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Caution! This guide contains information about each puzzle including the hint and the correct answer. If you do not want to see the solution to a puzzle and spoil the fun of figuring it out, scroll down carefully. The answers are hidden within the spoiler tags, so don't peek in them unless you're really stuck!

Puzzle w01

Name: From Five to Four

Description: A set of matches are arranged so they form five squares. To solve this puzzle, you need to change the number of squares from five to four by moving exactly two matches. Your four squares must be uniform in size, and you must use all of your matches when forming the squares.

  • Hint 1: In the original layout, every match is needed to form the five squares, so the task of forming one less square while still using all of the matches might seem challenging. However, you can make things easier by focusing on reducing the number of matches that serve as a side for multiple squares.

Move the bottom match of the second square from the right and the top match of the left square on the upper row and form a square above the square you took the first match from.

Puzzle w02

Name: Treasure Chests

Description: Although all six chests appear to be of equal value, in actuality, one of the chests differs from the rest. Choose the chest that has a different total value.

  • Hint 1: Some chests may not have the same number of gems. How many gems do you count in a single chest?

Chest D has an extra blue gem.

Puzzle w03

Name: How Many Nines?

Description: How many times does the number nine appear within whole numbers between one and 100?

  • Hint 1: There's no trick to this one. No, really! All you need to do is count them up.

20 times.

Puzzle w04

Name: Aliens?

Description: A famous space explorer has just discovered a new planet and landed on its surface to investigate it further. During his three-hour investigation, he counted 379 male Octopleans, 493 female Octopleans, and 125 that had the features of both male and female Octopleans. So right now, how many aliens are there on this new planet?

  • Hint 1: The whole planet is covered with Octopleans, but adding their numbers up won't get you the answer you're after. Perhaps you jumped to conclusions when considering answers for this puzzle.

There is only 1 alien on the space planet, which is the space explorer.

Puzzle w05

Name: Nose to Nose

Description: Four horses are running around a course made up of several concentric circles. Horse A runs one lap an hour on its course. Horse B runs two laps an hour on its course. Horse C runs three laps an hour on its course. Horse D runs four laps an hour on its course. All four horses line up at the bottom of the circle and start running their courses at the same time. How many minutes will it take until all four horses are lined up nose to nose on a straight line again?

  • Hint 1: It won't take even an hour for the horses to line up nose to nose once more. All the horses' noses have to be lined up along the same straight line, but nowhere does it say that the horses must face the same direction.

30 minutes. The four horses will be lined up nose to nose, though two horses will be facing the opposite direction on the other end of the track.

Puzzle w06

Name: Cut the Cake

Description: When viewed from above, the slice of cake below is an equilateral triangle. Your goal is to produce four sides of a cube by making one cut into the cake. Connect two dots to cut the cake. You should know that this particular cake has a thickness equal to one-quarter the length of the cake slice.

  • Hint 1: You can only produce two new surfaces by cutting the cake. Where do you need to cut the cake in order to make these cross sections appear square? When you figure that out, you've basically got the answer. Recall what the puzzle said about the thickness of the cake.

Cut out the smallest triangle from any of the corners.

Puzzle w07

Name: Soccer Ball

Description: The surface of your standard soccer ball is made up of several black pentagons and white hexagons, just like the ball pictured below. If the ball shown here has 12 black pentagons, how many white hexagons does the ball have?

  • Hint 1: Here are some helpful facts to keep in mind. No pentagon shares a side with another pentagon. Also, there are a total of 12 pentagons on the ball. Since every pentagon has five sides, there are a total of 60 sides. All hexagons share three sides with other hexagons.

There are 20 white hexagons.

Puzzle w08 (US Version)

Name: What's Hidden?

Description: You've stumbled across a strange painting. It appears to depict a frog sitting out in the rain, but there's more to this picture than meets the eye. What other living creature is hiding within this picture? Your answer must be five letters long.

  • Hint 1: This puzzle is all about looking at the picture from a fresh perspective. Try rotating your DS to the side and see what happens.

The frog is also a Horse head.

Puzzle w08 (EU Version)

Name: Around the Towns

Description: A salesman is planning his route around 16 towns using this map. Starting from S, he wants to visit every town and end up back at S. Assuming he has decided to go to town 1 first, and that he will only visit each town once to save on fuel, what number will the town marked with a star be in the sequence? By the way, roads marked with X are closed.

  • Hint 1: There is only one route on the map that will fulfil the conditions of the puzzle. Rach town requires one road to enter by, and another to exit by. Bearing this in mind, try finding a route leading forwards out of town 1, and another leading back out of town S, then joining these routes in the middle.

The town will be the 8th visited.

Puzzle w09

Name: A Smaller E / Make it Smaller

Description: The matches set before you are arranged so that they form the letter E. According to your friend, you can make the E small by moving just one match. Can you accomplish the task your friend has set out for you?

  • Hint 1: Because you're going to add a match to the bunch already on the table, it's fair to say you won't physically be making the E any smaller. Since you can't shrink the actual size of the letter, you'll have to think of another way you can make it small.

Place the match on the top section of the E to turn it into a lowercase "e".

Puzzle w10

Name: Layton's Hatbox

Description: Oh, no! The professor's hatbox has gone missing! Pictured below are four hatboxes that have been broken down and flattened. When reassembled, three of the boxes are identical in every way, but the fourth hatbox differs slightly in its design and belongs to the professor. Can you find it for him?

  • Hint 1: Reconstruct the flattened hatboxes in your mind and you'll immediately see what's different. Pay special attention to the hat patterns on each box.

Hatbox B has a different design.

Puzzle w11

Name: The Clock's Chime

Description: There is a clock tower that rings the time on the hour every hour. However, this clock tower is special in that it rings the time out very slowly. Each ringing of the bell takes a full five seconds. Now to the problem. When the time is 12 p.m. the bell rings 12 times. How many seconds does it take for you to hear the time?

  • Hint 1: The bell will ring 12 times, and there are five seconds between each sounding of the bell. It sure sounds simple, but there's at least one step everyone overlooks at first. Think about what needs to happen in order for you to realize it's twelve o'clock.

55 seconds.

Puzzle w12 (US Version)

Name: A Fearsome Foe

Description: There was once a knight bold and brave. He felled countless opponents and was said to be peerless on the battlefield. However, legend has it that there was one foe that set the knight quaking in his armored boots. The knight feared this monster because of the rumor that surrounded it. It was said that anyone who slew the beast was destined to spill his own blood in the process. Can you guess the identity of this terrifying foe?

  • Hint 1: You too may have bested this foe in battle. Your answer should be eight letters long.

A Mosquito.

Puzzle w12 (EU Version)

Name: Feuding Fishermen

Description: Four fishermen all live on the same island, but none of them can stand the others. Their houses and docks are indicated on the map as A, B, C, and D. Which of the new roads 1-5 should be added to the island's road network in order to allow all four fishermen to travel between their houses and docks without running into any of the others? Circle your answer and stop any more scuffles from breaking out!

  • Hint 1: Look extra closely at the routes B and C must take to move between their houses and docks. Those are the key to solving this puzzle.

Road 5.

Puzzle w13

Name: The Vanishing Tower

Description: Behold the glorious Eiffel Tower, soaring monument to Paris, the city of light and love. At over 1,000 feet tall, the tower is massive, but there is a way to make the entire structure vanish right before your eyes by using nothing but two coins. How does one accomplish this feat?

  • Hint 1: No matter how you arrange the coins on the screen, you won't be able to cover the tower completely. Why not try covering something else with the coins?

Cover the person's eyes with the coins.

Puzzle w14

Name: The Egg-nigma / Unbroken Eggs

Description: The room shown below is perfectly square and completely empty. Four normal chicken eggs were placed on the floor of the room. Shortly afterward a man came in with a giant steel cylinder and rolled it all over the floor. Amazingly, not a single egg was broken in the process. Can you guess where these eggs were placed? The eggs used in this problem are standard-sized eggs, but have been made larger so that you can move them around more easily.

  • Hint 1: There are places on the floor that the cylinder can't reach no matter how it's turned or tilted. Where do you think they could be? Pay special attention to the fact that there were four eggs.

Place one egg in each of the four corners of the room.

Puzzle w15

Name: The Lost Hat

Description: A river moves at a pace of 1,000 feet per hour, and upon that river floats a lone gondola. At precisely high noon, a passenger on the gondola drops his black top hat into the water. The gondola turns around to collect the hat exactly 100 feet downstream from it. This particular gondola moves at a speed of 20 feet per minute in still water. How many minutes will it take the gondola to meet up with the top hat from the time the hat hit the water?

  • Hint 1: The river moves at the same speed for all objects floating upon it and affects both the hat and the gondola in the exact same way.

It will take 10 minutes.