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Face Ivlet (10:47) - You risk life and limb to restore peace by facing Ivlet.
You, Theophilus and Bartholemew wait for Ivlet to bring the fight to them!

When you decide you want to face Ivlet, walk up to Theophilus's door. Beat will tell you that if you decide to face Ivlet, your travels will come to and end, and peace will be restored to the world. You then have another chance to do anything you forgot by selecting no. But if you are ready, select yes.

The Chaotic Dragon[edit | edit source]

Theophilus and Bartholemew have finished making the Magic Shield. Theophilus tells you that Ivlet is going to bring the fight to them in a minute, and Bartholemew adds "Which is exactly what we want". Theophilus then says that he is here.

A purple swirling vortex appears, and you and the two brothers jump into it. You come out in Dimension Rift; a large round arena with four pillars around the outside and a never-ending drop (luckily, you can't fall off the edge). You then spot Ivlet and his minion, the Chaotic Dragon. Theophilus picks up the Magic Shield and creates semi-spheres all around the arena, including over the Magic Hat. Ivlet howls at it but it cannot get out of the shield. The Chaotic Dragon flies up into the air, and prepares to fight.

If the Chaotic Dragon or Ivlet are about to swoop down and attack you, even if you go into one of the shields you'll still get hit.

Beat tells you that because the Chaotic Dragon is in the air, normal bark or screech attacks won't work. Dotted around the arena, as well as shields, there are stones. A good tactic for attacking the dragon is to find a shield with a stone just next to it, or grab a stone and run into a shield. In the shields, as long as you stop inside one, you will use Crouch and Crawl. Wait for the dragon to go back to flying around the centre of the arena and come out of the shield. When it turns towards you, go towards it and throw the stone before it has a chance to hurt you. One of it's three hearts in the top right corner of the screen will turn black. You need to "damage" the dragon three times, and then it will be beaten.

The dragon falls to the floor and disintegrates. Ivlet is frustrated, so he leaps into the air and uses his magic to float around, like he is wearing rocket-powered boots.

The time has come to face Ivlet[edit | edit source]

Beat says that you can finally face Ivlet. As he is in the air too, barking or screeching won't work. Ivlet starts off going round the centre of the arena. Pick up a stone and hide in a shield, and wait for Ivlet to not see you anymore. Then, come out and wait for him to come near, or just run towards him. Try to throw the stone at him; he is faster than the dragon, and it is possible for you to both hit each other at the same time! When you have stunned Ivlet with the stone, you need to bark or screech at Ivlet to get rid of one of his five hearts.

Ivlet is more confusing than the dragon, as once he has been stunned or attacked you, he disappears and reappears somewhere else in the arena. What gets really annoying is when he appears off the edge of the arena, as if you hit him there he falls down and you can't bark or screech at him. So, as soon as you have barked or screeched at him, run to a shield and hide so you have time to look around for him without him attacking you. There will be an arrow at the side of the screen if you are not facing the right direction. You need to hit and stun him five times altogether, and then you will have defeated Ivlet!

He falls to the ground, and he shrinks back to his normal self. The vortex then reappears and he is sucked into it. Theophilus tells you that this place isn't going to last much longer, and so you, him and Bartholemew form a magic ball and float to safety.

Back at Theophilus' mansion, he thanks you for bringing peace to the island and the world. Beat jumps back inside the Magic Hat, so it can get it's good side back. Then, Theophilus gives the hat to you, to take back to your parents.

Back at home, Arvin and Ione are standing outside the front door, worried that something has happened to you, when they see you running over the horizon. You leap into your mothers paws. She licks you to welcome you back, and you tell them the story.

You might have realised, when they are back inside, that if you had a hat on before it has disappeared. Arvin tells you that you have done a good deed for the world. You got the Magic Hat back from Ivlet. If the power is used for the wrong thing, all sorts of bad things can happen. He guesses that Ivlet has taught you that, and you nod your head. And so, Arvin decides that you should have something... he picks up the Magic Hat and puts it on your head! You are now the owner of the Magic Hat, and must use it to keep peace on the Island.

You have now finished the game, and after the credits it goes back to the main menu, so you can start playing again!