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If you head back to North Pawville and talk to Godfrey, you'll see that his Water Wheel has been mended. You'll then see what his 'other problem' is.

The Frozen River[edit | edit source]

Second part of thawing the river and covering Augusta's holes

Godfrey tells you that his Water Wheel is fixed. But now, as you will see, the river has dried up, so the Water Wheel cannot turn. Godfrey tells you that Ivlet has used his magic to freeze the river further upstream, at the Roaring Falls in Whisker Woods. He suggests you ask your father what you should do about it.

First you must dunk the Warm Stone in the Hot Spring.

When you go to your house in South Pawville, talk to Arvin. He will tell you that if Ivlet used his magic to freeze the river, then thawing it will be difficult. But if you use a Warm Stone, which he gives to you, you can use it to thaw the river. But you can't just use it as it is; you need to put it in the Hot Spring before taking it to the frozen river. Your father tells you to go to Whisker Woods, drop the Warm Stone in the Hot Spring, and then use it to thaw the river at the Roaring Falls.

Once you have dipped the Warm Stone into the Hot Spring, it remains as a Hot Stone until you use it for something, such as Thawing the river. It doesn't gradually get cooler like you might expect.
Then you need to go up the newly-repaired ramp (they call it steps) to use it to thaw the river.

Roaring Falls is the river up the steps previously damaged by Ivlet in Whisker Woods. When you first enter Whisker Woods, you will be greeted by Stanley. He asks why you are here, and when you let him know, he says that it's a coincidence that he has just fixed the bridge leading to the Hot Spring, and the steps up to Roaring Falls. First you need to go to the North West of the area, and across the newly-mended bridge. Go up to the hot spring which you can access and press A button to drop the Warm Stone into the Hot Spring. It is turned into a Hot Stone. Now you need to go up the concrete steps, which are located in the North of the level. Go up them, and go along the path to get to the frozen river. You drop the Hot Stone. The river will warm up and melt, so it is flowing again. You go back to Godfrey.

Godfrey thanks you, and you see that his wheel is now turning again. He then tells you that Augusta needs some help in the fields.

Farming Fields[edit | edit source]

Push the rock over the holes to get rid of the Prairie Dogs.

If you talk to Augusta, who is at Dolphin Coast, she will tell you that the pesky Prairie Dogs have been making tunnels in her field. She asks if you can move a rock (at the edge of the field) on top of the holes.

Go up to the rock, and press A button to push the rock. You can only push it a few centimetres at a time, so you need to move around the rock to push it in the direction you want. You need to push it three times west and three times south (in whichever order). When you have pushed the rock over the holes, you go back to Augusta.

She thanks you and, as a reward, teaches you how to push. At the moment, you can only push level 1 rocks, so there are still rocks out there which are too heavy. She tells you that she heard that the Zoo also took on a lot of damaged, and you should go and help Kenneth out.

The Romance Novel[edit | edit source]

If you talk to Kenneth, he will tell you that he is trying to repair the Zoo. Godfrey volunteered to lend a paw, in return for Kenneth letting him borrow his Romance Novel. The problem is, Kenneth has already lent the novel to Daisy, who lives in Tail Heights. Kenneth asks if you can go and get the Romance Novel from Daisy, and then tells you that to get to Tail Heights, you need to go through Lappy Lake.

When you get to Lappy Lake, go to the North West of the area and you will see Stanley. If you talk to him, he will tell you that he has a problem; his Orchestra Insect (Male) has stopped singing. He asks you to go and talk to Warren, or he won't be able to fix the broken path leading to Tail Heights. You need to go to Dolphin Coast.

The lonely insect[edit | edit source]

If you talk to Warren, who is wandering around his usual spot near the North of the beach, he will tell you that the reason the Orchestra Insect (Male) makes music in the first place is to propose to the females. So maybe the Orchestra Insect (Male) has stopped singing because he is lonely. Therefore, you need to find an Orchestra Insect (Female). Warren tells you that they like warm places, so you should try the Hot Spring in Whisker Woods.

Find the Orchestra Insect (Female) here.

If you go to Whisker Woods, go to the North West of the Woods. You will find the Orchestra Insect (Female) on the opposite side of the Hot Spring, near the bear. When you have found the Orchestra Insect (Female), you take it to Stanley.

Stanley is surprised that you have brought him another Orchestra Insect (Male), but you correct him, and say that it's a female. Stanley wanders if you thought he was lonely, which sounds silly. But then the Orchestra Insect (Male) starts to play music again, and Stanley gets to work mending the bridge. Before long the path is mended and you can go to Tail Heights.

Daisy hands you the Romance Novel and tells you to thank Kenneth for her. You take the Novel to Kenneth.

He thanks you and takes it to Godfrey, who will help fix the Zoo. Soon the Zoo is fixed, but Kenneth tells you that there is still one thing missing; the animals! Ivlet made them all run away, and Kenneth needs you to bring them back. This is not a single mission and takes most of the game to complete, as the animals are in just about every level outside the village, including places which you cannot reach yet. You can play minigames against the animals to get them to come back to the Zoo. Kenneth then tells you that your father wanted to see you, and that he is in your house.

The Warp Ring[edit | edit source]

When you talk to Arvin, he gives you an object called a Warp Ring. He tells you that you can use it to get around the island much quicker. To use the Warp Ring, you need to go up to a Warp Stone and press A button to "search" it. You will now have an extra option to warp to places where you have unlocked Warp. Then, the South Pawville Warp is unlocked. Your father then tells you that he saw Ada racing off towards Jade Fields, and you should go and see what the matter was.

Ada's Junk[edit | edit source]

If you talk to Ada, who is in Jade Fields near the entrance to South Pawville, she will tell you that a pig has run off with something very precious to her. To others it's just Junk. She asks if you can get it back. To catch birds and friendly animals, you use the same method as catching insects. Instead of the animal appearing in your inventory, you will get a reward, which can be taken to the Fashion House to make a new item of clothing, or sold at the Pawn Shop.

The pig which has Ada's Junk is across the first bridge, and then to the right. You will be rewarded for catching it with Junk. You take it back to Ada.

She thanks you and says that if you take the Junk to the Fashion House, you can unlock a new colour of Guitar! She then tells you that Augusta is in need of more help with her fields, and suggests you help out.

Throwing Stones[edit | edit source]

Throw a stone at the Egret to stop him from eating Augusta's seeds.

When you talk to Augusta, she tells you that there is a pesky Egret flying around over the crop fields. She wants to know if you can get rid of it. You then see that there is a stone next to the crop field, which you can use to chase off the Egret.

Go to the stone, and press A button to pick it up. Then turn to face the Egret. Use A button again to throw the stone. If you were in the right place to throw it, it will go higher than usual and hit the Egret. If not, it will go a few feet off the ground and you'll have to try again. When you hit the Egret, you go back to Augusta.

Augusta thanks you, and then you go back to South Pawville, because something is happening there...

A Wet Trick[edit | edit source]

The villagers unsuccessfully try to scare off Ivlet as he creates a downpour on South Pawville.

The villagers are milling about, doing their usual things and having a chat, when along comes Ivlet. The mood changes and the villagers retreat and growl or hiss at him to try and scare him off. However, this doesn't work. Ivlet sits back casually and has a scratch, and then lifts his head and howls. The skies cloud over and it starts to bucket down with rain. Ivlet then floats off, leaving the villagers to get soaked.

You talk to Arvin, and after a comment on the weather by Ione, he tells you that they need to stop the rain. But it isn't going to be easy. However, he has heard of a flower called the Apollo's Flower. He doesn't know much about it, apart from the fact that it is found at Dolphin Coast. He teaches you the smell, and suggests that you talk to Clara for more info.

Clara will be walking around near your house. In the torrential rain you can't see far ahead of you, but other than that the town is near enough normal. If you talk to Clara, she will tell you that you can find the Apollo's Flower on the small island off Dolphin Coast, but she doesn't know how you can get to it. She suggests you ask Warren.

If you are going to the island off Dolphin Coast and you're not looking for any key items there, make sure you have two sardines so you can get back again. It is possible to catch sardines from a fishing pier on the island, but it is very rare.

When at Dolphin Coast, go to near the fishing pier and talk to Warren. He will tell you that to get to the island, you need to call a dolphin to help you. He also heard that dolphins like Sardines, so why not offer one to it for it's trouble? Therefore, unless you have one already, you need to catch a sardine. When you have a sardine, go up to the sign near the sea. Press A button to call a dolphin, and one will show up and take you to the island.

Find the Apollo's Flower here.

Sniff around the centre of the island and you will find the Apollo's Flower. You take it back to South Pawville.

You go to the large Flowerbed in the centre of South Pawville, and then you place the flower in it. The clouds fade away and it's a perfect sunny day once more.