Final Fantasy VII/Accessories
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There are all sorts of accessories available in the game, and each bestows a different combat advantage. You'll want to get a hold of a wide selection so you can pick and choose between battle strategies.
Improving attributes[edit | edit source]
Accessory | Price | Effect | Location |
Protect vest | 3500 | Vit+10 | Buy in Rocket Town Win from Rufus |
Talisman | 4000 | Spi+10 | Buy in Gongaga Win from Sample:H0512 |
Power wrist | 7500 | Str+10 | Buy in Rocket Town Win from Bottomswell |
Earring | 7500 | Mag+10 | Buy in Rocket Town |
Choco feather | 10000 | Dex+10 | Buy in Wutai Win at the Gold Saucer Battle Square |
Amulet | 10000 | Luk+10 | Buy in Mideel |
Champion belt | 0 | Str+30, Vit+30 | Win at the Gold Saucer Battle Square |
Circlet | 0 | Mag+30, Spi+30 | Steal from Ultima Weapon, Snow, Ho-Chu |
Tough ring | 0 | Vit+50, Spi+50 | Steal from Reno |
Curse ring | 0 | Str+35, Mag+35, Dex+15, Vit+15, Spi+15, Luk+10, causes death sentence status |
Find in Mideel Steal from Ultima Weapon in Mideel |
Improving status[edit | edit source]
Accessory | Price | Effect | Location |
Sprint shoes | 500 | Causes haste status | Find at the Gold Saucer |
Fury ring | 5000 | Causes berserk status | Buy in Gongaga Win at Gold saucer Battle Square |
Protect ring | 9000 | Causes barrier and MBarrier statuses | Steal from Schizo Morph Mover |
Reflect ring | 12000 | Causes reflect status | Win from Jenova-Death Steal from Ultima Weapon |
Sneak glove | 130000 | Increases Steal success rate | Buy in Wall market |
Hypnocrown | 0 | Increases Manipulation success rate | Find in Coral Valley |
Protecting from status ailments[edit | edit source]
Accessory | Price | Effect | Location |
Silver glasses | 3000 | Prevents blind status | Buy in Junon, Gongaga Find in Junon |
Headband | 3000 | Prevents sleep status | Buy in Junon, Gongaga |
Star pendant | 4000 | Prevents poison status | Buy in Gongaga Win from MotorBall Find at Shinra H.Q., Mt.Corel |
White cape | 5000 | Prevents toad and mini statuses | Buy in Gongaga, Mideel Win from Jenova-Birth |
Fairy ring | 7000 | Prevents poison and blind statuses | Buy in Mideel Find in the Cave of Gi |
Jem ring | 7500 | Prevents petrify and paralyze statuses | Buy in Mideel Win from MateriaKeeper |
Peace ring | 7500 | Prevents berserk, fury, sadness and confusion statuses | Buy in Rocket Town Win from Rapps Find in Fort Condor |
Safety bit | 7500 | Prevents death, death-sentence, slownumb and petrify statuses | Buy in Rocket Town Find at Great Glacier Win at Gold Saucer Wonder Square |
Ribbon | 0 | Prevents all status ailments | Find in Gaea's Cliff, Temple of the Ancients Win at Gold Saucer Battle Square Morph Master Tonberry in the Northern Cave. |
Reducing damage[edit | edit source]
Accessory | Price | Effect | Location |
Fire ring | 8000 | Nullifies fire damage | Buy in Mideel Find in Costa Del Sol |
Ice ring | 8000 | Nullifies ice damage | Buy in Mideel Win from Chekhov |
Bolt ring | 8000 | Nullifies lightning damage | Buy in Mideel Find at the sleeping man near Junon |
Water ring | 10000 | Absorbs water damage | Find in Coral Valley Steal from Serpent, Acrophies |
Poison ring | 20000 | Absorbs poison damage | Find in Whirlwind Maze |
Tetra elemental | 0 | Absorbs fire, ice, lightning and earth damage | Find in Northern Cave Morph Cactuars on Cactus Island. |
Cat's bell | 0 | Recovers health by walking | Win at Gold Saucer Chocobo Square |