Defend yourself[edit | edit source]
Sneak up on an enemy when it is sleeping or, if it is an enemy that isn't sensitive, sneak up behind it. Then press to bark or screech at the enemy and stun it for a short length of time. By holding
down longer you can howl or wail. You can also stun most enemies by hitting them with a stone (after you have learned the action 'Pick Up and Throw') which will knock them out for a few seconds. This is useful for getting past an enemy, but not for if you are looking for something and they are in the way.
If it is a non-rotating snake which is in the way and there is no way of getting behind it, let it see you but then retreat so it doesn't have enough time to attack you. It will then go back to its spot, but it should end up facing the way it got there, which means it would have its back to you. Now you can sneak up on it. You'll know an enemy has spotted you when you see the angry icon over its head.
When you are attacked[edit | edit source]
If an enemy attacks you, you will lose some of your health. If you run out of health, the game is over and you have to start again from the last saved point. You can recover health by using healing items, which you can find in many places or purchase from the Drug Store. Or, to recover all your energy, go to your house and take a nap in your bed. You will automatically regain full health if your maximum health increases.
If you are attacked by a poisonous enemy, you can use some antidote or leave the area to be cured. You will also be poisoned by the Poisonous Bog in Sky Heights if you fall in.
At certain points in the game, your maximum health will increase. This is when it happens;
- After you rescue Saul.
- After you thaw the river for Godfrey.
- After you have found some Thyme to make Cough Medicine for Toby and Daisy.
- After you have found the Water Crystal.
- After you have sealed the Whirlwinds in Lonesome Park.
You can also gain an extra heart by getting some special fruits or vegetables for Charlotte or Ambrose.
Moving an Enemy[edit | edit source]
In Bubble Cave and Gongoro Peak, you will find an enemy which is guarding an entrance to somewhere. These enemies only have a low sensitivity, but they will still notice you if you go near them. Therefore, you need to pick up a rock. Throw it at the enemy and it will not be stunned, instead it will start to chase you. Lead it as far as possible and get out of it's sight. Then try and get round to the area they were blocking without them seeing you again, because otherwise you will get trapped inside! Where an enemy is guarding, there is something to be found on the other side…
Green Snake[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 2
- Damage: ½ heart
Green snakes are one of the first enemies you encounter within the game. They will only spot you if you run up to them or go in front of them, and so are not too hard to stun.
Dark Green Snake[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 1
- Damage: ½ heart
Despite the warning from Beat that these snakes are in a "foul" mood, they are actually less sensitive than normal Green Snakes! In fact, they're just Yellow Snakes with a little more blue in them. The "foul" part comes from the fact that they will skip straight from safe to attacking and diseregard the "anger" icon.
Blue Spotted Snake[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 1
- Damage: 1 heart + Poison
Blue Spotted Snakes are quite sensitive to things in front of them, but you're pretty safe behind them. Also, be careful when near them as if they attack you then you will be poisoned.
Yellow Snake[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 1
- Damage: 1 heart
Yellow snakes are probably deaf, as they won't turn around and attack you even if you run up behind them.
Orange Snake[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 3
- Damage: 1 heart + Poison
Orange snakes look almost identical to yellow snakes, but have a slightly different colour. They are also found in different places and are more sensitive and rotate back and forth like Cobras. So basically they are a mixture of yellow snakes and red cobras. If you look closely (when they are asleep or stunned…otherwise you're trying your luck) they have lighter spots on their sides, similar to Blue Spotted Snakes. But beware of them as if they attack you, you will be poisoned.
Cobra[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 3
- Damage: 1 heart
Cobras rotate 90° back and forth in whichever direction you are, which means the only way to stun them is to wait until they fall asleep. But since they are only found in Crystal Caverns, you can usually hide from them in the long brown grass. All Cobras, whatever colour, have a U-shaped mark on the back of their head.
Yellow Cobra[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 3
- Damage: 1 heart
Yellow Cobras are exactly the same as regular Cobras except they are yellow. And they like it in the dry dusty areas, which is why you'll find them out where all the lions are roaming…
Red Cobra[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 3
- Damage: 1½ heart
There is only one Red Cobra in the entire game, and it's next to the bridge leading to Polar Fields. Just wait for it to take a nap or face away from you…and run!
Alligator[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 3
- Damage: 1 heart
Alligators are mainly in water at Lappy Lake. The only way to stun them is to throw rocks at them since they will see you even if you are behind them, so you will not be able to get close enough to bark or screech.
However, if the Alligator is standing up in a shallow pool, it will continuously rotate 90°, and so you just need to get behind it and you will be able to stun it. Just stun it before it turns to face you!
Egret[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 2
- Damage: 1 heart
Egrets look like swans, but they fly around in circles all the time. Because of this, the only way to stun them is to throw a stone at them. This may sound hard, considering a majority of them are above water. Generally they will only spot you if you are underneath where they are flying, but then they will usually attack more than once!
Bear[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 2
- Damage: 1 heart
Bears generally sleep all day, and they may be awake at night. This also varies. Usually, they will be awake when they first come into view, but will fall asleep as you watch them. In certain cases, they might spot you if you attempt to run through their territory while they're awake. So, creep up to them when they are sleeping and give them a little wakeup call.
Gorilla[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 2
- Damage: 1 heart
Gorillas are lazy animals who spend most of the day (and night) sleeping. They take quite a while to wake up from a nap if you disturb their beauty sleep, so stunning them is pretty easy. Just avoid them when they're awake, as they're also pretty grumpy!
Boar[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 2
- Damage: 1 heart
Boars are quick on their feet and always alert if you're running around. So, if you want to get past one, seek out long grass behind them and creep towards them…and then let loose your howl or screech!
Bat[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 3
- Damage: 1 heart
Bats are always asleep in the roof of a cave…apart from when you wake them up! So, if there's a sleeping icon pointing to the roof, move as slowly as possible; or as quickly as you can and don't stop!
Komodo Dragon[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: ½
- Damage: 1 heart
Komodo Dragons are like hamsters: they can only see about 15 centimetres in front of them. This means they are pretty easy to get past. But even if the one you see isn't guarding something, throwing stones still makes them angry. So if you're trying to get past the biggest lizard on earth, don't arm yourself with stones; use long grass!
Polar Bear[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 1
- Damage: 1 heart
Polar bears are almost exactly like regular bears, although they cause more damage and don't sleep as much.
Lion[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 3
- Damage: 1 heart
Lions stay awake most of the time, despite the fact that in real life they sleep most of the day. They'll see you running or if you're in front of them, but if you creep up behind them they won't notice.If you throw a stone they will get mad. Barking or screeching does not help.
Buffalo[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 4
- Damage: 2 hearts
Buffalo are the most sensitive animals you will find roaming around in ordinary levels. The only way to stun them is to throw rocks at them (and be quick about it because they'll notice you before you get close enough) or wait until they decide to have a nap. You can't even creep up behind them in the grass, because as soon as you start to charge your howl or wail they'll notice you! So, just try and creep along in the grass…but don't blow your cover!
Chaotic Dragon[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 5
- Damage: 1 heart
The Chaotic Dragon is Ivlet's minion and will notice you the second you come out of a magic shield. Defeat him so you can get on to the real challenge…Ivlet.
Ivlet[edit | edit source]
- Sensitivity: 5
- Damage: 1 heart
The main boss of the game, Ivlet is the evil wolf who took the Magic Hat and destroyed the island. If you don't get the hat back soon, then he might end up destroying the whole world!