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Chapter 3 - The Missing Servant

Goal: Comb St. Mystere for clues about Ramon's disappearance.

Dahlia's Room

Tap the Picture Frame on the right side of the screen. Layton says the picture is of Ingrid, Matthew, Baby Flora, and Dahlia. He decides to ask Lady Dahlia about it later. Leave the room.

Manor Parlor

Talk to Inspector Chelmey and he'll present Puzzle 029.

Talk to Lady Dahlia. Professor Layton asks her about the photo, but she says the woman pictured is someone else. Who could look so much like Lady Dahlia?

Head downstairs.

Manor Foyer

Talk to Matthew. He tells you about Baron Reinhold's first wife Violet, who looks exactly like Lady Dahlia. There is no relation between the two women; the Baron just happened to show up with Lady Dahlia one day.

Professor Layton decides to investigate this mystery further.

Head outside.

Reinhold Manor

Tap Claudia. She runs off, but leaves a pair of glasses behind. The glasses belonged to Simon! Professor Layton takes them to Inspector Chelmey. Chelmey's face shows his surprise at seeing the glasses, but he insists that the glasses must have fallen off of Simon's body during transport.

Chelmey tells Layton to stop meddling and sends him on his way. Head to the Manor Border.

Manor Border

Talk to Agnes to ask her about Ramon and trigger Puzzle 030.

She hasn't seen Ramon. Go to Manor Road.

Manor Road

Talk to Marco to ask about Ramon. Talk to him again and he'll give you Puzzle 031 to solve.

Stop at the General Store before moving on.

General Store

Tap on the Candy Jars to find Puzzle 032.

Tap on the Candle for Puzzle 033.

Move on to the Plaza.


The Journal "Beyond the Clock Tower" appears in the Menu.

Talk to Percy to ask about Ramon. If you talk to him a second time he'll give you Puzzle 34 to solve.

Visit Town Hall and Granny R's House of Puzzles.

Town Hall

Talk to Rodney twice to trigger Puzzle 044.

Leave Town Hall and Tap on the door to the House of Puzzles.

Granny R's

Hint Coins
In the Bucket
At the top of the Skinny Chimney
In the Bush by the Shack

Tapping on the door to the House of Puzzles will trigger Puzzle 058. The door will open only after this puzzle is solved.

Inside, talk to Granny Riddleton to learn how the House of Puzzles works.

Head outside and move onto Park Road.

Park Road

Upon entering Park Road, a loud noise shakes the screen. Pauly angrily complains about the increase of noise from the Tower. Why is the Tower making so much noise?


Crouton has lost one of his measuring cups again. Talk to him to help him solve his problem in Puzzle 024.

Return to the Plaza.


Professor Layton and Luke need to get through the Clock Tower, but Deke is blocking the way. Talk to him and he'll inform you that you need to have solved at least 12 puzzles to pass. No problem. However, you also have to solve Puzzle 035 to pass.

With the completion of this puzzle, the Clock Tower opens and two Journal Entries appear titled "St. Mystere's Puzzle Obsession" and "The North Side of St. Mystere."