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August 2010 | September 2010 | October 2010

Confirmation emailer error

I'm not able to confirm my email address.

Mailer returned: mailer error

I tried two different email accounts and checked the spam inboxes.--Anthonzi 04:46, 28 September 2010 (CDT)

Yeah, looks like the entire email notification system is down. I haven't received any watchlist emails from here since the server upgrade. Hopefully someone is fixing it at the moment, or I can contact someone who can fix it. Moydow T · C 07:33, 28 September 2010 (CDT)

Is there any movement on this email problem? I miss getting my watchlist emails. --Pelago 17:11, 15 October 2010 (CDT)

Fixed. -- Prod (Talk) 01:24, 16 October 2010 (CDT)