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July 2008 | August 2008 | September 2008

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest

I've been thinking for a long time now. I did a hell of a lot of editing at button templates in the last few months. Anyone should reconsider helping to make more of a reason why they need this guide. But if you don't feel like dealing with the issue, there's still an alternative that still works well for me which saves a lot of time and effort. I usually presume you don't wanna change anything but if you do, get on my talk page and I'll get started on that. Johnnyauau2000 08:46, 29 August 2008 (CDT)

Please post your idea as a new thread on the forums. --Skizzerz 09:11, 29 August 2008 (CDT)

Freshly-Picked_Tingle_Rosy_Rupeeland walkthrough

it says on the walkthrough to register/log in .... i have done this but i still can noy get the walk through for fairy garden and i think it is asoros the last one i got the walkthrough for the rest apart from the last two and we can not go any further so i thought if i registered /logged in i would get it but nothing can you help me please thanks —The preceding unsigned comment was added by devildoorman (talkcontribs) .

If you go to the main page of the guide, Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, you'll notice the small icon in the top left of the header nav (it looks like a small grid, with two of the four boxes colored purple). This symbol means that the guide is only in completion stage 2 (completion stages are decided upon by the people who write and review the content in the guides; people like you). If the completion stage is actually correct (since anyone can change it, you can't completely rely on the icon unless it's a star) then it means the guide is incomplete, and still needs a lot of work. The links for the last two chapters in the walkthrough, numbers 10 and 11, are both red; this means that they don't even exist yet. I'm sorry, but no one has added walkthrough information for those sections of the game yet. If you figure it out on your own, please help StrategyWiki by adding what you know! I'm sorry, and I hope you help review and contribute to the Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland guide (also, you might want to work on your grammar as it's difficult to understand what you write). --Notmyhandle (talk contribs) 21:52, 29 August 2008 (CDT)