StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty/Zerg units

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Returning Zerg Units

Old units came back only some of them changed




The Larva reappears in StarCraft II. It is protected by light armor.

It can produce a large variety of units: Drone, Overlord, Zergling, Roach, Hydralisk, Nydus Worm, Infester, Mutalisk, Corrupter, and Ultralisk.




The Mutalisk made an appearance in the WWI gameplay demonstration and have been confirmed as playable units.

Game Unit

In StarCraft II, its attack will still be able to strike multiple targets, bouncing to strike up to two additional targets as before.

It is protected by light armor.


  • Swarm Guardian Morph

The Mutalisk can morph into a Swarm Guardian.



The new Queen is very different, being a powerful attacking ground dwelling support unit. Only one per player can be produced.

Additional Notes

The Queen appears in StarCraft II, though is a vastly different unit from its predecessor, first notably now walking on the ground. It has the ability to enhance Zerg base defenses, modify structures to defend themselves and extend or poison Creep. It can lay eggs, and it evolves over the course of the game, growing in size as it does so.

Only one Queen can be produced at a time, emerging directly from the Hatchery, requiring a Spawning Pool.

The Queen has powerful attacks but it is not a super unit or hero unit, and requires other units to help defend it against attacks.

The Queen is protected by light armor, at least in its Hatchery phase.


  • Burrow

Like many other Zerg ground units, the Queen can burrow.

  • Creep Tumor

The Queen can create a Creep producing node. The Creep Tumor can be upgraded at the Evolution Chamber into "shriekers".

  • Deep Tunnel

This ability enables the Queen to "teleport" underground.

  • Regeneration

The Queen can enhance the regeneration speed of Zerg structures.

  • Swarm Clutch

The Queen lays eggs which spawn when the Hive is attacked. They gain a range bonus from "shriekers".

  • Swarm Infestation

The Queen can alter any Zerg structure to grow an organic turret, which attacks enemy units.

  • Toxic Creep

This ability enables the Queen to "poison" a small area of Creep, injuring enemy units over that Creep.


Featured in some game builds; now has 4 scythes instead of 2.

Additional Notes

The Ultralisk features in current builds of StarCraft II. It made an appearance at the Game Developers Conference 2008. The new Ultralisk has four tusks. The image is still subject to change; it is not the final version.

The Ultralisk is capable of stepping over smaller units such as Zerglings and has the ability to attack multiple enemy units. It has evolved the ability to burrow and can use a special "head attack" which deals extra damage to structures.


New ability to mutate into suicidal "Banelings" that can roll across the terrain.

New Zerg Units

Here are totally different and new Zerg units that changes the Zerg 100%


This green rolling unit is mutated from the Zergling. It has a suicidal attack that deals about 40 damage.


Attacks air units and "corrupts" them rather than destroying them.

Infested Marine


Nydus Worm

Can be used to transport small units such as Zerglings underground.

Additional Notes

The Nydus Worm is a StarCraft II Zerg transport unit used to transport large numbers of small units, such as up to fifteen Zerglings.

It can transform itself into a Nydus Canal, at which point units can enter it and "accessed" from any Nydus Warren or other canal. After being loaded with units, it can also transform back into a Nydus Worm for transport.

The Nydus Worm works like a Ghost nuke; the player places a beacon, and a few seconds later the Nydus Worm pops up.

The Nydus Wrom is treated as an armored unit.


An evolution of the Overlord. Retains some of the Overlord's abilities.

The Overseer is a Zerg unit evolved from the Overlord.

The mutation gives it the ability to detect cloaked and burrowed units, along with an increased sight range. However, it loses the Overlord's Creep and Slime abilities.


Has a fast regeneration rate.

The Roach is a very fast moving unit with 90 hp which recovers health quickly. Sustained damage is required to effectively kill it.

Dustin Browder has confirmed that the roach has a melee attack. A bug in the game showed it as a ranged unit.

It is considered an armored unit.

A Roach Den is required for it to be spawned.

Swarm Guardian