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In the bottom left-hand corner of the pause screen, there is a diary. By choosing this option you can see what you are supposed to be doing in the current mission.

Diary Entries[edit | edit source]

Cops and Robbers![edit | edit source]

Watch out for snakes on the beach!

Victor wants to play cops and robbers! Catch up and talk to him.

The Big Heist[edit | edit source]

Victor has hidden his Bug Cage and Fishing Tackle and you need to find them. Find the Fishing Tackle at the south part of the beach which sticks out. Find the Bug Cage south-east of the green snake near Warren.

First Bug Catch[edit | edit source]

Victor wants you to catch a Cabbage White in Dolphin Coast. Get one and take it back to him.

First Fishing[edit | edit source]

You will usually catch a Sardine on your first try, but if not then keep at it!

Victor wants you to catch a Sardine at Dolphin Coast. You can catch then from the fishing pier near Warren.

Hand out Cookies/Hand out Donuts[edit | edit source]

Treat Differences
If you are playing Dogz, then Ione will ask you to hand out Cookies, whereas if you are playing Catz she will ask you to hand out Donuts.

Ione has been baking treats she wants you to give them to some of the townsfolk.

  • Gertrude's store is next door to you
  • Tom's store is down the slope in the North East of the area
  • Sheila's store is down a slope in the South East of the area
  • Charles' Aquarium it to the North of the waterfall
  • Kenneth's Zoo is to the South of the Waterfall

Go See Gertrude[edit | edit source]

Talk to Gertrude, who is standing outside the Drug Store

Material for Cotten Cloth[edit | edit source]

Gertrude needs some Cotton to make Cotton Cloth for the Sun Shade. Go to Lappy Lake and to the centre island, and find it slightly to the West of the snake.

Meet Ione[edit | edit source]

Go and talk to Ione so she can make the Cotton Cloth. She is in your house.

See Tom[edit | edit source]

Go and talk to Tom who is standing outside the drug store. North-east on the map.

Meet Gertrude[edit | edit source]

Go and talk to Gertrude.

Find Chamomile[edit | edit source]

Chamomile smells like a combination of Strawberry and Pansy.

Find Chamomile on the southwest corner of the main part of Jade Fields (past the second bridge).