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This template is used at the top of every guide page to ease navigation around guides. For simple games with only a single page guide, use {{Header Bar}} instead.

Usage[edit source]

Add the template to a page like this:

{{Header Nav
|game=Game name
|custom=custom non-hidden links (optional)

This looks as follows when added to the guide:

{{Header Nav|game=The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time}}

Usage of custom[edit source]

To put custom links on every page in a guide, a Custom Nav page needs to be created (e.g. Chip's Challenge/Custom Nav) which will be included in the Header Nav for each page in that guide after the Walkthrough link but before any other custom links. This is the recommended way to include standard custom links on Header Navs in a guide, and apart from creating the Custom Nav page, no other modifications to the guide have to be made.

To add extra links to the Header Nav for a specific page, use the custom parameter for the Header Nav on that page. To make the look and feel standard, each entry after the first should be a bullet point. Example usage:

{{Header Nav
|game=The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
|custom=[[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Maps|Maps]]
* [[The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time/Controls|Controls]] 

Example output: