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Black magic users:

  • Rydia (Summoner)
  • Palom (Black mage)
  • Tellah (Sage; initially he uses random spells, later he learns all white & black magic at once)
  • Fusoya (Lunarian; starts with all white & black magic, but has low MP)

Spell types:

  • Field: spells that can be used outside battle;
  • Support: battle spells that target the allies;
  • Disable: battle spells that target the enemies but deal no damage;
  • Attack: battle spells that damage the enemies.

Spell list[edit | edit source]

Spell MP Type Target Effect Ry. Pa. Image
Warp 4 Field All Go to previous floor in a dungeon. L12 L29
Support/disable spells
Toad 7 Support/Disable All/one Cures or inflicts Toad status. L13 L22
Pig (Piggy) 1 Support/Disable All/one Cures or inflicts Pig status. L20 L11
Disabling spells
Sleep 12 Disable One Inflicts Sleep status. L08 L01
Stop 15 Disable One Enemy cannot act for a few turns. L15 L14
Osmose (Psych) 0 Disable One Drains MP and restores caster's MP. L31 L40
Attack spells 1: elemental
Blizzard (Ice1) 5 Attack All/one Deals minor ice damage L02 L01
Blizzara (Ice2) 15 Attack All/one Deals moderate ice damage Adult L11
Blizzaga (Ice3) 30 Attack All/one Deals major ice damage L38 L32
Thunder (Lit1) 5 Attack All/one Deals minor lightning damage L05 L01
Thundara (Lit2) 15 Attack All/one Deals moderate lightning damage Adult L13
Thundaga (Lit3) 30 Attack All/one Deals major lightning damage L45 L34
Fire (Fire1) 5 Attack All/one Deals minor fire damage Mt. Hobs L01
Fira (Fire2) 15 Attack All/one Deals moderate fire damage Adult L12
Firaga (Fire3) 30 Attack All/one Deals major fire damage L40 L33
Poison (Venom) 2 Attack One Poisons an enemy and inflicts non-elemental damage to them L10 L01
Bio (Virus) 20 Attack All/one Inflicts moderate, non-elemental damage and poisons L25 L19
Quake 30 Attack All Inflicts major earth-elemental damage. Misses floating enemies. L44 L23
Attack spells 2: instant-defeat
Break (Stone) 15 Attack One Instantly kills an enemy (petrify). L46 L36
Death (Fatal) 35 Attack One Instantly kills an enemy, fails on enemies immune to death. L49 L46
Attack spells 3: non-elemental
Drain 18 Attack One Drains HP and restores caster's HP. L35 L26
Tornado (Weak) 30 Attack One Reduces the HP of an enemy to single digits. L48 L48
Flare (Nuke) 50 Attack One A powerful non-elemental attack on one enemy. L50 L50
Meteor (Meteo) 99 Attack All Inflicts incredible non-elemental damage on all enemies. L60 L52 File:FF4 Meteo.jpg