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This is the list of characters within the game containing a brief description and their abilities. There are five different types of magic in the game: White, Black, Call, Ninja, and Twin. In total, there are 24 White spells, 24 Black spells, 16 Call spells, 6 Ninja spells, and 2 Twin spells.

Cecil[edit | edit source]

Dark Knight[edit | edit source]

The Dark Knight is a fighter class that uses dark swords. They combine physical power with impressive defense. However, they are mostly useless against the undead, and level up slowly.

In the 3D version only, his Spirit never increases as a Dark Knight.

  • Main weapons: Dark Swords, Dark Shields
  • Other weapons: None
  • Armor: Dark Armor
  • Magic: None
  • Abilities: Dark: A multi-target attack which attacks all enemies for non-elemental physical damage at the cost of 1/8th of his HP. (Unavailable in the North American SNES release named Final Fantasy II)
Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 10 Experience 3000
HP 200 MP 0
Strength 13 Right Hand: Dark Sword
Agility 10 Left Hand: Dark Shield
Vitality 11 Head: Dark Helm
Wisdom 6 Body: Dark Armor
Willpower 3 Arms: Dark Gloves

Paladin[edit | edit source]

After reaching a certain point in the story, Cecil begins again as a level 1 paladin, a fighter class with limited White Magic. This class starts strong, can use basic White Magic, and retains the strong offense and defense of the dark knight. His chief weakness is his limits as a magic user and his incompatibility with any of his old equipment.

  • Main weapons: Holy Swords, Swords, Shields
  • Other weapons: Axes, Bows, Daggers, and specific Staves
  • Armor: Hats, Helms, Clothes, Robes, Plates, Gloves, Rings
  • Magic: White
  • Abilities: Cover: Protects a given party member, taking damage in their place. Activates automatically if a party member is low on health. When taking damage this way, it is calculated as if Cecil is in their row, so less damage is taken when Covering members in the back row. This ability will fail either way when Cecil's health is low.
Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 1 Experience 0
HP 600 MP 10
Strength 10 Right Hand: Mythgraven Blade
Agility 13 Left Hand: -
Vitality 10 Head: -
Wisdom 5 Body: Clothing
Willpower 8 Arms: -
Level MP Name Effect
0 3 Cure Restores HP.
3 2 Sight Opens world map.
8 1 Libra Determines target's HP and weakness.
15 9 Cura Restores HP.
19 10 Teleport Warps party out of a dungeon or battle.
24 20 Esuna Cures all status effects except KO, Sap, Slow, Stop, Berserk, and Doom.

Kain[edit | edit source]

Kain is a dragoon assigned to assist Cecil at the start of the game. Like Cecil, he is a fighter class, and has strong physical offensive and defensive stats. His only ability is Jump.

  • Main weapons: Spears
  • Other weapons: Swords, Axes, Daggers
  • Armor: Hats, Helms, Clothes, Plates, Gloves, Rings
  • Magic: None
  • Abilities: Jump: Leap into the air for a turn, and attack, dealing increased damage if wielding a Spear.

Kain leaves and rejoins the party several times, each time starting at an increased level.

Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 10 32 53 Experience 2300 149657 ??
HP 190 1044 2419 MP 0 0 0
Strength 9 35 55 Right Hand: Iron Shield Mythril Shield Genji Shield
Agility 11 27 42 Left Hand: Spear Wind Spear Gungnir
Vitality 9 26 43 Head: Iron Helm Mythril Helm Genji Helm
Wisdom 6 8 10 Body: Iron Armor Mythril Armor Genji Armor
Willpower 12 22 31 Arms: Iron Gloves Mythril Gloves Genji Gloves

Rydia[edit | edit source]

Rydia is a caller from Myst. Out of fear from seeing her mother and village destroyed, she causes a massive earthquake, but becomes friendly once Cecil defends her from Baron guards. In the early game, she is a novice mage who can use both White and Black Magic. Later, she drops the White Magic for a powerful array of summons, and gains stronger Black Magic as well. Her chief weakness is her lack of any physical potential.

In the 3D versions of the game, Rydia will rejoin the party at level 30 if her level as a child was lower, otherwise she will rejoin at the level she left at.

  • Main weapons: Rods, Whips
  • Other weapons: Staves (Only as a child), Daggers, Bows
  • Armor: Hats, Clothes, Robes, Armlets, Rings
  • Magic: White (Only as a child), Black, Call
  • Abilities: None
Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 1 30 Experience 0 ??
HP 30 647 MP 10 231
Strength 3 16 Right Hand: Rod Whip
Agility 4 17 Left Hand: - -
Vitality 2 15 Head: Leather Cap -
Wisdom 8 31 Body: Leather Clothing Gaia Gear
Willpower 5 27 Arms: Iron Armlet Silver Armlet

White Magic[edit | edit source]

Young Rydia only
Level MP Name Effect
3 3 Cure Restores HP.
4 2 Sight Opens world map.
7 5 Hold Causes Paralyze.

Summon (Call) Magic[edit | edit source]

Obtain MP Name Effect
Default 7 Chocobo Deals moderate non-elemental damage to one enemy.
Dropped as Item 1 Goblin Deals weak non-elemental damage to one enemy.
Dropped as Item 12 Cockatrice Causes Petrify on one enemy and deals non-elemental damage.
Dropped as Item 15 Bomb Deals non-elemental damage equal to Rydia's HP.
Dropped as Item 18 Mindflayer Deals moderate non-elemental damage and inflicting Paralyze.
Default as an adult 20 Dragon Deals moderate non-elemental damage to all enemies.
Default as an adult 30 Shiva Deals moderate ice-elemental damage to all enemies.
Default as an adult 30 Ramuh Deals moderate lighting-elemental damage to all enemies.
Default as an adult 30 Ifrit Deals moderate fire-elemental damage to all enemies.
Default as an adult 40 Titan Deals moderate non-elemental damage to all enemies.
Defeat Asura 50 Asura Randomly casts Raise, Protect, or Curaga on the entire party.
Defeat Leviathan 50 Leviathan Deals heavy non-elemental damage to all enemies.
Inside Sylph Cave 20 Sylph Deals moderate non-elemental damage to a single target and healing the entire party for a moderate amount.
Defeat Odin 45 Odin Causes Death to all enemies.
Defeat Bahamut 60 Bahamut Deals massive non-elemental damage to all enemies.

Black Magic[edit | edit source]

Level MP Name Effect
2 5 Blizzard Causes ice damage.
- 5 Fire Causes fire damage. Obtained after events at Mount Hobs.
5 5 Thunder Causes lightning damage.
- 15 Blizzara Causes ice damage. Obtained automatically as an adult.
- 15 Fira Causes fire damage. Obtained automatically as an adult.
- 15 Thundara Causes lightning damage. Obtained automatically as an adult.
8 12 Sleep Causes Sleep.
10 2 Poison Causes Poison.
12 4 Warp Warps party back to previous floor.
13 7 Toad Causes Toad, or cures it.
15 15 Stop Causes Slow.
20 1 Pig Causes Pig, or cures it.
26 20 Bio Causes damage over time.
32 0 Osmose Absorbs MP.
36 18 Drain Absorbs HP. (In 3D versions, this is only available through an event)
39 30 Blizzaga Causes ice damage.
42 30 Firaga Causes fire damage.
45 30 Thundaga Causes lightning damage.
47 30 Quake Causes non-elemental damage that bypasses Reflect. (In 3D versions, this is only available through an event)
49 15 Break Causes Petrify.
51 25 Tornado Creates a tornado that reduces target HP to single digits.
52 35 Death Causes Death.
55 50 Flare Causes damage by combustion.
60 99 Meteor Calls forth a meteor that causes damage.

Tellah[edit | edit source]

Tellah is a sage who is capable of using most black and white magic spells. He also starts out with a fair amount of power, already being a very experienced fighter. However, due to his age, his Strength and Vitality will decrease and he will gain no MP as he levels up, which is not very often. Additionally, in the 2D versions, his Intellect and Spirit don't start increasing until level 40.

After the events at Mt. Ordeals he gains access to Meteor, but because he doesn't gain any MP as he levels up, he is never able to use it, unless the player uses a Soma Drop on him to increase his MP by 50.

  • Main weapons: Staves, Rods
  • Other weapons: None
  • Armor: Hats, Clothes, Robes, Armlets, Rings
  • Magic: White, Black
  • Abilities: Recall: Casts one of the following spells: (Unavailable in the North American SNES release named Final Fantasy II)
Recall Spells
% Name Effect
15 Fire Causes fire damage.
15 Blizzard Causes ice damage.
15 Thunder Causes lightning damage.
Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 20 21 Experience 54873 71127
HP 340 364 MP 90 90
Strength 5 4 Right Hand: Staff Staff
Agility 8 8 Left Hand: - -
Vitality 7 6 Head: - -
Wisdom 16 16 Body: Leather Clothing Gaia Gear
Willpower 16 16 Arms: - Iron Armlet

Black Magic[edit | edit source]

MP Name Effect
5 Blizzard Causes ice damage.
5 Fire Causes fire damage.
5 Thunder Causes lightning damage.
0 Osmose Absorbs MP.
Gained after Mt. Ordeals
MP Name Effect
7 Toad Causes Toad, or cures it.
1 Pig Causes Pig, or cures it.
4 Warp Warps party back to previous floor.
15 Blizzara Causes ice damage.
15 Fira Causes fire damage.
15 Thundara Causes lightning damage.
30 Blizzaga Causes ice damage.
30 Firaga Causes fire damage.
30 Thundaga Causes lightning damage.
20 Bio Causes damage over time.
25 Tornado Creates a tornado that reduces target HP to single digits.
15 Break Causes Petrify.
18 Drain Absorbs HP.
99 Meteor Calls forth a meteor that causes damage.

White Magic[edit | edit source]

MP Name Effect
9 Cura Restores HP.
10 Confuse Causes Confuse.
8 Blink Causes Blink.
20 Esuna Cures all status effects except KO, Sap, Slow, Stop, Berserk, and Doom.
8 Raise Revives KO'd ally with low HP.
10 Teleport Warps party out of a dungeon or battle.
Gained after Mt. Ordeals
MP Name Effect
5 Hold Causes Paralyze.
9 Protect Causes Protect.
10 Shell Causes Shell.
14 Slow Causes Slow.
25 Haste Causes Haste.
18 Berserk Causes Berserk.
30 Reflect Causes Reflect.
12 Dispel Removes all positive status effects as well as Berserk, Slow, Sap, and Stop.
1 Libra Determines target's HP and weakness.
3 Cure Restores HP.
18 Curaga Restores HP.
40 Curaja Restores HP.
52 Arise Revives KO'd ally with full HP.
6 Mini Causes Mini or cures it.
2 Sight Opens world map.
8 Float Causes Float.

Edward[edit | edit source]

Edward, also called Gilbert in the original version, features low stats across the board and lacks access to heavier equipment. However, his physical prowess is greater than that of a typical mage, while his various abilities can be useful in many battles. After level 70 Edward's attributes skyrocket.

Edward, the prince of Damcyan, was in love with Tellah's daughter, Anna. He joins the party when the castle gets bombed by the Red Wings.

  • Main weapons: Harps
  • Other weapons: Daggers, Bows
  • Armor: Hats, Clothes, Armlets, Rings
  • Magic: None
  • Abilities:
    • Sing: Plays songs to affect battle.
    • Hide: Hides from the battle. Automatically activates if low on HP.
    • Salve: Uses a potion and spreads the healing across the entire party. (Unavailable in the North American SNES release named Final Fantasy II)
Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 5 ?? Experience 388 ??
HP 60 ?? MP 0 ??
Strength 6 ?? Right Hand: Dream Harp ??
Agility 9 ?? Left Hand: - ??
Vitality 2 ?? Head: Feathered Cap ??
Wisdom 7 ?? Body: Bard's Tunic ??
Willpower 7 ?? Arms: Ruby Ring ??
Bard Songs
Name Effect
Lullaby Puts enemies to Sleep.
Silent Verse Silences enemies.
Alluring Air Confuses enemies.
Toadsong Turns enemies to Toads.

Rosa[edit | edit source]

Rosa is the game's most notable white mage, and eventually learns every White Magic spell in the game. She specializes in spells that support fellow party members, most notably by restoring HP. Although by no means a physical powerhouse, her bows also give her the ability to inflict some damage from the back row in a fight.

  • Main weapons: Bows
  • Other weapons: Staves
  • Armor: Hats, Clothes, Robes, Armlets, Rings
  • Magic: White
  • Abilities:
    • Aim: A 100% accurate attack, but only works with Bows.
    • Pray: Heals all party members HP with power equal to Cure for no cost, but doesn't always work. In the 3D version, Pray has a higher success rate. (Unavailable in the North American SNES release named Final Fantasy II and Final Fantasy IV: Easytype)
Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 10 31 Experience 2139 137319
HP 150 996 MP 80 264
Strength 8 25 Right Hand: Iron Arrows x50 -
Agility 8 17 Left Hand: Bow -
Vitality 6 19 Head: Leather Cap -
Wisdom 10 14 Body: Leather Clothing Prison Garb
Willpower 18 38 Arms: Iron Armlet -

White Magic[edit | edit source]

Level MP Name Effect
- 3 Cure Restores HP.
- 5 Hold Causes Paralyze.
- 1 Libra Determines target's HP and weakness.
- 14 Slow Causes Slow.
- 2 Sight Opens world map.
11 8 Raise Revives KO'd ally with low HP.
12 9 Protect Causes Protect.
13 9 Cura Restores HP.
15 6 Silence Causes Silence.
18 20 Esuna Cures all status effects except KO, Sap, Slow, Stop, Berserk, and Doom.
20 18 Berserk Causes Berserk.
23 8 Blink Causes Blink.
24 10 Confuse Causes Confuse.
- 10 Teleport Warps party out of a dungeon or battle (Available after events in Tower of Zot).
29 10 Shell Causes Shell.
30 18 Curaga Restores HP.
30 6 Mini Causes Mini or cures it.
31 12 Dispel Removes all positive status effects as well as Berserk, Slow, Sap, and Stop.
33 25 Haste Causes Haste.
35 8 Float Causes Float.
36 30 Reflect Causes Reflect.
38 40 Curaja Restores HP.
45 52 Arise Revives KO'd ally with full HP.
55 46 Holy Deals major holy-elemental damage.

Yang[edit | edit source]

As a monk, Yang has high HP and physical attributes. His regular attacks are strong, and his abilities only emphasize this fact. His chief weakness is his inability to use heavy equipment or any weapons that directly increase his power. Despite this, he is a capable physical fighter, albeit one that may require stronger items than Cecil. In all versions, his Intellect and Stamina never increase.

There is a bug concerning Yang's HP Growth in the SNES, and original Japanese and North American GBA versions, where his HP stops increasing at level 60. This was fixed in the European and the re-released Japanese GBA versions.

Being a monk, Yang cannot equip true weapons, only claws that can add elements or status effects to his attacks. Instead, his attack power is calculated using the following formula:

  • Main weapons: Claws
  • Other weapons: None
  • Armor: Hats, Clothes, Armlets, Rings
  • Magic: none
  • Abilities:
    • Power: Skips attacking until next turn and releases a double-strength attack. This is useful for enemies that counter when attacked, or for enemies with high defense. (Unavailable in the North American SNES release named Final Fantasy II')
    • Kick: Hits all enemies at once for slightly less damage than a regular attack.
    • Gird: Reduces physical damage more than a regular Defend. (Unavailable in the North American SNES release named Final Fantasy II)
Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 10 19 Experience ~2544 ??
HP 300 817 MP 0 0
Strength 12 21 Right Hand: Flame Claws -
Agility 8 13 Left Hand: - -
Vitality 15 24 Head: - -
Wisdom 2 2 Body: Leather Clothing Leather Clothing
Willpower 3 3 Arms: - -

Palom[edit | edit source]

Palom is a black mage with an emphasis on magic at the cost of physical strength. He works best in a team with his sister, Porom.

  • Main weapons: Rods
  • Other weapons: Bows
  • Armor: Hats, Clothes, Robes, Armlets, Rings
  • Magic: Black, Twin (Only with Porom in the party)
  • Abilities: Bluff: Increases Intelligence until the end of the next turn. (Unavailable in the North American SNES release named Final Fantasy II)

Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 10 ?? Experience 1957 ??
HP 100 ?? MP 50 ??
Strength 7 ?? Right Hand: - -
Agility 8 ?? Left Hand: Rod ??
Vitality 5 ?? Head: Feathered Cap ??
Wisdom 15 ?? Body: Leather Clothing ??
Willpower 10 ?? Arms: Iron Armlet ??

Black Magic[edit | edit source]

Level MP Name Effect
- 5 Blizzard Causes ice damage.
- 5 Fire Causes fire damage. Obtained after events at Mount Hobs.
- 5 Thunder Causes lightning damage.
- 12 Sleep Causes Sleep.
- 2 Poison Causes Poison.
11 1 Pig Causes Pig, or cures it.
11 15 Blizzara Causes ice damage.
12 15 Fira Causes fire damage.
13 15 Thundara Causes lightning damage.
19 20 Bio Causes damage over time.
22 7 Toad Causes Toad, or cures it.
26 18 Drain Absorbs HP.
29 4 Warp Warps party back to previous floor.
32 30 Blizzaga Causes ice damage.
33 30 Firaga Causes fire damage.
34 30 Thundaga Causes lightning damage.
46 35 Death Causes Death.
48 25 Tornado Creates a tornado that reduces target HP to single digits.
50 99 Meteor Calls forth a meteor that causes damage.
52 50 Flare Causes damage by combustion.

Porom[edit | edit source]

Porom is a white mage with an emphasis on magic at the cost of physical strength. She works best in a team with her brother, Palom.

  • Main weapons: Staves
  • Other weapons: Bows
  • Armor: Hats, Clothes, Robes, Armlets, Rings
  • Magic: White, Twin (Only with Palom in the party)
  • Abilities: Cry: Makes enemies easier to steal from, but is useless since Edge and Porom are never in the party at the same time. (Unavailable in the North American SNES release named Final Fantasy II)

Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 10 ?? Experience 1957 ??
HP 110 ?? MP 50 ??
Strength 8 ?? Right Hand: Staff -
Agility 7 ?? Left Hand: - -
Vitality 6 ?? Head: Feathered Cap -
Wisdom 10 ?? Body: Leather Clothing Leather Clothing
Willpower 15 ?? Arms: Iron Armlet -

White Magic[edit | edit source]

Level MP Name Effect
- 3 Cure Restores HP.
- 5 Hold Causes Paralyze.
- 1 Libra Determines target's HP and weakness.
- 14 Slow Causes Slow.
- 2 Sight Opens world map.
11 8 Raise Revives KO'd ally with low HP.
12 9 Protect Causes Protect.
13 9 Cura Restores HP.
15 6 Silence Causes Silence.
18 18 Berserk Causes Berserk.
19 10 Teleport Warps party out of a dungeon or battle.
20 20 Esuna Cures all status effects except KO, Sap, Slow, Stop, Berserk, and Doom.
23 8 Blink Causes Blink.
25 10 Confuse Causes Confuse.
31 12 Dispel Removes all positive status effects as well as Berserk, Slow, Sap, and Stop.
31 6 Mini Causes Mini or cures it.
33 18 Curaga Restores HP.
38 25 Haste Causes Haste.
40 8 Float Causes Float.
44 30 Reflect Causes Reflect.
48 40 Curaja Restores HP.
52 46 Holy Deals major holy-elemental damage.
56 52 Arise Revives KO'd ally with full HP.

Cid[edit | edit source]

Cid is a physical fighter with access to a variety of powerful weapons, though generally he cannot equip shields, due to hammers being two-handed weapons, and trades Agility for Strength and Vitality. In all versions of the game, his MP, Spirit, and Intellect never increase, giving him the worst magic attributes in the game, even compared to other non-magic users like Kain.

  • Main weapons: Hammers
  • Other weapons: Axes, Bows, Shields
  • Armor: Hats, Helms, Clothes, Plates, Gloves, Rings
  • Magic: none
  • Abilities: Peep: Functions identically to the White Magic spell Libra. In the 3D versions, he also has another ability, Upgrade, which lets Cid apply an attack item, such as a Red Fang, to his weapon, granting it the elemental property of the item.
Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 20 ?? Experience ?? ??
HP 788 ?? MP 0 0
Strength 21 ?? Right Hand: Wooden Hammer ??
Agility 9 ?? Left Hand: - -
Vitality 24 ?? Head: - ??
Wisdom 5 ?? Body: Prison Garb ??
Willpower 5 ?? Arms: - ??

Edge[edit | edit source]

Edge is a ninja that has the ability to wield two weapons at once. Though his armor is light and defenses are low, he makes up for it using his high attack power, speed, and evasion. Furthermore, his Ninja spells make him an adequate substitute for a black mage.

  • Main weapons: Katanas, Boomerangs, Shurikens
  • Other weapons: Daggers, Claws
  • Armor: Hats, Clothes, Armlets, Rings, Genji equipment, and specific Gloves
  • Magic: Ninja spells
  • Abilities:
    • Sneak: Steals an item from the enemy.
    • Throw: Throws an item at an enemy for increased damage.
Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 25 ?? Experience ?? ??
HP 790 ?? MP 60 ??
Strength 20 ?? Right Hand: Kunai ??
Agility 23 ?? Left Hand: Kunai ??
Vitality 17 ?? Head: Green Beret ??
Wisdom 12 ?? Body: Black Belt Gi ??
Willpower 12 ?? Arms: Mythril Gloves ??

Ninjutsu (Ninja)[edit | edit source]

Level MP Name Effect
- 15 Flame Causes fire-elemental damage to all enemies.
- 20 Flood Causes ice-elemental damage to all enemies. (Obtained after events at Tower of Babil.)
- 25 Blitz Causes lightning-elemental damage to all enemies. (Obtained after events at Tower of Babil.)
27 5 Shadowbind Causes Paralyze.
33 10 Smoke Escapes from battles.
38 6 Mirage Causes Blink on self.

Fusoya[edit | edit source]

Protector of the Lunarians, and brother to Kluya, the father of Cecil and Golbez, Fusoya is a sage, but is a mixed bag, even by the game's standards. On one hand, he has access to every White and Black magic spell in the game right away, well before any other characters are likely to have mastered even one of those categories. On the other hand, his attributes are unremarkable and, like Tellah, his MP is limited.

When levelling up, he will not gain any increases in stats besides HP until level 70.

  • Main weapons: Staves, Rods
  • Other weapons: Bows
  • Armor: Hats, Clothes, Robes, Armlets, Rings
  • Magic: White, Black
  • Abilities: Spirit Wave: Grants the party Regen, but leaves him unable to act for a short period of time. (Unavailable in the North American SNES release named Final Fantasy II)
Starting Stats and Equipment:
Level 50 Experience ??
HP 1900 MP 190
Strength 10 Right Hand: Aura Staff
Agility 20 Left Hand: -
Vitality 10 Head: Sage's Miter
Wisdom 40 Body: Luminous Robe
Willpower 40 Arms: Diamond Armlet

White Magic[edit | edit source]

MP Name Effect
3 Cure Restores HP.
5 Hold Causes Paralyze.
1 Libra Determines target's HP and weakness.
14 Slow Causes Slow.
2 Sight Opens world map.
8 Raise Revives KO'd ally with low HP.
9 Protect Causes Protect.
9 Cura Restores HP.
6 Silence Causes Silence.
20 Esuna Cures all status effects except KO, Sap, Slow, Stop, Berserk, and Doom.
18 Berserk Causes Berserk.
8 Blink Causes Blink.
10 Confuse Causes Confuse.
10 Teleport Warps party out of a dungeon or battle.
10 Shell Causes Shell.
18 Curaga Restores HP.
6 Mini Causes Mini or cures it.
12 Dispel Removes all positive status effects as well as Berserk, Slow, Sap, and Stop.
25 Haste Causes Haste.
8 Float Causes Float.
30 Reflect Causes Reflect.
40 Curaja Restores HP.
52 Arise Revives KO'd ally with full HP.
46 Holy Deals major holy-elemental damage.

Black Magic[edit | edit source]

MP Name Effect
5 Blizzard Causes ice damage.
5 Fire Causes fire damage.
5 Thunder Causes lightning damage.
15 Blizzara Causes ice damage.
15 Fira Causes fire damage.
15 Thundara Causes lightning damage.
12 Sleep Causes Sleep.
2 Poison Causes Poison.
4 Warp Warps party back to previous floor.
7 Toad Causes Toad, or cures it.
15 Stop Causes Slow.
1 Pig Causes Pig, or cures it.
20 Bio Causes damage over time.
0 Osmose Absorbs MP.
18 Drain Absorbs HP.
30 Blizzaga Causes ice damage.
30 Firaga Causes fire damage.
30 Thundaga Causes lightning damage.
30 Quake Causes non-elemental damage that bypasses Reflect.
15 Break Causes Petrify.
25 Tornado Creates a tornado that reduces target HP to single digits.
35 Death Causes Death.
50 Flare Causes damage by combustion.
99 Meteor Calls forth a meteor that causes damage.