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There are 70 fish althogether in these games, and every time you hit a milestone you will get a new colour of Leather Jacket.

You can start fishing after you have completed The Big Heist, when Victor has given you the Fishing Tackle. Fishing is required for some missions, such as First Fishing.

How to fish[edit | edit source]

First you need to be somewhere with a Fishing Pier. In some levels there is only one, whereas in others (like the Polar Fields) there may be many of them, and different fish can usually be caught at different piers. When you go to the end of a Fishing Pier, the words Go Fishing will come up on screen. Press A button to start fishing.

Your cat or dog will throw a fishing line into the water. The float may bob a few times, showing that a fish is biting it. When the fish is hooked, you need to pull up on the Wii remote. Then a metre will appear at the bottom of the screen with a bar in it. The bar represents the fish, and you need to continuously pull up on the Wii remote to reel it in. Try to keep it in the middle of the metre; if you pull too hard the line will snap, pull too soft and your fish will get away. You can see how much longer you need to pull by looking at the other metre in the top left-hand corner of the screen. Depending on the size of the fish, the bar may be bigger or smaller, and bigger fish are harder to pull in as it is harder to get your level of pull right.

As the types of fish come in all sizes, including the same kinds, it is impossible to tell which fish you've caught before you've actually caught it. If you have decided you want to exit, pull up on the wii remote, but this will only work before the fish has taken the bait.

Magic Encyclopedia[edit | edit source]

In the Magic Encyclopedia, you can find a list of all the fish in the game. Fish you haven't caught yet will be black, and if they can be caught in places you haven't been to then instead of an area under the name of the fish there will be "???". Make sure the fish you just caught appears in the Magic Encyclopedia before sending it to the Aquarium. If you send it right away, it may not register.

Page 7
Clown Fish Sunfish New Breed Rainbow Fish Golden Killifish Golden Carp
Golden Arapaima Golden Swordfish Golden Sunfish Golden Salmon Golden Angler Fish

Fish[edit | edit source]

This list shows what levels a fish can be caught in. If a level has multiple piers, but the fish can only be caught at certain piers, then that pier is stated in the parentheses following the level name.

Name Salmon Carp Ito
  • Polar Fields (sea pier)
  • Jade Fields (river pier)
  • Zoo
  • Zoo
Name Brook Trout Smelt Goby
  • Whisker Woods
  • Jade Fields (river pier)
  • Zoo
  • Polar Fields (lake pier)
  • Dolphin Coast (land pier)
Name Mullet Black Bass Grass Carp
  • Jade Fields (sea pier)
  • Lappy Lake
  • Tail Heights
  • Gongoro Peak
  • Jade Fields (river pier)
  • Tail Heights
Name Silverside Kokanee Snakehead
  • Lappy Lake (call pier)
  • Tail Heights
  • Gongoro Peak
  • Zoo
  • Whisker Woods
  • Gongoro Peak
Name Bowfin Minnow Starry Flounder
  • Lappy Lake (call pier)
  • Tail Heights
  • Gongoro Peak
  • Jade Fields (river pier)
  • Zoo
  • Jade Fields (river pier)
Name Bighead Carp Pale Chub Gar
  • Zoo
  • Tail Heights
  • Jade Fields (river pier)
  • Whisker Woods
  • Polar Fields (lake pier)
Name Cichlid Catfish Marbled Lungfish
  • Whisker Woods
  • Lappy Lake (call pier)
  • Tail Heights
  • Gongoro Peak
  • Lappy Lake (regular pier)
  • Whisker Woods
  • Zoo
  • Zoo
  • Tail Heights
Name Climbing Perch Arowana Arapaima
  • Lappy Lake (regular pier)
  • Whisker Woods
  • Gongoro Peak
  • Gongoro Peak
  • Gongoro Peak
Name Blue Gill Bonito Sweetfish
  • Lappy Lake
  • Tail Heights
  • Gongoro Peak
  • Dolphin Coast (island pier)
  • Jade Fields (river pier)
  • Zoo
Name Walleye Pollock Rainbow Trout Swordfish
  • Polar Fields (sea pier)
  • Jade Fields (river pier)
  • Whisker Woods
  • Dolphin Coast (island pier)
Name Spanish Mackerel Grunt Red Sea Bream
  • Dolphin Coast (island pier)
  • South Pawville
  • Jade Fields (sea pier)
  • Monolith Isle
Name Sea Bass Saury Hairtail
  • South Pawville
  • Polar Fields (sea pier)
  • South Pawville
  • Polar Fields (sea pier)
Name Tuna Stonefish Bitterling
  • Dolphin Coast (island pier)
  • South Pawville
  • Lappy Lake (regular pier)
  • Whisker Woods
Name Blue Hake Killifish Goatfish
  • Polar Fields (sea pier)
  • Lappy Lake
  • South Pawville
Name Sillago Herring Sole
  • Dolphin Coast (land pier)
  • Polar Fields (sea pier)
  • South Pawville
Name Eel Angler Fish Striped Mackerel
  • Lappy Lake (regular pier)
  • Whisker Woods
  • Jade Fields (river pier)
  • Zoo
  • Dolphin Coast (island pier)
  • Polar Fields (sea pier)
  • Dolphin Coast (island pier)
Name Sardine Ancient Fish Octopus
  • South Pawville
  • Dolphin Coast
  • Jade Fields (sea pier)
  • Polar Fields (sea pier)
  • Gongoro Peak
  • South Pawville
Name Squid Butterfly Fish Striped Beakperch
  • South Pawville
  • Monolith Isle
  • Monolith Isle
Name Flatfish Blowfish Napoleon Fish
  • Dolphin Coast (land pier)
  • Dolphin Coast (land pier)
  • Dolphin Coast (island pier)
  • Monolith Isle
Name Ray Barracuda Sea Horse
  • Dolphin Coast (island pier)
  • Monolith Isle
  • Dolphin Coast (island pier)
  • Monolith Isle
  • Monolith Isle
Name Clown Fish Sunfish New Breed Rainbow Fish
  • Monolith Isle
  • Monolith Isle
  • Polar Fields (sea pier)
Name Golden Killifish Golden Carp Golden Arapaima
  • Lappy Lake (call pier)
  • Whisker Woods
  • Gongoro Peak
Name Golden Swordfish Golden Sunfish Golden Salmon
  • Dolphin Coast (island pier)
  • Monolith Isle
  • Polar Fields (sea pier)
Name Golden Angler Fish
  • Polar Fields (sea pier)