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This is the last part of Portal. Once you complete this, you may get the heartbreaker achievement.

Getting to the top

You will find the radio in the non-lethal goo, on the opposite side as where you entered. You can leave it wherever while you travel upwards. After you’ve gotten to the green generators, place one color portal on that level. Now travel down by walking and falling, grab the radio, and place the other portal so you can take it directly there. Bring it to the generators.
Portal to the other side of the drain.

Get past the sewers and at the end you see a wall with a drawn arrow, pointing to a drain you can portal through. Place one that looks close to the drain. Now just try to portal out of the gooey – but not lethal – water. Once you get to the surface, you hear an alarm and turrets will shoot you to death as some sudden intense music plays. If you need more time, drop back down into the drain area, and it will be easier to avoid most of the turrets.

Quickly put a portal behind them and put another near you (wall or floor, your choice). Then take them out one by one, portaling into each’s room. Some you may be able to place a portal underneath and save yourself the trouble of getting there yourself.

Preparing to start flinging.

Once you take out all of the turrets, look up and notice that above the second-highest room, there appears to be another platform. That is your goal. Find the turret that's on the highest floor. You will not be able to put a portal on the cover of that room from ground level, so put a portal in that alcove, and another nearby to get yourself there. Once in that location, scan the room for a slanted wall (across from your position). Once you find it, put a portal on top of it.

Place your portal as you fly.
The final fling portals that get you up here.

Now it’s time for some fun flinging. Fall down and place the other portal so you whiz through it. You will not be able to land on the highest slanted door in one fling, but you can easily put a portal on it in the first pass. If that was the opposite color of the ground portal, your ground portal was right against the wall, and you look into it, it is possible that you’ll continue your fling all the way to the high platform. If not, simply place a portal below you. You’ll come out of the high portal and fall to the ground, so place one on the ground before you hit, and that will be enough momentum.

To the boss

Finally, a nice easy task!

Now quickly go behind the turrets as they will be delivered to kill you, then take out the two turrets. Placing a portal under them works if you didn't manage to get behind them. Now you have to jump your way up a hole. Put a portal somewhere on your ground level of the hole, and put another on the floor of the main room. Now jump on the portal and you may find that it is enough to build your way up the hole.

Now just aim yourself to the next platform and then follow a catwalk followed by some doors you just need to open.


10 Gamerscore points
Complete Portal.
About to incinerate the first core.

Now you get to battle the boss: GlaDOS.

After her talking, put the core near the incinerator. Put a portal near this point, and another near the room with the button. Press the button, and quickly put the core in the incinerator.

GlaDOS explains that the core you just destroyed was a recent morality core that stops her from filling Aperture laboratories with neurotoxin and other deadly gasses. Within the six minutes GlaDOS contaminates the facility, you need to finish her off and dodge the rockets. The computer has the advantage, since you can't shoot her cores out with the portal gun.

Make the rocket aim at GLaDOS through a portal.
If you want a quick kill, you can use a live turret within the combat arena to knock out all four cores. Put yourself between the turret and GLaDOS, and let the turret shoot at you briefly, hitting GLaDOS in the process.

However, you can redirect rockets back at the core. Shoot a portal to a wall, and a second portal that gives a direct line of fire between the turret and GlaDOS (the floor under GlaDOS is a good place for this portal). When you stand in front of the first portal, the turret should obtain a lock. Dodge the rocket, and it will hit GlaDOS.

The next core is on a pipe. Portal to the core and incinerate it with the same method as the previous core. The following two cores are on the glass platform above, and in mid-air, respectively. The one in mid-air you must either run into or grab as you're falling. Torch them and win the game.