Final Fantasy X/Walkthrough

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Template:Final Fantasy X Nav


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All information here can be found at - the original site by the TMURMS Writers, specifically Kyron.

  1. Zanarkand
    • Sinspawn Ammes - HP: 2400 - AP: 0
  2. Baaj Temple
    • Geosgaeno - HP: 32267 - AP: 0
    • Klikk - HP: 1500 (400) - AP: 5 (7)
  3. Al Bhed Ship
    • Tros - HP: 2200 (600) - AP: 8 (12)
  4. Besaid Island
    • Kimahri - HP: 750 (300) - AP: 3 (4)

Secrets and Sidequests

  1. Remiem Temple
  2. The Cloudy Mirror
  3. Secret World Map Locations

Hidden Dungeons & Temples



The Cave of the Stolen Fayth is the first and easiest optional Aeon dungeon in the game. It consists of a fairly straightfoward path with several short branches that lead to treasure chests.


After venduring to the end of the cave, fighting the fiends along the way, you'll come to a small room, where a cutscene will show an unsent, which as Lulu reveals, was her first summoner she guarded. You fight her, at which point she summons Yojimbo. You need to defeat Yojimbo to continue. Just use another Aeon, as most of his attacks are just his little dog, and he doesn't do much damage to an Aeon.

When you beat him, a teleportation tile will become active that teleports you to either one of two rooms with treasure, the beginning of the cave, or the Chamber of the Fayth. Enter the Chamber and try to gain Ojimbo. He will ask you a question, and I'm not sure how the three different answers will affect you. I answered, "to train as a summoner" and he responded, "you must pay for my survices". You need to pay him a certain amount to recruit him. My amount needed was 300000 gil, so the way you answered the questions may affect the price.

After you pay the required amount (my advice, pay one gil extra just in case. 300000 pay 300001) Ojimbo will join your team as an Aeon. For more information on this Aeon, check out his info on the main Final Fantasy X page.

Secrets and Extras

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Lost Temples

  1. Baaj Temple
  2. Final Fantasy X/Remien Temple