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Story Line Quests

Aid Brink

  1. Description - Syl will pay you to find and protect her companion Brink. You should be able to find him in the Ember mine.
  2. Rewards - GP: 0, XP: 0, Fame: 0

A Cure for Corruption

Syl Syl
I'm a bit overwhelmed friend. Brink is dead, my master is lost, and I feel responsible for your corruption as well. Somehow the blighted Ember is fusing with your flesh, changing it - but at least the progress is slow.

I have some knowledge of the crypts below the mine. The Overseer experimented with methods of purifying Ember, we may be able to use his knowledge to purge the corruption from you now.

Find the Overseers Library, his notes should be there.

  1. Description - Find the Overseer's Library, Syl believes it may contain information that can cure the Ember Blight that infects your body.
  2. Rewards - GP: 0, XP: 330, Fame: 165


The Gleaming Ember

Vasman Vasman
These moster attacks are disrupting my work!

I am Vasman, a scholar of Ember. I traveled to Torchlight to study the vast supply of Ember below, but these creatures make it impossible to obstain the samples I need.

Perhaps you have more courage than these miners. If you brave the tunnels and bring me a sample of Gleaming Ember, I will reward you well. It should not be difficult, look for the Ember on the first floor of the mine.

  1. Description - Vasman has asked you to find a piece of Gleaming Ember in the mines.
  2. Rewards - GP: 80, XP: 2400, Fame: 360, Item: Very Adept Chaos Gem
Vasman Vasman
Aha, I see you've found the Gleaming Ember! I hope it wasn't too much trouble. Here is your reward.

This is a fine, clear piece, but still there is something odd about it. All of the Ember from Torchlight seems to have a special quality... Well, I'll soon understand it better.

Ember of Another Color

Vasman Vasman
Ember is the essence of magic, and it assumes aspects of its environment. That is why Ember from different locations can appear and behave completely differently.

I've heard of a vast necropolis buried below the mines. Deathlace Ember can sometimes be found in such places. Studying such a rare type of Ember is a long held dream of mine. You'll bring me any you find won't you?

  1. Description - Vasman has asked you to find a piece of Deathlace Ember in the necropolis.
  2. Rewards - GP: 88, XP: 3000, Fame: 450, Item: A mysterious map scroll

The Shimmering Deep

Primal Caverns

The Savage Prison

The Strength of Ember

Deepest Ember

Trill-Bot 4000

Battle Varkseer

Trill-Bot 4000 Trill-Bot 4000
I am the great bard Trill, perhaps you've heard of me? No?

That's the problem really; despite my astonishing talent, word of my ascendancy has not yet spread among the masses. My ability is beyond question, but perhaps I have not yet found a tale truly worth telling.

Perhaps your heroic deeds will inspire me. A beast known as Varkaseer has been emerging at night to prowl about Torchlight, he is said to be a batlike creature with great power. His lair is said to be on the third floor of the mine, slay him and I will immortalize your battle in verse!

  1. Description - Trill has asked you to slay Varkaseer on the third floor of the mines.
  2. Rewards - GP: 53, XP: 300, Fame: 450, Item: Braced Leather Armor
Trill-Bot 4000 Trill-Bot 4000
You've slain that horrible bat creature, Varkaseer! I could see it in your eyes as soon as you approached. I can imagine the battle now; it will make a fine ballad! Well, the beginning one at least.

I think this collaboration may be a boon to us both.

A Quest for Glory

Trill-Bot 4000 Trill-Bot 4000
I've had an inspiration! It isn't enough to tell the tale of one battle, I must weave a tale of countless victories!

Leave the hard work of storytelling to me, all you need to is slay the monsters! For a start, test your strength against Wraithchewer the Ghastly in his floor 5 lair.

  1. Description - Trill wants you to slay Wraithchewer the Ghastly on floor 5 so that he can compose a song about the battle
  2. Rewards - GP: 53, XP: 2132, Fame: 4308, Item: Vital Leather Plates
Trill-Bot 4000 Trill-Bot 4000


Down the Hatch

Hatch Hatch
Hey there stranger, welcome to Torchlight. I'm Hatch, richest man in town. Well, that's my plan anyhow.

I haven't worked out all the details yet, but the key is this here wand. It opens a portal to one particular spot, and I'm sure it must be full of treasure. Problem is, it's also full of monsters, so I can't have a look for myself.

If you can handle the monsters and bring me the best treasure you find in there, you can keep any gold and weapons for yourself. Be careful though, I don't think any other portals will work in there. What do you say?

  1. Description - Hatch has opened a portal in town, he wants you to go through and retrieve a treasure from the other side.
  2. Rewards - GP: 70, XP: 548, Fame: 765, Item:
Hatch Hatch

Through the Portal

Shadow Vault


Another Piece

Ember Examination

Ember Hunter

Peer Review

The Ember Collector


Minions of Darkness

