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You begin in the defendant's lobby. Athena seems to be very nervous, it being her first trial. You know the best way to solve this problem, and you do the 'Chords of steel' workout together. Phoenix Wright is there too, he came to get his attorney's badge back! He also tells you about the prosecutor of this case, Simon Blackquill, also known as the 'Twisted Samurai'. He apparently uses the 'power of suggestion' to make defendants confess. He also says he'll cut you down if you talk to much, must be a scary guy.

Trial Begins

The prosecutor doesn't seem to be here yet, the reason being he is still being escorted from prison. When he enters the courtroom, he has his back turned to the judge. When he turns around, he's already got the judge scared! He claims the opening statements to be pointless. The judge insists it's important to have an overview to the case. Using the power of suggestion, Blackquill manages to get the judge to make the opening statement! After this, Bobby Fulbright takes the stand. He seems to be the only one that isn't intimidated by Blackquill.

Fulbright's Testimony: About the Murder

Fulbright's Testimony
- About the Murder -
  1. Alderman Kyubi was murdered with a spear that had been on the wall.
  2. The fingerprints of the defendant, Damian Tenma, were found on the murder weapon.
  3. At the time, Alderman Kyubi was asleep from a drug he unwittingly ingested.
  4. Mayor Tenma attacked his helpless victim, impaling him like a human shish kebob!
  5. But the sudden pain jolted the victim awake, and he grabbed a statue and struck back!

Fulbright gives you Kyubi's Autopsy Report to prove that the victim was drugged. The prosecution believes the victim was so strong that he could attack the defendant even after he was drugged and impaled with the spear. This seems pretty unlikely to you. Though when you bring this up, you already get threatened by Blackquill. He mentions the rumors about Damian, and has the judge already leaning towards a guilty verdict. The statue is believed to have been used to attack the Mayor, because his blood was found on it, though no fingerprints were found. The Fox and Demon Statue is updated in the court record.

Cross-Examination: About the Murder

Present the Fox and Demon Statue on the fifth statement. When asked what is odd about the detective's statue theory, choose there are no fingerprints. The alderman wasn't using gloves in the crime scene photo, which is of course strange if there are no fingerprints on the weapon he supposedly used. At first you think this is a major breakthrough, proving the existence of a third party, but when Blackquill is asked to explain When asked how the cloth was used, he tells you the blood on the green cloth actually belongs to Demian Tenma. Blackquill asks you to think for yourself. Given that the mayor was attacked, and his blood was on the statue without fingerprints and cloth, the cloth must haven been used to wrap the statue.

You realize you have closed the hole for the prosecution, and the Fox and Demon Statue gets updated once again. At first it looks like there couldn't have been a third person, but anyone could've used the cloth to hide any fingerprints. You suggest that the feathers and bloodtracks are a fabrication by that third person, but you cannot provide an explanation. Blackquill, however, tells Fulbright to testify about the reason behind the feathers and bloodtracks.

Fulbright's Testimony: Feathers and Tracks

Fulbright's Testimony
- Feathers and Tracks -
  1. This entire case centers on one man's attempt to crush opposition to the municipal merger!
  2. Mayor Tenma panicked when The Amazing Nine-Tails helped embolden the protesters.
  3. So he stoked the villagers' fears by fabricating a monster!
  4. The strange feathers and tracks he planted made it look like a yokai was the killer.

Mayor Tenma is the only suspect now, so you claim that the person in the Tenma Taro suit at the special event is just as suspicious. Blackquill says that the feathers were merely red herrings to make the police think it was the person in the Tenma Taro suit. Damian Tenma wanted to deflect the blame from himself but was knocked unconscious and was caught at the crime scene.

Cross-Examination: Feathers and Tracks

Press on the fourth statement. You ask for a motive for the murder. Blackquill decides to reveal the Amazing Nine-Tails's real identity. He says the discovery of the alderman being part of the anti-merger movement was the motive for the murder, and to back up his claim he has the blackmail letter. It makes no sense at first, but the letter was found in Kyubi's pocket! His wife is in the hospital, making the blackmail letter look like it was sent from Mayor Tenma! The Blackmail Letter is added to the Court Record. Fulbright claims the alderman was killed before the evidence was planted. You ask to add this statement to his testimony.

  • Mayor Tenma killed the sleeping alderman after planting the feathers and tracks.

Present the Crime Photo on this statement. The evidence was obviously planted after the murder, and to prove this, present the bloodtracks in the photo. However, Mayor Tenma was knocked unconscious after the murder, and could not have planted the evidence. This finally proves the existence of the third person! To support your claim you tell the court about Jinxie's testimony about seeing Tenma Taro, though your credibility isn't very high at first. After it seems you've proven that a third person in a Tenma Taro suit was there, Blackquill says that if he really went to the foyer, he would be seen by Filch and L'Belle. This seems a littly fishy, so you call Phineas Filch to the witness stand.

Filch's Testimony: Guarding the Foyer

Filch's Testimony
- Guarding the Foyer -
  1. At the time of the murder I was on guard duty in the foyer, just like Mr. Kyubi's asked.
  2. I was making sure no one -- fair, foul, fishy, or otherwise -- could get to our guest.
  3. I was still in my office keeping a good watch when the murder happened after 3 PM.
  4. But I didn't see nothing outta the ordinary, no siree!

When Filch tells you he doesn't believe in the superstitions, your bracelet starts reacting. Just when you are about to perceive what he's hiding, you get attacked by a hawk! You can't use your bracelet like this! The judge also wants the bird out of the courtroom, but Taka lands on his head and has no choice but to allow it. Looks like you'll have to do this the old-fashioned way.

Cross-Examination: Guarding the Foyer

Present the TV Listings on the fourth statement. Yesterday he himself said that he was watching the wrestling match. Filch then claims to have seen the match while watching the foyer.Present the Foyer Diagram to prove he's lying. This should prove that there was a time where Filch could have missed seeing Tenma Taro, but then your hear Blackquill's "Objection!", and you know he always has a way to explain the contradiction. He now says Filch wasn't WATCHING the foyer at that time, but he could still hear someone pass by. He's obviously still hiding something.

Filch's Testimony: Ears Working Overtime

Filch's Testimony
- Ears Working Overtime -
  1. It's true, I was watching a pro wrestling match on the office TV.
  2. My eyes mighta been slacking off, but my ears? They were working overtime.
  3. The floor there's all creaky squeaky-like. No way I woulda missed someone walking by.
  4. So ya see, there weren't no Tenma Taro in the foyer.

Cross-Examination: Ears Working Overtime

Press the third statement. Filch says he would hear the sound of his staff. The judge asks you if this information is vital. Select that this informaton is very important.

  • If Tenma Taro was to pass by, his staff woulda gone jingle jangle.

Present the Yokai Legend Scroll on this statement. Filch automatically assumed Tenma Taro would have a staff, but there isn't one visible in the scroll. The only person that mentioned a staff was Jinxie. The reason he assumed this was the case was because He actually saw Tenma Taro. It is now very clear that Filch saw Tenma Taro, but he still doesn't want to admit it. You are reminded of the village superstitions. They say if you gaze upon Tenma Taro you must not talk about it, otherwise your soul will be claimed. The Village Superstitions are added to the Court Record.

This clears up that the person in the Tenma Taro suit is the real killer, and took advantage of the superstitions, because nobody would talk about having seen Tenma Taro this way. Filch is scared away by Taka, and you have finally proven the existence of the third person disguised as Tenma Taro! Blackquill is so upset that he breaks his shackles and throws a blade at you! Fortunately he's not "in the mood to kill unarmed cowards".

There is still a mystery remaining. Jinxie claims to have seen Tenma Taro in the hallway after having seen the murder scene, but at the murder scene she didn't see the yokai. The judge announces a 10-minute recess, which gets reduces to a 3-minute recess thanks to Blackquill's threat. After this, Jinxie is called to the witness stand to testify.

Jinxie's Testimony: What Jinxie Saw

Jinxie's Testimony
- What Jinxie Saw -
  1. Did I see Tenma Taro in the Fox Chamber?
  2. Well, when I opened the door... *shiver* I saw... I saw... Yes! Now I remember!
  3. Y-Y-Yokai! Yokai! Right there in that room!

After this extremely vague and unreliable testimony, Athena proposes to do a psychological therapy session with her. She's obviously overcome with emotions.

Mood Matrix: Jinxie Tenma

Mood Matrix: Jinxie
Noise Level: 100%
1. Did I see Tenma Taro in the Fox Chamber?
2. Well, when I opened the door... *shiver* I saw... I saw...
3. Yes! Now I remember!
4. Y-Y-Yokai! Yokai! Right there in that room!

Jinxie has an out-of-control emotion, and you need to figure out the cause of it. Probe the Cat Monster on a Wheel of Fire. Jinxie mistook the an object in the room for a yokai. Present the light fixture. All the other yokai are also explained, and her noise level reduces to 50%. This proves that she didn't actually see Tenma Taro. This is looking very bad, but there is still some discord left in her voice.

Mood Matrix: Jinxie Tenma

Mood Matrix: Jinxie
Noise Level: 50%
1. Did I see Tenma Taro in the Fox Chamber?
2. I was so scared when I entered the room...
3. legs gave out and I fell to the floor.
4. There in the Fox Chamber I saw... *shiver*
5. ...the alderman dead on a table and papa collapsed in a chair.
6. Nobody else was there! And that includes Tenma Taro!

Pinpoint sadness on the third statement. Jinxie felt a sudden burst of courage when she fell to the floor because she was reminded of her mother. Present the Nine-Tails Flower to show where this courage came from. Jinxie shows a coin that has the image of said flower on it. Upon closer investigation, the coin seems to be a key. Specifically, the master key that belonged to the alderman.

Present the hallway door. When asked the reason the hallway door was locked, choose the perp locked it from outside. When asked how the master key could be inside despite the room being locked, choose threw it in from outside. Present the air duct. Present the Special Edition Paper.