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The episode begins with a simple, yet meaningful cutscene. A bloody, young Athena is seen near a bloody katana. A young Simon Blackquill is shown swinging the blade of that katana repeatedly. Blood spills all over the ground and is seen dripping from the katana. The scene switches to Apollo Justice inside of the exploded courtroom, clenching his fist, and staring into the bright sky, as a small gust of wind blows his jacket and bandages.

Wright's Anything Agency

Athena was taken straight from the courtroom to the police station for questioning. The lighter they found made Starbuck innocent, but in exchange, made Athena guilty. Phoenix decides to go outside and hunt for evidence. Before they leave, Phoenix deposits a handful of evidence from the last case that is now irrelevant. Move to Entrance.


As you walk to the Space Center, you see Yuri Cosmos. But he's not happy to see you and zooms away on his scooter. There's no one else here to question. Move to Boarding Lounge.

Boarding Lounge

In there, you see Starbuck. He went straight here after the trial ended. On the way here, he met Athena, who greeted him kindly even though she was obviously very sad. Starbuck knows she's innocent, and Phoenix lifts up his spirits by promising to prove her innocence. Talk to Starbuck.

  • About the murder: Starbuck is shaken up by what happened and still can't believe that the Launch Pad 1 was switched with the Space Museum.
  • The murderer: Starbuck can't remember anything about the murderer. But he remembers hearing that the police couldn't find a .10-caliber gun down the trash chute. Which means that the murderer brought it with them during their escape. Starbuck couldn't tell if the murderer was holding a gun due to only seeing its shadow and can't tell it's gender or height. The prosecution moved the launch pads to their locations during the crime to investigate. Phoenix asks Starbuck to open the door to Launch Pad 1.
  • Switching the launch pads: The launch pads used to be moved a lot, but it hasn't moved since they made the second launch pad into a tourist attraction. Starbuck unlocks the door for Phoenix and Trucy. You automatically move into the Space Museum corridor.

Examine the dead leaves. Trucy suggests it fell off of someone's shoes from the trees surrounding the Space Center, but Phoenix notes they don't like they had been stepped on. Examine The door lock. The door doesn't need to register fingerprints to open, so Starbuck and Clay didn't have to show their fingerprints when they entered the Boarding Lounge, and neither did the culprit when they escaped. The Launch Pad 1 Door Lock is updated in the Court Record. You automatically return to the Boarding Lounge.

Move to the Entrance.


You spot Yuri Cosmos again, who attempts to speed away. Trucy uses a knife throw on one of the scooter's tires. Cosmos reluctantly gives up his escape attempt. Talk to Yuri Cosmos.

  • Switching the launch pads: Phoenix recalls Cosmos refusing to answer when Phoenix had questioned him about switching the launch pads during the trial. Cosmos claims he has no secrets left, but the magatama says otherwise, revealing 3 Psyche-Locks. Use the magatama.

Yuri Cosmos's Psyche-Locks: Behind the Switching of the Launch Pads

Cosmos's Psyche-Locks: Behind the Switching of the Launch Pads
3 Locks

During his testimony, he had said his motive for switching the launch pads was To save the astronauts. Cosmos states the astronauts were ready to fly, and asks how he could have had the astronauts board the replica without them noticing. Phoenix proposes Cosmos had another person's help. Present Clay Terran's profile. Terran must have been the one to steal the anxiety medication from Solomon's locker before drugging his mentor and, along with the very dazed Solomon, boarded the fake rocket.

1 Psyche-Lock Broken

Phoenix asks why Cosmos didn't just call off the launch instead. Cosmos claims he would have if he could. Upon Phoenix asking how Cosmos he had known to switch the launch pads in the first place, Cosmos hesitantly mentions that he had been 'warned' via a phone call from his scooter. The bomber had started the threat by saying "It's been a while", which is all it took for Cosmos to know it was genuine. Phoenix wonders if there was a bombing before. Choose The HAT-1 Miracle. The HAT-1 Miracle was known world-wide as an epic tale of bravery, but in reality, it was an act of sabotage by the same culprit of the current case!

1 Psyche-Lock Broken

Cosmos admits to the HAT-1 Miracle being sabotaged, and how one member of his staff had died during it. Cosmos had been positive that the culprit from the HAT-1 Miracle had been caught, and that that case was solved. Wait, wasn't there a murder at the Space Center 7 years?! That's who Cosmos must have thought was the saboteur! Present Simon Blackquill's profile. Yuri Cosmos must have thought that Prosecutor Blackquill had caused the HAT-1 incident since he was the murder suspect had happened at the same time and place as the HAT-1 launch's sabotage. But Blackquill went to prison for that murder case, so if the culprit from the current case is the same one as the case from seven years ago, Blackquill could not have been the saboteur.

1 Psyche-Lock Broken

Unlock Successful

Talk to Cosmos again.

  • Switching the launch pads: Phoenix, now knowing that the truth of the HAT-1 Miracle and the murder from 7 years ago are why he had switched the launch pad, demands that Cosmos reveal what he's hiding. Cosmos recounts the incident from 7 years ago, where the ship started showing problems after it had launched, a valuable piece of moon rock had been stolen, and a member of the Space Center's staff was murdered, despite extremely strict security. The only thing Cosmos knows about the person is what they are- a spy.
  • The spy: The race to space between the nations are intense, and some nations are not above sabotage. Cosmos had received a call before the HAT-1 launch, very similar to the threat Cosmos had received for the current bombing. Cosmos regrets thinking that the real perpetrator of the incident was caught despite the massive cover up the government had done. The government didn't want word getting out that they had let a spy cause so much damage, so they rushed the investigation and changed the story from a planned sabotage to a miracle. Cosmos, remembering what had happen 7 years ago, had switched the launch pads when he had received a bomb threat extremely similar to the one received before the incident 7 years ago.
  • Just like seven years ago: The caller of the bomb threat in the current case had known details of the case that the public couldn't have known because of the cover up. Cosmos had tried to call off the launch, but the government didn't allow it. Cosmos knew the danger was very real, and that it would be impossible to prevent the bombing, so he staged the rescue scene with the help of several staff members such as Clay Terran, and purposefully left out Starbuck out of the plan. The plan went well until Clay was murdered, and Cosmos laments on Clay's death, the loss of the HAT-2, and 'the Hope capsule being destroyed in the blast'. But wasn't it found at the scene of the crime, completely unharmed?
  • The "Hope" Capsule: Phoenix ask what Cosmos meant by the capsule being destroyed, recalling it being kept as evidence by the police. Cosmos clarifies that it wasn't the HAT-2 blast that destroyed the sample, but the courtroom bombing that occurred during Starbuck's trial. Cosmos thinks that the culprit knew that he had switched the pads, since the police had found a wire tapping device on Cosmos's phone that he had used to give instructions to the staff members included in the plan, and is sure the culprit is the same as the culprit from 7 years ago. Phoenix realizes the spy from the case from 7 years ago must be the 'phantom' Prosecutor Blackquill has been looking for, and if they find the 'phantom', they can prove Athena's innocence, and maybe Blackquill's in the process.

Cosmos spins away in a frenzy, twirling back temporarily to tell Phoenix that the Space Museum has a HAT-1 exhibit before going into orbit again.

Move to the Space Museum.

Space Museum

Phoenix inspects the HAT-1 Exhibit, taking another look at the group photo, a news paper article about HAT-1, and a HAT-1 team's uniform jacket that had actually belonged to one of the staff. HAT-1 Exhibit is added to the Court Record.

Phoenix notices someone else is in the room, and to everyone's surprise, it's Juniper Woods! Juniper came because she had heard about Athena's arrest, and mentions that it must've been hard for Athena to even be at the Space Center again. Phoenix asks why, and Juniper says that that Athena had lived there when she was younger. Talk to Juniper.

  • Athena and the Space Center: Athena's mom was a doctor of psychology, and used to live at the Space Center along with Athena. Phoenix wonders why Athena hadn't mentioned it, and Juniper says Athena had a very sad memory of the place.
  • Sad memory: 7 years ago, in the robotics lab, Athena's mom was murdered. Juniper didn't see Athena again until Professor Courte's case, and was shocked at how different Athena was.
  • Young Athena: Athena was very quiet as a child, and she rarely went outside due to being overwhelmed by hearing people's emotions in crowded areas, causing Athena's mother to make Athena special headphones as part of Athena's mother's research. Trucy suggests that Phoenix show Juniper 'that picture'. Present the HAT-1 Exhibit. Juniper says that the woman on the right is Athena's mother. Phoenix asks Juniper if Athena's mother's murder had anything to do with the HAT-1 launch, and Juniper says the murder had occurred the day before the launch. You automatically move to the detention center.

Detention Center

Before you talk to Athena, Detective Fullbright appears and tells you he's about to interview Ted Tonate, who had decided to tell the truth about the courtroom bombing. Fullbright invites Phoenix to stay and listen to the interview. Ted Tonate enters, and claims he wasn't the one who blew up the courtroom, but that someone else was in the room when he murdered Detective Arme, and that this person stole the remote switch to the bomb. No Psyche-Locks appear, so he must be telling the truth. The police are investigating Tonate's statement, going so far as to dismantle what's left of the bomb itself. Phony Phanty Bomb is added to the Court Record. Tonate leaves to be questioned by Blackquill, and Fullbright leaves to question Athena. With no reason to stay, Move to the Robotics Lab.

Robotics Lab

Before Phoenix can even begin investigating, he notices Apollo speaking to Aura Blackquill about a bag planned to carry a capsule. What could they being talking about? Aura notices Phoenix, and Apollo has mixed feelings at seeing Phoenix and Trucy. Aura tells Phoenix that Apollo is busy investigating on his own, and Phoenix explains that that is why he was there as well, and Aura says Phoenix needs her permission before looking around her lab. Talk to Aura.

  • About what happened: Aura heard about how Starbuck got freed with Athena getting arrested in his place. Aura asks if Phoenix will defend Athena in court. Phoenix says yes, and Aura says that Athena is very suspicious before asking Apollo if he thinks so. Apollo only responds that he doesn't know yet, and Phoenix and Tracy are shocked to see Apollo suspecting Athena. Aura continues to tease Phoenix, claiming Clonco is possessed by Clay's ghost when Clonco mistakenly calls Apollo 'Mr. Terran', and asks 'Mr. Terran' (Apollo) if he is sick. Phoenix says that he will still defend Athena despite anything Aura says. Aura tells Phoenix that he will lose sight of the truth, just like 7 years ago.
  • Seven years ago: Phoenix asks about the incident from 7 years ago, and Aura dodges the question until Apollo says he wants to hear about the incident as well. Aura tries to have Clonco tell the story, but when Clonco says that it's private information, Aura shoves a scientific looking tool into Clonco's head, making Clonco act different. Clonco says that all the bodies of robots that come into the lab are designed by Aura, and that their hearts are designed by Metis Cykes. Aura hits Clonco, and Clonco returns to normal. Aura looks toward her desk at a picture of Dr. Cykes, saying that no one could continue Metis's work after she died, and that the two Navigation Companions are all that's left of her. Apollo says that Dr. Cykes almost loved the robots as much as she loved Athena and Aura. Aura says that she and Apollo are the same when it comes to losing someone close to their hearts.
  • Clonco and Ponco: Trucy says Aura should treat Clonco better, but Aura explains that the robots can't feel pain and she can just rebuild their bodies if they get damaged, since their 'emotions' are kept on a separate mainframe. Aura asks why Phoenix is looking into an incident so old, and Phoenix says that the culprit of that case is most likely the same as the current one. Aura reminds Phoenix that Simon Blackquill was the culprit in the case from 7 years ago, and Phoenix says he's not sure if Simon did it.
  • Dr. Cykes and Simon: Simon went to Dr. Cykes because he wanted to learn about psychology so he could do better in court, and Aura notes that Simon's relationship with Dr. Cykes was more like how a samurai would treat their sovereign than a student would treat their teacher. Aura says that Athena and Simon got along, and before talking rudely about Athena, and Phoenix is beginning to understand why Athena had been silent when she and Phoenix ran into Aura the day before.

Aura mumbles about a conclusion she's come to if the culprit behind the two case is the same. Phoenix asks what she means, but she says it's none of his business, and that if Phoenix doesn't have a search warrant, he needs to leave. Faster than Phoneix could say "Objection!" Clonco very kicks Phoenix and Trucy out. You automatically move to the Entrance.


Both Phoenix and Trucy are worried about Apollo, and Trucy says she's going to keep an eye on him before leaving. Athena is still in questioning, so Phoenix decides to go back to the office. Move to the Wright Anything Agency.

Wright Anything Agency

Phoenix reminisces about his old mentor and how someone was always with him, when he notices a letter on the floor. It's from Maya Fey! (Returning Ace Attorney fans will remember the lover of Steel Samurai and burgers from the original trilogy!) Maya writes that she wants to visit but can't due to training. Phoenix wonders how the letter got there, when Pearl Fey appears (Another familiar face for returning Ace Attorney fans!) Talk to Pearl.

  • Pearls: Phoenix asks if Pearl traveled that far to deliver the letter. Pearl insists it wasn't any trouble, and that she's here for another reason.
  • Pearl's errand: Pearl tells Phoenix to read the post script of the letter, which says that she came to help clean since Phoenix is probably too busy to. Phoenix thanks her, and Pearl gets ready to work. Move to the Detention Center.

Detention Center

Phoenix walks in to see Aura and Simon Blackquill arguing. Simon mentions that Phoenix is there, and Aura storms out, yelling that she has another plan up her sleeve. Simon spends no time before talking to Phoenix about how Athena was in jail because of the evidence that saved Starbuck. Talk to Simon.

  • Seven years ago: Phoenix asks about 'the phantom of seven years past', and if Simon killed Dr. Cykes. Simon tries to get Phoenix to leave, but Phoenix quickly explains that the culprit of the case from 7 years ago could be the same as the current case's culprit. Simon says that he killed Dr. Cykes, before leaving. Luckily, Detective Fullbright is still there, and ready to answer questions about the old case. Talk to Fullbright.
  • The trial seven years ago: The police called the old case the UR-1 Incident. There were two decisive pieces if evidence against Simon, one of which being security footage that proved Simon was the only person who used the corridor to the robotics lab at the time of the crime. Phoenix asks if he can see the footage, but Fullbright doesn't have it with him. Seven-Year-Old Video is added to the Court Record. The other piece of evidence is a photo taken at the moment of the crime, which shows Simon facing away, holding a bloody katana. Katana is added to the Court Record. Fullbright explains that a reporter was at the Space Center for the HAT-1 launch, and the picture was one of the photos they took. Photo of the Crime is added to the Court Record. Fullbright accidentally mentions that Simon is getting more desperate as his execution date gets closer. Execution date?!
  • Execution date: Simon had been given the death sentence 7 years ago, and his execution date is tomorrow. Phoenix asks what would happen if the culprit from the current case is the same as the one from 7 years ago, and Fullbright says Simon would be executed under a false charge. Phoenix asks why Simon isn't fighting it at all, and Fullbright says that he's been uncooperative since he was convicted. Suddenly, Fullbright gets a phone call. The unexpected has happened- the robots at the Space Center have rebelled and taken the visitors as hostages, including Trucy! You automatically move to the Entrance.


There's riot police everywhere, and a bunch of people are swarmed around something. Phoenix hears Pearl's voice and rushes over. Clonco starts saying something before turning off. Clonco is now being controlled remotely by someone in the robotics lab. Clonco's face screen changes, and shows Trucy in the Space Museam! Trucy tries to give Phoenix information on the hostage taker's identity, but is cut off by the hostage taker themself. The voice controlling Clonco states their demands- "Bring me Clay Terran's murderer, Athena Cykes." Fullbright can't outright reject the demands for fear of the hostage's safety, so Fullbright asks Phoenix to buy some time while Fullbright contacts headquarters. The voice calls Athena 'princess' and Clonco 'Hunk of Junk'. There's only one person who says that- Aura Blackquill, which means Phoenix can use Simon Blackquill like a bargining chip! Phoenix tells Aura that she might be able to fix the outcome from the UR-1 Incident. Aura is now interested. Choose Retry it in Court. Aura gives Fullbright 1 hour to prepare a courtroom, saying she'll provide the prosecutor, and lets Phoenix investigate the crime scene under the watchful eye of Clonco, with Pearl tagging along. You automatically move to the robotics lab.

Robotics Lab

Phoenix wants to start investigating, but before he can, Clonco, back to his usual self, informs Phoenix of an 'important guest'. In walks Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix's childhood friend and his prosecuting rival, now the Chief Prosecutor. (Yet another familiar face from the original trilogy!) Talk to Edgeworth.

  • Miles Edgeworth: Aura chose Edgeworth to be the prosecutor for the 'retrial'. Edgeworth offers to share all the information he had gotten.
  • The UR-1 Incident: The victim was Dr. Metis Cykes, Athena's mother. She was found dead in the robotics lab 7 years ago. Edgeworth presents two crime scene photos, one showing the corpse of Metis Cykes laying on an operating table, and the other showing the other side of the room. Seven-Year-Old Photos is added to the Court Record. Edgeworth also shares the autopsy report. Metis's Autopsy Report is added to the Court Record. The murder weapon was a katana that belonged to Metis Cykes, and was found at the scene. The body was found by a staff member and two police officers who were there for the sabotage threat on the HAT-1 launch. Simon Blackquill was arrested a few hours later.
  • Simon Blackquill: Simon was quickly declared guilty due to pleading guilty and the security camera video and photo of the moment of the crime. Simon Blackquill never explained his motive, despite insisting that he did it. Edgeworth tries to tell Phoenix about the spy, but Phoenix explains that he already heard about it from Yuri Cosmos, and Edgeworth explains how Simon is suspected to be a spy, killing Dr. Cykes and sabotaging the launch to steal the moon rock. If Phoenix can prove the culprit of both sabotaging incidents are the same, Simon won't be executed. Edgeworth pledges to help anyway he can.

Examine the workbench. Pearl says it used to be a kitchen because of the 'food processor' in the crime scene photos. Edgeworth tells Pearl's that it isn't a food processor but the Hope capsule, which was scheduled to go on the Hope Space Probe, and the reason the 3 discoverers of the body went to the lab in the first place. That reminds Phoenix of the discussion Apollo was having with Aura earlier that day about a bag to carry a capsule. Phoenix asks about if Edgeworth knows about it, and Edgeworth explains that the bag was custom made and shock resistant. "Hope" Capsule is updated in the Court Record. Examine the giant robot. Edgeworth says said that the Hope space probe was being built there 7 years ago, which you can see in the newspaper photo. Upon comparing the newspaper photo and the crime scene photo, Edgeworth notes that the moon rock is absent from the crime scene photo, the spy probably stole it after the murder. The government thinks Blackquill is this spy. Slide to the left. Examine Aura's desk. A photo of Dr. Cykes is on the desk. Phoenix asks Clonco what Aura was like seven years ago. Clonco says that Aura became severely depressed and lashed out at others around her, before slowly changing into who she is now. Edgeworth points out a paper on Dr. Cykes and Aura's research, which talks about how the robots have a heartbeat detection system, facial recognition software, and vocal tone recognition. Robots with a Heart is added to the Court Record. Examine the emergency ladder. The emergency ladder must have been the one Aura used during the evacuation. Emergency Ladder is added to the Court Record. Examine the operating table or the device above the operating table. Pearl presses a a button on the side of the table and the device above the operating starts to move, and Edgeworth identifies it as a robot assembly device.

The examination finishes, and Edgeworth asks Phoenix if he has any ideas, and Phoenix says he'll pull it off, especially since Edgeworth himself had asked Phoneix to prove Blackquill's innocence while Phoenix didn't have his badge yet. You automatically talk to Edgeworth.

  • Edgeworth's request: Phoenix had returned to law because of the Blackquill case. Edgeworth had asked Phoenix to keep an eye on Blackquill, even though Phoenix wasn't a lawyer again. Edgeworth says Blackquill is connected to the dark age of law just like Phoenix is, and Phoenix agrees to hasten his return, ready to end the dark age of law.
  • The dark age of the law: 8 years ago, Phoenix Wright was 'caught' fabricating evidence, and soon after, Simon Blackquill was convicted of murder. That caused media to paint a bad picture of the courts, tainting the public's opinion, and the legal works itself started to succumb. Edgeworth asks if Phoenix knows who the hostage taker is, and Phoenix says it has to be Aura Blackquill. Edgeworth reinforces the importance of finding Simon innocent. Phoenix wants to talk to Athena, and Clonco accompanies him. You automatically move to the detention center.

Detention Center

Athena has been expecting Phoenix, since she knew he had to interview the defendant eventually. Phoenix corrects her by saying that it's because she is his friend, and that he was worried. Phoenix says Juniper is worried too, and that Juniper told him about Athena's past. Athena apologizes for not telling Phoenix, and agrees to answer any questions Phoenix has. Talk to Athena.

  • The day of the crime: Athena had gone to the Space Museum the day before the HAT-2 was supposed to launch, because she wanted to face her past. Athena had gone to see her mother's jacket, but the sight of it caused the memories to resurface, and she passed out. When she regained consciousness, she was behind the rocket, and she went into Boarding Lounge 2, but after that her memory is fuzzy to the point that she didn't know how she got home.
  • Your mother's work: Dr. Cykes was trying to make machines that could tell people's emotions by their tone of voice, so that when machines accompany humans in space, the robots could understand what the astronauts were feeling. Athena feels like her mother only cared about her because of her ability making her the perfect research subject. Phoenix says that he thinks Dr. Cykes didn't think of Athena that way, but Athena says the only things her mother left her were Widget and an earring that had been made from a real piece of moon rock. Moon Rock Earring is added to the Court Record.

Present Robots with a Heart Athena says she grew up around Ponco and Clonco. Since she didn't leave often, Athena didn't understand the difference between humans and robots, thinking that when robots could be bandaged, and after seeing Dr. Cykes fix the robots on the operating table, thought she herself could be fixed on the table if she was ever hurt.

  • Seven years ago: Phoenix explains that the person holding up the Space Center agreed to hold a retrial of the 7 year old case. Athena is excited that Simon might be free. Phoenix asks if Athena knew Simon, and Athena says that Simon used to be very kind, and that he was the reason she testified at his trial. Athena could hear Simon's heart saying he didn't kill Dr. Cykes, but no one knew about her ability, so they didn't listen. The fact that she couldn't do anything stuck with Athena, even when she moved to Europe, until one day, she realized she couldn't give up, so she studied hard to become the strongest lawyer she could.
  • Why you became a lawyer: Athena became a lawyer to save Simon, to prove him innocent. Athena asks how Simon was during Phoenix's interview, and Phoenix realizes she doesn't know he's due to be executed tomorrow. Phoenix lies and says Simon was happy at the possibility of being proven innocent. Suddenly, Detective Fullbright bursts through the door, saying no courtrooms are available. Aura calls Phoenix using Trucy's phone, saying that the hour is up, and that she's going to kill Trucy. Just then, Phoenix remembers Maya's letter, where Maya had mistaken Phoenix for "holding a trial in the middle of an exploding courtroom". That's it! Phoenix tells Aura that they'll hold the trial in the remains of Courtroom No. 4, the courtroom the bombing occurred in. Aura then mentions that Phoenix won't be defending Simon, but Athena from the murder of Metis Cykes! Athena starts to worry that she did kill her mother, and 5 black Psyche-Locks appear! Did Athena really kill her own mother? You'll have to find out at the makeshift trial!