vaegir Veterans
  • 4 Vaegir Horsemen
  • 2 Vaegir Footmen
  • 4 Vaegir Knights

Enemies (59)[edit | edit source]

  • 22 Mountain Bandits
  • 8 Bandits
  • 13 Sea Raiders
  • 16 Brigands

Siege Defense[edit | edit source]

Lady Brina is leading the defense of her castle against a Swadian army. Now, as the besiegers prepare for a final assault on the walls, she must make sure the attack does not succeed.

Character: Lady Brina[edit | edit source]

Level 2
Strength 19
Agility 14
Intelligence 9
Charisma 9

Helmet with neckguard, Plate Armor, Iron Greaves, Mail Chausses, Round Shield, Heavy Crossbow, Bolts, Sword

Allies (32)[edit | edit source]

  • 13 Vaegir Infantry
  • 9 Vaegir Archers
  • 10 Vaegir Footmen

Enemies (38)[edit | edit source]

  • 16 Swadian Footmen
  • 6 Swadian Sergeants
  • 8 Swadian Sharpshooters
  • 8 Swadian Militia

Skirmish 3[edit | edit source]

When the scouts inform Lord Grainwad of the presence of an enemy war band, he decides to act quickly and use the element of surprise against superior numbers.

Character: Lord Grainwad[edit | edit source]

Level 41
Strength 20
Agility 20
Intelligence 15
Charisma 25

Hunter, Tabard, Heraldic Mail with Surcoat, Mail Boots, Flat topped helmet, Bastard Sword, Two-handed Sword,

Allies (26)[edit | edit source]

  • 5 Swadian Knights
  • 4 Swadian Sergeants
  • 8 Swadian Sharpshooters
  • 8 Swadian Man-at-arms
  • 1 Swadian Peasant (He is hard to find and rarely survives long enough for you to see anything about knocking unconscious or being killed)

Enemy (39)[edit | edit source]

  • 8 Vaegir Infantry
  • 10 Vaegir Archers
  • 4 Vaegir Horsemen
  • 10 Vaegir Knights
  • 7 Vaegir Guards

Siege Attack[edit | edit source]

Lord Haeda has brought his fierce huscarls into the south with the promise of plunder. If he can make this castle fall to him today, he will settle in these lands and become the ruler of this valley.

Character: Lord Haeda[edit | edit source]

Level 41
Strength 20
Agility 20
Intelligence 15
Charisma 25

Warhorse, Haubergeon, Mail Boots, Guard Helmet, One Handed Battle Axe, Huscarl's Round Shield

Allies (30)[edit | edit source]

  • 10 Nord Warriors
  • 9 Nord Archers

Enemies (46)[edit | edit source]

  • 16 Vaegir Archers
  • 10 Vaegir Veterans
  • 10 Vaegir Horsemen
  • 10 Vaegir Footmen