Professor Layton and the Curious Village/Chapter 1: Reinhold Manor Awaits

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Chapter 1: Reinhold Manor Awaits

Chapter Goal: Make your way to Reinhold Manor on the east side of town.

Talk to Percy (the guy looking at his watch) to trigger Puzzle 004. If you solve the puzzle, he shares some gossip about the Reinholds.

Tap the clock face on the Clock Tower to trigger Puzzle 005.

Check for Hint Coins:

In the Window of the house with the Smoking Chimney
In the Barrel in front of the House with Ivy
In the Trash Can on the far left

Leave the Plaza to the right to get to Manor Road.

Talk to Marco (the guy with the sunglasses) to trigger Puzzle 006. Once the puzzle is solved, Marco moves out of the street and allows you to pass.

Check for Hint Coins:

In the Pouch on the right
In the door-side Window of the Small House
In the Signboard outside the Store

Move North to the Manor Border.

In order to cross the river, talk to Ramon (the guy with the big lips). This triggers Puzzle 007.

Tap the flower patch lining the river to trigger Puzzle 008.

Check for Hint Coins:

In the Tree on the right
In the Steps leading up from the River
In the Hat on the Rowboat

Move across the River to Reinhold Manor. This concludes Chapter 1.

Between Chapter 1 and 2

Check for Hint Coins(3).

Tap on the Manor door to enter.

Matthew will automatically start talking. He asks you to solve Puzzle 009. Solve the puzzle to get access to the Manor Parlor.

Tap on the portraits along the right wall. The portraits are of the late Baron Reinhold and his daughter Flora. Matthew notices your interest in art and gives you an empty Painting Frame. He also gives you a painting scrap to start your collection.

Tap the middle of the bookcase to trigger Puzzle 010.

Check for Hint Coins(3).

Head upstairs. A cinema scene occurs as Professor and Lady Dahlia meet. Just as they are about to shake hands, a loud noise shakes the manor and startles Lady Dahlia's cat.

Check for Hint Coins (3).

Talk to Simon (the skinny guy) to trigger Puzzle 011.

Tap the chandelier above Gordon's head (the large guy) to trigger Puzzle 110.

Talk to Lady Dahlia or Matthew. Lady Dahlia is inconsolably distraught at the disappearance of her cat, Claudia. She blames Professor Layton for her escape and insists that he go find her. Layton promises to do so.

Thus begins Chapter 2.