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{{All Game Nav|game=Advance Wars: Dual Strike/Walkthrough}}
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Hello! My name is Chris and while I have been an avid GameFAQs reader for many years, this is the first FAQ I have written. Thus, it is very much a work in progress.

I started this due to the hodge podge info on AW:DS. I felt that there needed to be a central source for all the info. So, I started gathering everything I could find, and wrote this up. Initially, I thought to include all pertinent information as I could get it. As the FAQ grew, I knew I needed a better focus. At this point, I have decided exactly what I want from this FAQ.

My goal in writing it is to convey enough information so someone could recreate the gameplay in its entirety. Thus, all CO info, unit info, terrain info will be included. Eventually, it will include specific details on the randomness of "luck" and "chance" in the game. Basically, this FAQ will be my attempt at reverse engineering all of the gameplay mechanics. It will not include a Walkthrough ever. Though, I may or may not release a Walkthrough separately, depending on how much I enjoy writing this.

Anywhere you see a ^ it means I am going to update that empty info with something. Feel free to help me fill in those blanks! Thanks.

 Advance Wars Naming Abbreviations
 -  Advance Wars has used abbreviations for its units since AW 1 on the GBA.
    They are generally very easy to figure out and exist only to save space.
    In addition gamers and message board posters have been using acronyms for
    commonly used terms.  They are listed below in the form given and sorted
    [Abbreviation] - [Full Name]
    A-Air          - Anti-Air
    AoE            - Area of Effect, attacks that hit all in a given area.
    Artlry         - Artillery
    CO             - Commanding Officer.  Also, CO Power meaning the first
                     tier special ability.
    dmg            - Damage
    FDL            - Free Documentation License
    FoW            - Fog of War
    GNU            - GNU's Not Unix
    HP             - Hit Points (less common, Health Points).
    HQ             - Headquarters
    Inftry         - Infantry
    JPN            - Japan or Japanese, using JAP is considered offensive.
    M Gun          - Machine Gun
    OHKO           - One Hit Knock Out, or Instant Kill.
    SCO            - Super Commanding Officer.  Usually in the form of SCO
                     Power, meaning the second tier special ability.
    TBS            - Turn Based Strategy (not Turner Broadcasting Station)
    Torps          - Torpedoes
    ^ More to come, just getting it started and I don't think this is very
      vital, but it is good for completeness's sake. ^

General Game Play Information

So, what is Advance Wars: Dual Strike? It is a Turn Based Strategy (TBS) game. In it, you will face your opponents by constructing units to complete a goal. During this process you and your opponent will alternate turns. I will describe how these turns work and give you an idea of game play. To understand the specifics, though, please go to the corresponding sections.

The default goals involve destroying every unit the opponent has or capturing his headquarters. Depending on the mission, other goals may exist.

I guess the best way to describe what happens is to look at how the game progresses turn by turn. First off, turns in Advance Wars are grouped into days. Each player gets one turn per day. At the start of any given turn the weather may change randomly if the Random weather setting is on. Also, if certain effects changed the weather for a set number of days, then the weather will default to normal at the start of that player's turn following the set period of days. One note, unless a map is set to a specific weather condition, it will always start as normal for the first day.

There are four possible weather conditions:

Normal - The standard and has no special effects.
Snow - Causes all units to use 2 fuel/movement point spent.
Rain - Whether FoW is on or off, it is now on and all units have -1 to
       their vision range but will have at least a vision of 1.
Sandstorm - All indirects get -1 to their maximum range but will have a
            maximum range at least equal to their minimum range.

I know I used some terms that may be strange so I will help to explain them.

FoW is a setting in which the only portions of the map you can see are those within a certain range of your units. Each unit has a specific vision range that tells how many squares away they can see in FoW. There are some exceptions. Land units on forests and sea units on reefs can only be seen by adjacent units in FoW, regardless of vision range. Also, properties under a player's control are always visible, even when an enemy is on them.

Almost all units have fuel. Whenever a unit moves it uses its movement points. Depending on what type of terrain the unit is moving over it will use different amounts of movement points/square. Regardless, for every movement point spent the unit uses 1 fuel. Some units also use fuel each day. If these units still have no fuel following the repair/supply phase then they are destroyed.

Indirets are a type of unit that attacks without being next to another unit. Rather, they attack from a distance. They will have a minimum and a maximum range that they can target. However, indirects cannot attack the same turn that they move and cannot counterattack other indirects, even if they can target them.

Along with weather, any effects that last for a given time will where off at this point in the day after the applicable number of turns.

Now that you are all caught up, the next part after the weather involves money. For each property you control you gain money. The standard is 1000 gold per property but can be changed depending on the map. Any property that can be captured will bring in money, this includes an HQ. In a one on one battle, capturing an HQ will typically end the game. However, in larger battles it will usually just eliminate the player whose HQ was captured. In that case, the HQ will become a mere city. Airpots, Bases, Cities, HQs, Ports and Towers can all be captured and thus will bring funds each turn.

Following the money portion of a turn, comes the repair/supply part. At this point all units that can be repaired and supplied will be. Certain units can repair and/or supply other units. Also, certain properties can repair and supply certain units that are on them. Repairs cost money. For every 1 HP repaired, the player pays 1/10 of the total unit cost. Supplies are free, though.

After this, any units taht require fuel/turn will be destroyed if they do not have enough fuel to pay the daily fuel upkeep.

Now the fun begins. You can move units, build units, attack, capture and use powers.

Powers come in certain varieties. You have CO Powers, SCO Powers and Tag Breaks. All of these and their effects are discussed in detail in section 8.

Capturing can only be done by Infantry and Mechs. Properties that can be captured have 20 capture points. To be capture all 20 points must be depleted. When an Infantry/Mech captures a property (which is done by moving on top of it and choosing "Capture") it will deplete the property's capture points by its HP. Thus, a 10 HP Mech will take 10 points of the 20. So, a full life unit will require 2 turns to capture. Certain effects can change the rate or effectiveness of capturing for Infantry/Mechs.

Building units is done on bases, for land units, airports for air units and ports for sea units. Each unit has a price and if the player does not have enough money, then the unit cannot be built. Units cannot take any action the turn they are built.

Moving units is done by selecting the unit and choosing a square within its applicable movement range,which is highlighted, and moving there. Remember how fuel costs and movement points the various movement costs of different terrain affect where a unit can move. Also, if a unit is hidden, either due to being unseen in FoW or hidden, like a Stealth of Sub, and the path the unit is trying to move crosses it, the unit will forcibly stop due to the "trap" and be unable to take any action. Following an accepted movement, the unit will be able to see from its new location. However, it cannot attack units that just now went into its vision range. When a unit is moved, a player can undo the movement before it is accepted and if it was not trapped. If FoW is turned on, all of these unaccepted movements will still cost fuel.

After a unit moves, it can attack if it is not an indirect type unit. Units can also attack without moving, but if they do so they will be unable to move afterwards. When a unit attacks, to determine the damage refer to the damage table in section 6. Various attack and defense bonuses will alter how damage is dealt. First, consider the attack bonuses. If a unit has X% attack, he deals the listed damage times X%. Easy enough. Then consider defense. Subtract the defense of the unit being attacked from 200%. So, 200% - X%. Then multiply the damage calculated after factoring in attack bonuses by this value. You will note that 200% defense makes a unit immune to all damage.

During attacks your CO Gauge and your enemies CO Gauge will fill up. Please see section 8 for more info on that.

And that concludes a basic tutorial on how the game mechanics work. Now read on to learn more!

Game Modes


Campaign mode is the storyline mode of the game. You can earn points to unlock abilities, COs, maps, color edits and game modes from here. There are two types of Campaigns, hard and normal. Hard campaign awards more points. Up to three separate Campaigns can be saved and in progress at a time. More points are awarded for not using Forces and Tag Breaks.

War Room

War Room is where you can test your skills and earn points by trying to emerge victorious from various maps. These maps will involve you facing one or more enemy COs amd generally they will have an income advantage over you. You will seldom, if ever, start with predeployed units. The enemy will seldom, but will, start with them. In War Room, you can choose to play as any CO you have currently unlocked.

Versus Battle

This is where you can play battles involving up to 8 players, human or computer. You can play as any COs you have unlocked and on any maps you have unlocked. Also, you can choose settings such as the funds/turn that properties bring in, weather settings, whether CO Powers are available, limit the number of days of the game, set a property limit for victory and other options. If FoW is on, then the game will request a keypress before switchin to another player's turn to prevent other players from seeing, since all of the gameplay is on one system.


Survival battles come in three different types: Money, Turns and Time. In money mode, a player will need to complete the battle using only a certain amount of money. In turn mode, the player will have a certain number of turns to emerge victorious. In real time mode, a clock will count down and require a player to think and move quickly to complete the goals in the required time.


An entirely different game mode. Here players will fight in real time combat. The rules and gameplay mechanics will, of course, differ greatly from the traditional TBS game.

Battle Maps

This is where you can buy maps, COs, game modes (like Edits) and more. Come here often with points and buy everything. Some things may only become purchaseable after certain conditions have been met, like getting an A rank in Normal Campaign Mode.


History contains various statistics, such as units lost, points earned and many, many more.


Here you can link up your DS to another persons and play multiplayer the way it is meant to be played. If only one person has the Advance Wars: Dual Strike cartridge then the gameplay will be somewhat limited.

Sound Room

Once Sound Room is unlocked, you can come here to listen to the various music such as CO themes, country themes and other music, a fan favorite.


Gallery mode contains all of the medals earned as you have progressed through the varius ranks.

Design Room

Design Room has two subrooms: Map and CO. CO mode allows you to edit the CO colors while Map mode allows you to design custom maps. Black Hole structures cannot be placed here, so no Minicannons or Blackcannons and the such. Helliums can, however, be placed in Map mode.

Standard Units: General Information

About Movement Type

Each unit has a given movement type which effects what terrain it can cross and how many movement points it will take to cross.

About Movement Points

These measure how far a given unit can move. See section 7 for how these movement points come into play on different terrain.

About Vision Range

This shows how many squares a unit can see in FoW. However, it still can't see hidden units unless next to them. Hidden units are ground units in forests, sea units in reefs, submerged Subs and hidden Stealth. Rain will cause FoW even if FoW is turned off and decrease the vision range of all units by 1 regardless of FoW being on or off. Vision will never go to 0.

About Max Fuel

This is the maximum amount of fuel a unit can carry. For every movement point used, one unit of fuel will be used. This leads to times when the straight route may take up more fuel than a route around certain terrain. When it is snowing, fuel is used at a twice the normal rate. Certain units use fuel every day. Ships use fuel at a rate of 1/day, copters at 2/day planes at 5/day, submerged Subs at 5/day and hidden Stealth at 8/day.

About Primary Weapon

This is the name of the primary weapon. They always have a limited amount of ammo. Primary weapons will either be direct or indirect. If direct, it can only fire on units adjacent to it. However, it can move and then fire on a unit after moving, assuming it could see the unit before it moved. Also, direct units can counter attack when attacked by another direct unit, though at reduced strength from the damage they have taken. Indirect units cannot fire the turn they move. However, they can fire without fear of counterattack. While they have a long range, all indirect units have a minimum range that they cannot fire into. Sandstorms are a weather condition new to Advance Wars: Dual Strike. They will reduce the maximum range of indirects by 1, but not to the point of having no targets. So, if Max has an artillery (Range of 2-2) and a Sandstorm strikes, the range stays as 2-2.

About Secondary Weapon

Secondary weapons are always direct and have infinite ammo. Indirect units never have secondary weapons. Generally, secondary weapons target different units than primary weapons. When they do overlap, the primary is always the more powerful and will fire by default, unless out of ammo. Some units rely solely on secondary weapons.

About Description

This is just the in game description of the terrain.

About Cost

This is the standard cost of the unit. Cost of units comes into play when determining how a CO Power Gauge fills. ^Cost =/= CO Gauge anymore?^

About Special Notes

Any special information for units is put here.

Guideline For Unit Information

[Unit Name] - Movement Type: [Type] - Movement Points: [Points] - Vision Range: [Number of Squares Range] - Max Fuel: [Max] - Primary Weapon: [Name] - Max Ammo: [Number of Max Ammo] - Attack Type: [Direct] or [Indirect], [Range] - Secondary Weapon: [Name] - Description: [In Game Description] - Cost: [Cost] - Special Notes: [Anything important not covered is here.]

There are three types of properties that can create units: base, airport and port. They will produce land, air and sea units respectively. If a property can produce a unit, then it can repair and resupply the unit.

Land Units


  • Movement Type: Inftry
  • Movement Points: 3
  • Vision Range: 2 (5 on mountains)
  • Max Fuel: 99
  • Primary Weapon: None
  • Max Ammo: N/A
  • Attack Type: N/A
  • Secondary Weapon: M Gun
  • Description: Infantry units have the lowest deployment cost. They can capture bases but have low firepower.
  • Cost: 1000
  • Special Notes: Every property has 20 points to it. An infantry on aproperty can choose "capture" as an action. For each HP the infantry has, it will take 1 point from the property. When the property is down to 0, it is then under your control.


  • Movement Type: Mech
  • Movement Points: 2
  • Vision Range: 2 (5 on mountains)
  • Max Fuel: 70
  • Primary Weapon: Bazooka
  • Max Ammo: 3
  • Attack Type: Direct
  • Secondary Weapon: M Gun
  • Description: Mechs can capture bases, traverse most terrain types,and have superior firepower.
  • Cost: 3000
  • Special Notes: Every property has 20 points to it. A mech on a property can choose "capture" as an action. For each HP the mech has, it will take 1 point from the property. When the property is down to 0, it is then under your control.


  • Movement Type: Tires
  • Movement Points: 8
  • Vision Range: 5
  • Max Fuel: 80
  • Primary Weapon: None
  • Max Ammo: N/A
  • Attack Type: N/A
  • Secondary Weapon: M Gun
  • Description: Recon units have high movement range and are strong against infantry units.
  • Cost: 4000


  • Movement Type: Tread
  • Movement Points: 6
  • Vision Range: 3
  • Max Fuel: 70
  • Primary Weapon: Cannon
  • Max Ammo: 9
  • Attack Type: Direct
  • Secondary Weapon: M Gun
  • Description: Tank units have high movement ranges and are inexpensive, so they're easy to deploy.
  • Cost: 7000

Md Tank

  • Movement Type: Tread
  • Movement Points: 5
  • Vision Range: 1
  • Max Fuel: 50
  • Primary Weapon: Cannon
  • Max Ammo: 8
  • Attack Type: Direct
  • Secondary Weapon: M Gun
  • Description: Both attack and defense are strengthened from the light tank. ^Rough translation^
  • Cost: 16000


  • Movement Type: Tread
  • Movement Points: 6
  • Vision Range: 1
  • Max Fuel: 99
  • Primary Weapon: Neo Cannon
  • Max Ammo: 9
  • Attack Type: Direct
  • Secondary Weapon: M Gun
  • Description: These are new weapons developed by Black Hole. They are more powerful than Md Tanks.
  • Cost: 22000


  • Movement Type: Tread
  • Movement Points: 4
  • Vision Range: 1
  • Max Fuel: 70
  • Primary Weapon: Mega Cannon
  • Max Ammo: 3
  • Attack Type: Direct
  • Secondary Weapon: Machine Gun
  • Description: The strongest tank on Earth, which Green Earth developed. Movement is low. ^Rough translation^
  • Cost: 28000


  • Movement Type: Tread
  • Movement Points: 6
  • Vision Range: 1
  • Max Fuel: 70
  • Primary Weapon: None
  • Max Ammo: N/A
  • Attack Type: N/A
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Description: APC units transport infantry units and supply rations, gas, and ammo to deployed troops.
  • Cost: 5000


  • Movement Type: Tread
  • Movement Points: 5
  • Vision Range: 1
  • Max Fuel: 50
  • Primary Weapon: Cannon
  • Max Ammo: 9
  • Attack Type: Indirect, 2*3
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Description: Artillery units are an inexpensive way to gain indirect offensive attack capabilities.
  • Cost: 6000


  • Movement Type: Tires
  • Movement Points: 5
  • Vision Range: 1
  • Max Fuel: 50
  • Primary Weapon: Rockets
  • Max Ammo: 6
  • Attack Type: Indirect, 3*5
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Description: Rockets units are valuable, because they can fire on both land and naval units.
  • Cost: 15000


  • Movement Type: Tread
  • Movement Points: 6
  • Vision Range: 2
  • Max Fuel: 60
  • Primary Weapon: Vulcan
  • Max Ammo: 9
  • Attack Type: Direct
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Description: A*air units work well against infantry and air units. They're weak against tanks.
  • Cost: 8000


  • Movement Type: Tires
  • Movement Points: 4
  • Vision Range: 5
  • Max Fuel: 50
  • Primary Weapon: Missiles
  • Max Ammo: 6
  • Attack Type: Indirect, 3*5
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Description: Missile units are essential in defending against air units. Their vision range is large.
  • Cost: 12000


  • Movement Type: Pipeline
  • Movement Points: 9
  • Vision Range: 4
  • Max Fuel: 99
  • Primary Weapon: Pipe Gun
  • Max Ammo: 9
  • Attack Type: Indirect, 2*5
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Description: Indirect attack unit developed by Black Hole. Can only be moved on pipes and bases. ^Rough translation^
  • Cost: 20000


  • Movement Type: Slime
  • Movement Points: 1
  • Vision Range: 1
  • Max Fuel: ** (Infinite)
  • Primary Weapon: Unique
  • Max Ammo: Unlimited
  • Attack Type: Unique
  • Secondary Weapon: None
  • Description: ^Need to translate^
  • Cost: ^Find effective cost (for CO Gauge)^ Cannot be bought, only predeployed.
  • Special Notes: It can move one square at a time. If adjacent to an enemy unit, it can move onto it and destroy it. It has very high defense. OHKOs are extremely difficult (ie. need to use Colin's SCO Power).

Air Units

Fighter - Movement Type: Air - Movement Points: 9 - Vision Range: 2 - Max Fuel: 99 - Primary Weapon: Missiles - Max Ammo: 9 - Attack Type: Direct - Secondary Weapon: None - Description: Fighter units are strong vs. other air units. They

                    also have the highest movement.

- Cost: 20000

Bomber - Movement Type: Air - Movement Points: 7 - Vision Range: 2 - Max Fuel: 99 - Primary Weapon: Bombs - Max Ammo: 9 - Attack Type: Direct - Secondary Weapon: None - Description: Bomber units can fire on ground and naval units with

                    a high destructive force.

- Cost: 22000

B Copter - Movement Type: Air - Movement Points: 6 - Vision Range: 3 - Max Fuel: 99 - Primary Weapon: Missiles - Max Ammo: 6 - Attack Type: Direct - Secondary Weapon: M Gun - Description: B (Battle) copter units can fire on many unit types,

                    so they're quite valuable.

- Cost: 9000

T Copter - Movement Type: Air - Movement Points: 6 - Vision Range: 2 - Max Fuel: 99 - Primary Weapon: None - Max Ammo: N/A - Attack Type: N/A - Secondary Weapon: None - Description: T copters can transport both infantry and mech units. - Cost: 5000

Stealth - Movement Type: Air - Movement Points: 6 - Max Fuel: 60 - Primary Weapon: Omnimissiles - Max Ammo: 6 - Attack Type: Direct - Secondary Weapon: None - Vision Range: 4 - Description: When it hides, it can only be seen adjacent units and

                    attacked by fighters or stealth.  ^Rough translation^

- Cost: 24000 - Special Notes: Uses 8 fuel/turn while hidden. When hidden only

                    fighters or stealth can hit it, otherwise it can be
                    hit like any other plane.  Being hidden does not
                    reduce damage.  It only reduces the number of units
                    that can target it.

Black Bomb - Movement Type: Air - Movement Points: 9 - Vision Range: 1 - Max Fuel: 45 - Primary Weapon: Unique (See Special Notes) - Max Ammo: 1 - Attack Type: AoE, 3 - Secondary Weapon: None - Description: An unmanned weapon from Black Hole. When it explodes

                    it does damage to all units within 3 squares.
                    ^Rough translation^

- Cost: 25000 - Special Notes: It does 5 HP dmg, but cannot finish off a unit. Will

                    not harm a Hellium.  It will hurt allies as well as 
                    enemies.  The AoE has radius 3 and is shown below.

Sea Units

B Ship - Movement Type: Sea - Movement Points: 5 - Vision Range: 2 - Max Fuel: 99 - Primary Weapon: Cannon - Max Ammo: 9 - Attack Type: Indirect, 2-6 - Secondary Weapon: None - Description: B (Battle) ships have a larger attack range than even

                    rocket units.

- Cost: 28000

Cruiser - Movement Type: Ships - Movement Points: 6 - Vision Range: 3 - Max Fuel: 99 - Primary Weapon: Missiles - Max Ammo: 9 - Attack Type: Direct - Secondary Weapon: A-Air Gun - Description: It is strong against subs and air units. It can

                    load and supply two copter units. ^Rough translation^

- Cost: 18000

Lander - Movement Type: Trans - Movement Points: 6 - Vision Range: 1 - Max Fuel: 99 - Primary Weapon: None - Max Ammo: N/A - Attack Type: N/A - Secondary Weapon: None - Description: Landers can transport two ground units. If the

                    lander sinks, the units vanish.

- Cost: 12000

Sub - Movement Type: Ships - Movement Points: 5 - Vision Range: 5 - Max Fuel: 60 - Primary Weapon: Torps - Max Ammo: 6 - Attack Type: Direct - Secondary Weapon: None - Description: Submerged subs are difficult to find, and only

                    cruisers and subs can fire on them.

- Cost: 20000 - Special Notes: When a sub hides, only cruisers or subs can fire on

                    it.  Otherwise it can be attacked like a normal sea
                    unit.  Being hidden does not affect damage done to a
                    sub, only what can hit it.  Subs use 5 fuel per turn
                    while hidden.

B Boat - Movement Type: Trans - Movement Points: 7 - Vision Range: 1 - Max Fuel: 60 - Primary Weapon: None - Max Ammo: N/A - Attack Type: N/A - Secondary Weapon: None - Description: It can load two soldier units. It recovers 1 HP and

                    supplies to adjacent units. ^Rough translation^

- Cost: 7500 - Special Notes: Black boats can repair any units, but it still costs

                    money for the repairs (1/10 cost for 1 HP).

Carrier - Movement Type: Ships - Movement Points: 5 - Vision Range: 4 - Max Fuel: 99 - Primary Weapon: Anti-Air Missiles - Max Ammo: 9 - Attack Type: Indirect, 3-8 - Secondary Weapon: None - Description: It can load two air units and supplies them. Its

                    indirect attack has a wide range in the sky.
                    ^Rough translation^

- Cost: 30000 - Special Notes: The carrier only supplies units it has loaded, not

                    adjacent units.  It can load Black Bombs.

Standard Units: Damage Information

 All damage is in percent, out of 100.  It is considered that the attacking
 and defending COs have average abilities (Andy vs Andy).  Also, the attacker
 is at 10 HP and the defender has no defensive stars.  Every 10% damage will
 reduce HP by 1.  A small amount of luck comes into play.  Sometimes a 95%
 attack will OHKO a unit, other times it will leave it at 1 HP.  An empty
 square means the unit cannot attack that target.
 Each defensive star reduces damage by 10%.  Each HP lost will further reduce
 damage by 10%.  CO abilities and powers can affect this, also.
 & - The Hellium attacks by moving onto an enemy unit, not standing next to
     and firing like a direct, or from a distance like an indirect.  Moving
     onto an enemy will OHKO it.
 $ - The Black Bomb does 5 damage to all units, enemy and ally, within its
     AoE.  This damage cannot kill a unit.  The Hellium is immune to its 

Damage Table vs Land Units

   Defender| I | M | R | T | M | N | M | A | A | R | A | M | P | H |
           | n | e | e | a | d | e | e | P | r | o | - | i | i | e |
           | f | c | c | n |   | o | g | C | t | c | A | s | p | l |
           | a | h | o | k | T | t | a |   | l | k | i | s | e | l |
           | n |   | n |   | a | a | t |   | r | e | r | i | r | i |
           | t |   |   |   | n | n | a |   | y | t |   | l | u | u |
           | r |   |   |   | k | k | n |   |   | s |   | e | n | m |
           | y |   |   |   |   |   | k |   |   |   |   | s | n |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | e |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | r |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Attacker  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Infantry  | 55| 45| 12|  5|  1|  1|  1| 14| 15| 25|  5| 25|  5| 20|
 Mech      | 65| 55| 85| 55| 15| 15|  5| 75| 70| 85| 65| 85| 55| 30|
 Recon     | 70| 65| 35|  6|  1|  1|  1| 45| 45| 55|  4| 28|  6| 20|
 Tank      | 75| 70| 85| 55| 15| 15| 10| 75| 70| 85| 65| 85| 55| 20|
 Md Tank   |105| 95|105| 85| 55| 45| 25|105|105|105|105|105| 85| 30|
 Neotank   |125|115|125|105| 75| 55| 35|125|115|125|115|125|105| 35|
 Megatank  |135|125|195|180|125|115| 65|195|195|195|195|195|180| 45|
 APC       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Artlry    | 90| 85| 80| 70| 45| 40| 15| 70| 75| 80| 75| 80| 70|  5|
 Rockets   | 95| 90| 90| 80| 55| 50| 25| 80| 80| 85| 85| 90| 80| 15|
 A-Air     |105|105| 60| 25| 10|  5|  1| 50| 50| 55| 45| 55| 25| 30|
 Missiles  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Piperunner| 95| 90| 90| 80| 55| 50| 25| 80| 80| 85| 85| 90| 80| 15|
 Hellium   | & | & | & | & | & | & | & | & | & | & | & | & | & | & |
 Fighter   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Bomber    |110|110|105|105| 95| 90| 35|105|105|105| 95|105|105| 35|
 B Copter  | 75| 75| 55| 55| 25| 20| 10| 60| 65| 65| 25| 65| 55| 25|
 T Copter  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Stealth   | 90| 90| 85| 75| 70| 60| 15| 85| 75| 85| 50| 85| 80| 30|
 Black Bomb| $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ |   |
 B Ship    | 95| 90| 90| 80| 55| 50| 25| 80| 80| 85| 85| 90| 80| 20|
 Cruiser   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Lander    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Sub       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 B Boat    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Carrier   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Attacker  | I | M | R | T | M | N | M | A | A | R | A | M | P | H |
           | n | e | e | a | d | e | e | P | r | o | - | i | i | e |
           | f | c | c | n |   | o | g | C | t | c | A | s | p | l |
           | a | h | o | k | T | t | a |   | l | k | i | s | e | l |
           | n |   | n |   | a | a | t |   | r | e | r | i | r | i |
           | t |   |   |   | n | n | a |   | y | t |   | l | u | u |
           | r |   |   |   | k | k | n |   |   | s |   | e | n | m |
           | y |   |   |   |   |   | k |   |   |   |   | s | n |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | e |   |
   Defender|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | r |   |

Damage Table vs Air and Sea Units

   Defender| F | B | B | T | S | B | B | C | L | S | B | C |
           | i | o |   |   | t | l |   | r | a | u |   | a |
           | g | m | C | C | e | a | S | u | n | b | B | r |
           | h | b | o | o | a | c | h | i | d |   | o | r |
           | t | e | p | p | l | k | i | s | e |   | a | i |
           | e | r | t | t | t |   | p | e | r |   | t | e |
           | r |   | e | e | h | B |   | r |   |   |   | r |
           |   |   | r | r |   | o |   |   |   |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   | m |   |   |   |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   | b |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Attacker  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
 Infantry  |   |   |  7| 30|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Mech      |   |   |  9| 35|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Recon     |   |   | 10| 35|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Tank      |   |   | 10| 40|   |   |  1|  5| 10|  1| 10|  1|
 Md Tank   |   |   | 12| 45|   |   | 10| 30| 35| 10| 35| 10|
 Neotank   |   |   | 22| 55|   |   | 15| 30| 40| 15| 40| 15|
 Megatank  |   |   | 22| 55|   |   | 45| 65| 75| 45|105| 45|
 APC       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Artlry    |   |   |   |   |   |   | 40| 50| 55| 60| 55| 45|
 Rockets   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 55| 60| 60| 85| 60| 60|
 A-Air     | 65| 75|105|105| 75|120|   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Missiles  |100|100|115|115|100|120|   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Piperunner| 65| 75|105|105| 75|120| 55| 60| 60| 85| 60| 60|
 Hellium   | & | & | & | & | & | & | & | & | & | & | & | & |
 Fighter   | 55|100|120|120| 85|120|   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Bomber    |   |   |   |   |   |   | 75| 50| 95| 95| 75|105|
 B Copter  |   |   | 65| 95|   |   | 25| 25| 25| 25| 25| 25|
 T Copter  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Stealth   | 45| 70| 85| 95| 55|120| 45| 35| 65| 55| 65| 45|
 Black Bomb| $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ |
 B Ship    |   |   |   |   |   |   | 50| 95| 95| 95| 95| 60|
 Cruiser   | 85|100|105|105|100|120|  5| 25| 25| 90| 25|  5|
 Lander    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Sub       |   |   |   |   |   |   | 65| 25| 95| 55| 95| 75|
 B Boat    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Carrier   |100|100|115|115|100|120|   |   |   |   |   |   |
 Attacker  | F | B | B | T | S | B | B | C | L | S | B | C |
           | i | o |   |   | t | l |   | r | a | u |   | a |
           | g | m | C | C | e | a | S | u | n | b | B | r |
           | h | b | o | o | a | c | h | i | d |   | o | r |
           | t | e | p | p | l | k | i | s | e |   | a | i |
           | e | r | t | t | t |   | p | e | r |   | t | e |
           | r |   | e | e | h | B |   | r |   |   |   | r |
           |   |   | r | r |   | o |   |   |   |   |   |   |
           |   |   |   |   |   | m |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   Defender|   |   |   |   |   | b |   |   |   |   |   |   |

Standard Units: Terrain Effects

 About Movement Costs
 If a terrain under given conditions has x movement cost, it will take x
 movement points to pass through it.  If a unit does not have enough movement
 points to pay the movement cost, then it cannot move.  Every movement point
 used requires a unit of fuel except when it is snowing.  Then the fuel cost
 is doubled.  If a unit does not have enough fuel, then it cannot move.
 About Defense
 In Advance Wars, you will notice that defense is measured by stars.  A star
 stands for a 10% defense bonus.  Thus 1 star means you subtract 10% of the
 damage, 2 stars subtracts 20% of the damage, and so on.  Air units do not
 get the benefit of defensive stars, however.  IMPORTANT:  If a unit is
 injured, it does not receive full benefit from terrain defense.  Rather,
 a unit receives defense equal to [its HP]/10 * defense.  So, a full life
 unit will receive 10/10, or all, of the defense from the terrain.  A unit
 at 5 HP will receive 5/10, or half, of the defense from the terrain.
 About Funds
 If you control certain properties, by capturing it with a mech or infantry,
 then it will bring you money.  All properties that bring funds, will bring
 the same amount.  The standard is 1000 funds per day per property.  However,
 in VS mode and Link mode that value can be changed.
 About Repair/Supply
 Certain properties repair certain units.  The standard repair is 2 HP dmg.
 Also, if the unit is at 95% health, and thus 10 HP, it will max it to 100%
 health.  This can only be noticed if animations are turned on.  Another
 effect is that these properties will also resupply units of the given type.
 About Description
 This is just the in game description of the terrain.
 About Special Notes
 Any special information for terrain is put here.
 Guideline For Terrain Info
 [Terrain Type]
 -    Movement Costs
   -    [Type],   [Movement Cost] or N/A
   -    [Type],   [Movement Cost] or N/A
   -    ...
 -    Defense:       [Number of stars]
 -    Funds:         [Yes or No]
 -    Repair/Supply: [Unit Type: Land, Sea or Air] or No
 -    Description:   [Description]
 -    Special Notes: [Anything important not covered goes here.]

 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 1
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    1
   -    Tread,    1
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       3
 -    Funds:         Yes
 -    Repair/Supply: Air
 -    Description:   An air base.  Allied bases deploy, supply, and restore
                     HP to air units.
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 1
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    1
   -    Tread,    1
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, 1
 -    Defense:       3
 -    Funds:         Yes
 -    Repair/Supply: Land
 -    Description:   A base.  Allied bases deploy, supply, and restore HP to
                     ground units.
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 1
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    1
   -    Tread,    1
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       3
 -    Funds:         Yes
 -    Repair/Supply: Land
 -    Description:   A normal city.  Ground units gain supplies and HP in
                     allied cities.
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 1
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    3
   -    Tread,    2
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       3
 -    Funds:         Yes
 -    Repair/Supply: Sea
 -    Description:   In Fog of War, units hidden here can only be seen by
                     adjacent units and air units.
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 1
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    1
   -    Tread,    1
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       4
 -    Funds:         Yes
 -    Repair/Supply: Land
 -    Description:   A normal city.  Ground units gain supplies and HP in
                     allied cities.
 Missle Silo
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 1
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    1
   -    Tread,    1
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       3
 -    Funds:         No
 -    Repair/Supply: No
 -    Description:   A missile sil.  Has a huge blast radius & unlimited
                     range, but it can only fire once.
 -    Special Notes: An infantry or a mech can use this property once to
                     launch a missile.  It does 3 HP dmg but will not finish
                     off a target.  It has an AoE of radius 2. It will hurt
                     enemies and allies alike.  See below for a diagram of
                     its AoE.
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 2
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    N/A
   -    Tread,    N/A
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       4
 -    Funds:         No
 -    Repair/Supply: No
 -    Description:   A steep mountain.  Infantry units add 3 to their vision
                     range from here.
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, N/A
   -    Mech,     N/A
   -    Slime,    N/A
   -    Tires,    N/A
   -    Tread,    N/A
   -    Air,      N/A
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, 1
 -    Defense:       ^ Will add soon ^
 -    Funds:         No
 -    Repair/Supply: No
 -    Description:   A Black Hole pipeline.  Thick armor renders it
                     indestructible.  No units can pass it.
 Pipe Seam
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, N/A
   -    Mech,     N/A
   -    Slime,    N/A
   -    Tires,    N/A
   -    Tread,    N/A
   -    Air,      N/A
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, 1
 -    Defense:       ^ Will add soon ^
 -    Funds:         No
 -    Repair/Supply: No
 -    Description:   A Black Hole pipeline.  The armor is weaker here than on
                     other sections of the pipe.
 -    Special Notes: These can be destroyed.  They have 99 HP and are
                     targetable by all units that can reach them.  Needless
                     to say, Megatanks are more effective than infantry.
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 1
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    2
   -    Tread,    1
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       1
 -    Funds:         No
 -    Repair/Supply: No
 -    Description:   A rich, green plain.  Easy to traverse, but offers
                     little defensive cover.
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 1
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    1
   -    Tread,    1
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    1
   -    Trans,    1
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       3
 -    Funds:         Yes
 -    Repair/Supply: Sea
 -    Description:   A naval base.  Allied bases deploy, supply and restore
                     HP to naval units.
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, N/A
   -    Mech,     N/A
   -    Slime,    N/A
   -    Tires,    N/A
   -    Tread,    N/A
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    2
   -    Trans,    2
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       1
 -    Funds:         No
 -    Repair/Supply: No
 -    Description:   In Fog of War, units hidden here can only be seen by
                     adjacent units and air units.
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 2
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    N/A
   -    Tread,    N/A
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       0
 -    Funds:         No
 -    Repair/Supply: No
 -    Description:   A gentle flowing river.  Only infantry units can ford
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 1
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    1
   -    Tread,    1
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       0
 -    Funds:         No
 -    Repair/Supply: No
 -    Description:   A paved road.  Easy to traverse, but offers little
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, N/A
   -    Mech,     N/A
   -    Slime,    N/A
   -    Tires,    N/A
   -    Tread,    N/A
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    1
   -    Trans,    1
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       0
 -    Funds:         No
 -    Repair/Supply: No
 -    Description:   A body of water.  Only naval and air units can traverse
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 1
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    1
   -    Tread,    1
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    1
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       0
 -    Funds:         No
 -    Repair/Supply: No
 -    Description:   A sandy shoal.  Lander units load and unload units here.
 -    Movement Costs
   -    Infantry, 1
   -    Mech,     1
   -    Slime,    1
   -    Tires,    1
   -    Tread,    1
   -    Air,      1
   -    Ships,    N/A
   -    Trans,    N/A
   -    Pipeline, N/A
 -    Defense:       3
 -    Funds:         Yes
 -    Repair/Supply: No
 -    Description:   ^ Need to translate ^
 -    Special Notes: Controlling a tower will grant all units you control
                     +10% to attack.


 About Abilities
 Most COs have certain abilities that offset them from the standard.  The
 standard is determined by Andy, who is considered to have 100% attack and
 defense for all units, with no movement, range or any other type of
 penalties or benefits.  These abilities may range from bonuses to direct
 damage, to movement or sight range bonuses.  However, most COs with bonuses
 will have some kind of penalty as a counter.  This may be more expensive
 units or weaker sea type.  While this makes it so that each CO is considered
 equal because of benefits and penalties, some COs will be better in
 situations that maximize the use of their benefits and minimize their
 About CO Gauge
 The gauge will have the form xxXXXX or some other combination of lower and
 upper case 'x's.  Each x corresponds to the "stars" that need to be filled
 in order to use a CO or SCO power.  The lower case stars, or 'x's show what
 needs to be filled in order to use a CO power.  The full gauge, including
 the large stars, or 'x's, show what needs to be filled to use a SCO power.
 These stars are different from defensive stars.  They represent, in a sense,
 money.  Each star initially represents 9000 money.  However, whenever a
 power is used, the amount required to fll a star goes up 1800.  To fill up
 the gauge you either need to kill enemy units or have your own units killed.
 For every HP lost to a unit you control, you gain 1/10 of its total cost to
 your CO gauge.  For every HP of damage you do to an enemy unit, you gain 
 half of 1/10 of its total cost to your CO gauge.
 ^I heard that cost of units does not relate to CO Gauge anymore.  Rather,
  there is a set amount that units fill up the gauge that is independent of
  cost.  How does this work exactly? ^
 About CO Power
 The CO power is the first tier special ability of a CO.  It requires all
 of the small stars of the CO power gauge to be full.  Unless explicitly
 stated otherwise, CO Powers grant all units at least +10% to attack and
 defense.  If stated that specific units receive more, then those units
 receive the higher bonus and the rest still receive the +10%.  When a CO
 Power gives a +X%, that X% is in addition to any inherent bonuses the CO
 receives, not in place of, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
 About SCO Power
 The SCO power is the second tier special ability of a CO.  It requires all
 of the stars of the CO power gauge, small and large, to be full to use it.
 Unless explicitly stated otherwise, SCO Powers grant all units at least +10%
 to attack and defense.  If stated that specific units receive more, then
 those units receive the higher bonus and the rest still receive the +10%.
 When a SCO Power gives a +X%, that X% is in addition to any inherent bonuses
 the CO receives, not in place of, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

 About Tag Affinity
 For every star of a tag affinity, the COs get +10% to attack while using
 their Tag Break.  Thus, a 2 stars gives +20% to attack during Tag Break.
 About Description
 This is just the in game description of the CO.  Hit and miss are likes and
 About Special Notes
 Any special information for COs is put here.
 Guideline For CO Info
 [US Name], ([JPN Name])
 -  Abilities:
   -  [List abilities]
 -  CO Gauge:  [xxxXXX]
 -  CO Power:  [Name]
   -  [Description]
 -  SCO Power: [Name]
   -  [Description]
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  [Tagable CO]: [X], [Name]
 -  Description:
   -  [Description]
   -  Hit:  [Hit]
   -  Miss: [Miss]
 NOTE:  All Romaji spellings of their Japanese names are taken directly
 from Nintendo's website.  When I noted a possible spelling mistake, this
 is due to the text being obstructed by another image.  Other than that,
 these spellings are 100% official.  Check the website yourself.

Orange Star (Known as Red Star in Japan)

 Andy, (Ryo)
 -  Abilities:
   -  No inherent weaknesses or strengths.  All units have 100% stats.
 -  CO Gauge: xxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Hyper Repair
   -  All units recover 2 HP of damage.
 -  SCO Power: Hyper Upgrade
   -  All units recover 5 HP of damage.
   -  All units get +1 movement points.
   -  All units get +30% to attack.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Max:     X,
   -  Eagle:   XX,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Max, (Max)
 -  Abilities:
   -  All direct units do 120% damage.
   -  Indirects have -1 maximum range.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Max Force
   -  Directs get a further +40% to attack.
 -  SCO Power: Max Blast
   -  Directs get a further +70% to attack.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Andy:    X,
   -  Grit:    XX,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Sami, (Domino)
 -  Abilities:
   -  Infantry and mechs do 120% damage.
   -  Soldiers capture properties at 1.5 times the normal rate, rounded down.
   -  Direct units do 90% damage.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXXXX
 -  CO Power:  Double Time
   -  Infantry/Mechs get +1 movement points.
   -  Infantry/Mechs get a further +20% to attack.
 -  SCO Power: Victory March
   -  Infantry/Mechs get +2 movement points.
   -  Infantry/Mechs get a further +50% to attack.
   -  Infantry/Mechs can instantly capture properties, regardless of HP.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Eagle:   XXX,
   -  Sonja:   X,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Nell, (^Need Romaji^) ^Need to unlock for latest info, in case of changes^
 -  Abilities:
   -  All units are lucky and may do extra damage.
   -  There is a small chance, about 15% of doing +1 HP damage above the
      rounded up value of the percent attack.
   -  This chance gets reduced greatly when the target has 2 or more stars of
      terrain defense.
   -  The luck chance of her natural ability is also unlikely when a weak 
      unit attacks a strong unit.  Say, an infantry attacking a Md Tank and
      will be less likely to do +1 HP damage in these cases.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Lucky Star
   -  All units get even luckier.
   -  Units have about a 15% chance of doing +5 HP damage and about a 15%
      chance of doing between the default and the +5 HP damage.  Thus, only
      about a 70% chance of doing "normal" damage.
   -  These odds reduce as her attacking units are at lower HP.
   -  Weak units have mucm more noticeable chances of getting lucky on strong
      units.  Infantry can hurt Anti-Air and Md Tanks or heavier if lucky.
 -  SCO Power: Lady Luck
   -  All units have about a 70% chance of doing +3 to +10 HP damage, evenly
      distributed in that range.
   -  All units have about a 15% chance of doing +1 to +2 HP and 15% chance
      of "normal" damage.
   -  These odds reduce as her attacking units are at lower HP.
   -  Weak units may now OHKO strong units.  Infantry may OHKO Neotanks.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Rachel:  XXX,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Hachi, (^Need Romaji^) ^Need to unlock for latest info, in case of changes^
 -  Abilities:
   -  All units cost 90% of their normal price.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXX
 -  CO Power:  Barter
   -  All units cost 50% of their normal price.
 -  SCO Power: Merchant Union
   -  All units cost 50% of their normal price.
   -  Land units can be built on controlled cities, in addition to bases.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Sensei:  XX,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Jake, (John)
 -  Abilities:
   -  All land units on plains do 110% damage.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Field Break
   -  Units on plains get +^% to attack. ^Get exact value^
   -  Indirects get +1 to attack range.
 -  SCO Power: Hyper Combat
   -  Units on plains get +^% to atack.  ^Get exact, will be more than above^
   -  Indirects get +1 to attack range.
   -  All vehicles get +2 movement points.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Jess:    X
   -  Rachel:  XX, Orange Crush
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Rachel, (Rachel)
 -  Abilities:
   -  Units on appropriate her properties repair at +1 HP/day but repair
      costs increase proportionately.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Miracle Chance (Lucky Lass)
   -  Increases luck of all units and they may do extra damage.  Extra damage
      is in HP (so +1 or +2 HP dmg), not percent damage.  ^Find exact odds^
 -  SCO Power: Red Star Bomb (Orange Star Bomb)
   -  Three missile strike is launched at enemy.  ^Find specifics.^
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Jake:    XX, Orange Crush
   -  Nell:    XXX
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:

Blue Moon

 Olaf, (Whip)
 -  Abilities:
   -  No penalties due to the snow.
   -  All units get +20% to attack in snow.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXXX
 -  CO Power:  Blizzard
   -  Snow falls for 2 days.
 -  SCO Power: Winter's Fury
   -  Snow falls for 2 days.
   -  All enemy units take 2 HP damage.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Grit:    X,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Grit, (Billy)
 -  Abilities:
   -  Indirect units do 120% damage.
   -  Indirects have +1 to their maximum range.
   -  Direct units do 80% damage.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Snipe Attack
   -  All indirects get a further +1 to maximum range.
   -  All indirects get a further +^(30% or 40%)^ to attack.
 -  SCO Power: Super Snipe
   -  All indirects get a further +2 to maximum range.
   -  All indirects get a further +40% to attack.
 -  Tag Affinity:
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Colin, (Ewan)
 -  Abilities:
   -  All units cost 80% of their normal prices.
   -  All units do 90% damage.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxXXXX
 -  CO Power:  Gold Rush
   -  Get +50% to monetary funds.
 -  SCO Power: Power of Money
   -  All units get +10% + 1/300 * [Current Funds]% to attack.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Sasha:   XXX,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Sasha, (Sasha)
 -  Abilities:
   -  Receive +10% money from each of her properties, so 1100 by default.
   -  ^Negatives?^
 -  CO Gauge:  xxXXXX
 -  CO Power:  Break Crash
   -  The enemies' CO gauge is decreased by the amount of money Sasha has.
 -  SCO Power: Platinum Attack
   -  Half of the monetary value of the damage done to enemies becomes funds.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Colin:   XXX,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:

Yellow Comet

 Kanbei, (Kuchiyo) ^Please check my Romaji^
 -  Abilities
   -  All units do 120% damage.
   -  All units have 120% defense.
   -  All units cost 120% of their normal cost.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Morale Boost
   -  All units get a further +40% to attack.
 -  SCO Power: Samurai Spirit
   -  All units get a further +40% to attack.
   -  All units get a further +40% to defense.
   -  All units' counterattacks do double damage.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Grimm:   X,
   -  Sonja:   XXX,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Sonja, (Asuka)
 -  Abilities
   -  All units have +1 to their vision range.
   -  The enemy players see '?'s instead of the HP value of Sonja's units.
   -  All units have slightly bad luck and may do less damage by about 1 HP.
      Therefore, 95% damage is seldom, if ever, a OHKO with Sonja.
   -  All units receive +50% to their attack ONLY when counter-attacking.
   ^ Does she still have the counterattack bonus? ^
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXX
 -  CO Power:  Enhanced Vision
   -  All units receive a further +1 to their vision range.
   -  All units can see into forests and reefs.
   -  When attacking, her units ignore 2 stars worth of terrain defense.
 -  SCO Power: Counter Break
   -  All units receive a further +1 to their vision range.
   -  All units can see into forests and reefs.
   -  When attacking, her units ignore 3 stars worth of terrain defense.
   -  When targeted by an attack, her units will attack before the enemy
      attacks if a possible target exists.  Since Sonja attacks first, she
      will not receive her counterattack bonus, even though the enemy
      targeted her.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Kanbei:  XXX,
   -  Sami:    X,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Sensei, (Yamamoto)
 -  Abilities:
   -  B Copters do 150% damage.
   -  Infantry and Mechs d0 110% damage.
   -  Transport type units get +1 movement points.
   -  All sea units do 90% damage.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxXXXX
 -  CO Power:  Copter Command
   -  All controlled cities will have a 9 HP Infantry appear on them, ready 
      to move and attack.
   -  B Copters get a further +30% to attack.
 -  SCO Power: Airborne Assault
   -  All controlled cities will have a 9 HP Mech appear on them, ready to
      move and attack.
   -  B Copters get a further +30% to attack.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Javier:  X,
   -  Hachi:   XX,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Javier, (Kouzou)
 -  Abilities:
   -  All units do 130% damage.
   -  All units have 80% defense.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Kamikaze Break
   -  All units get a further +^% to attack. ^Get exact values^
 -  SCO Power: Wind God
   -  All units get a further +60% to attack.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Sensei:  X,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:

Green Earth

 Drake, (Mop)
 -  Abilities:
   -  All sea units do 120% damage.
   -  Rain occurs more frequently when playing as Drake.
   -  All air units do 90% damage.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Tsunami
   -  All enemy units take 1 HP damage but it cannot kill units.
   -  All enemy units lose half of their fuel.
 -  SCO Power: Typhoon
   -  All enemy units take 2 HP damage but it cannot kill units.
   -  All enemy units lose half of their fuel.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Eagle:   XX,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Eagle, (Eagle)
 -  Abilities:
   -  All air units do 120% damage.
   -  All air units use 2 fuel/day less than normal.
   -  All sea units do 90% damage.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXXXXX
 -  CO Power:  Lightning Drive
   -  All non Infantry/Mech units can take a second action but have penalties
      to damage dealt until Eagle's next turn.  This means any attacks they 
      would make with the second action and will do less damage and 
      counterattacks to the enemies' attacks the next turn will do less
      damage.  Air units will do only 70% damage until Eagle's next turn,
      land units will do 60% damage and sea units will also do 60% damage.
      Since Infantry/Mechs are not affected, they do not get the penalty and
      will, in fact, get the standard +10% bonus to attack that all CO Powers
      give.  Defense is unaffected for all units.
 -  SCO Power: Lightning Strike
   -  All non Infantry/Mech units can take a second action.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Andy:    XX,
   -  Drake:   XX,
   -  Sami:    XXX,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Jess, (Hannah)
 -  Abilities:
   -  All land units, excluding Infantry/Mechs do 120% damage.
   -  Air and sea units do 90% damage.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Turbo Charge
   -  All land units, excluding Infantry/Mechs, get a further +20% to attack.
   -  All land units, excluding Infantry/Mechs, get +1 movement points.
   -  All units are resupplied.
 -  SCO Power: Overdrive
   -  All land units, excluding Infantry/Mechs, get a further +40% to attack.
   -  All land units, excluding Infantry/Mechs, get +2 movement points.
   -  All units are resupplied.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Grimm:   X,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Grimm, (Bittman)
 -  Abilities:
   -  All units have 120% defense from indirect type units.
   -  Towers provide +10% defense, as well as +10% attack.
   -  ^ Negatives? ^
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Iron Shield
   -  All units get a further +30% to defense from indirect units.
   -  Towers grant double bonuses.
 -  SCO Power: Royal Guard
   -  All units get a further +80% to defense from indirect units.  This is
      a total of 200% defense.  They are immune to indirects.
   -  Towers grant triple bonuses.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Kanbei:  X,
   -  Jess:    X,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:

Black Hole

 Hawke, (Howke)
 -  Abilities:
   -  All units do 110% damage.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxxxXXXX
 -  CO Power:  Black Wave
   -  All enemy units take 1 HP of damage but cannot die.
   -  All of his units recover 1 HP of damage.
 -  SCO Power: Black Storm
   -  All enemy units take 2 HP of damage but cannot die.
   -  All of his units recover 2 HP of damage.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Lash:    X,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Flak, (Kong)
 -  Abilities:
   -  Small variations in attack, may do more, may do less.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Brute Force
   -  Variation in attack increase, tends to do more, though. ^Get odds^
 -  SCO Power: Barbaric Blow
   -  Variation in attack increase, tends to do more, though. ^Get odds^
 -  Tag Affinity:
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 -  Special Notes: The random damage will randomly do additional HP damage
                   not simply additional % damage.  What does this mean?  It
                   means enough infantry which do fractions of a percent to a
                   Megatank can do a bonus of +1 HP or more of damage and 
                   significantly hurt it.
 Lash, (Cat)
 -  Abilities:
   -  All units receiving defensive terrain bonuses also apply the bonuses to
      attack.  So, 1 star provides +10% to attack and defense.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Terrain Tactics
   -  All movement costs drop to 1.
 -  SCO Power: Prime Tactics
   -  All movement costs drop to 1.
   -  All units receive double the terrain bonuses for attack and defense.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Hawke:   X,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Adder, (Snake)
 -  Abilities:
   -  No inherent weaknesses or strengths.  All units have 100% stats.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Sideslip
   -  All units get +1 movement points.
 -  SCO Power: Sidewinder
   -  All units get +2 movement points.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Koal:    X,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Jugger, (Zipo)
 -  Abilities:
   -  Small variations in attack, may do more, may do less.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXXX
 -  CO Power:  Burning Punch
   -  Variation in attack increase, tends to do more, though. ^Get odds^
 -  SCO Power: Crash Blow
   -  Variation in attack increase, tends to do more, though. ^Get odds^
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Koal:    XX,
   -  Kindle:  X,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 -  Special Notes: The random damage will randomly do additional HP damage
                   not simply additional % damage.  What does this mean?  It
                   means enough infantry which do fractions of a percent to a
                   Megatank can do a bonus of +1 HP or more of damage and 
                   significantly hurt it.
 Koal, (Chakka)
 -  Abilities:
   -  All land units on roads do 110% damage.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXX
 -  CO Power:  Ikkitsukan
   -  All units get +1 movement points.
   -  All land units on road get a further +^% to attack ^Get exact^
 -  SCO Power: Kokushimusou
   -  All units get +2 movement points.
   -  All land units on road get a further +^% to attack ^Get exact^
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Jugger:  XX,
   -  Kindle:  X,
   -  Adder:   X,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Kindle, (Candle)
 -  Abilities:
   -  All land units on urban terrain do 110% damage.  Urban terrain means
      only capturable properties.  So, Missile Silos do not count.
 -  CO Gauge:  xxxXXX
 -  CO Power:  Power of City
   -  All land units on urban terrain get a further +^% to attack.^Get exact^
   -  Enemy units on urban terrain take 3 damage.
 -  SCO Power: Apple Fever (Think "Big Apple")
   -  All land units on urban terrain get a further +^% to attack.^Get exact^
   -  All units receive +x% to attack.  x = 5 * number of her properties.
 -  Tag Affinity:
   -  Jugger:  X,
   -  Koal:    X,
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Von Bolt, (Hell-Bolt) ^Please check my Romaji^
 -  Abilities:
   -  All units do 110% damage.
   -  All units have 110% defense.
 -  CO Power:  None
 -  SCO Power: Demolition Bolt
   -  3 HP damage is done in with an AoE of 2, will hurt enemies and allies.
   -  Allies affected must wait, taking no action, this turn.
   -  Enemies affected must wait, taking no action, on their coming turn.
   -  The game looks for the the highest density of units, goes by monetary
      value.  His units count as negative money towards this density.
 -  Tag Affinity:
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:
 Sturm, (^Need the Romaji^)^Need to find what the deal is with Sturm in AWDS^
 -  Abilities:
 -  CO Gauge:
 -  CO Power:
 -  SCO Power:
 -  Tag Affinity:
 -  Description:
   -  Hit:
   -  Miss:

^ Will be adding things here soon! All CONFIRMED info is appreiated. ^

Force Rank Abilities

 ^ I may be missing some force abilities, will be checking to make sure that
   I have them them all. ^
 Force rank abilities are extra abilities that can be equipped to a CO.  Up
 to 4 abilities can be equipped at a time.  ^Will fix this intro, just want
 to add the abilities list for now.^
 About Effects
 All effects will affect only your units unless explicitly stated otherwise.
 When I say all units, you can assume I am saying all of your units.
 Guideline For Force Rank Abilities
 [Ability Name]
   -  [Effects]
   -  [Special Notes, if there are any]

Level 1

   -  Become luckier, more likely to do +1 HP damage
   ^Get probabilities for lucky^
 Pay Off
   -  Gain money when damaged ^find exact amount^
   -  Indirect attacks do +5% damage
 Snipe Guard
   -  All units get +8% defense from indirect attacks
   -  Direct attacks do +5% damage
 Tackle Guard
   -  All units get +8% defense from direct attacks

Level 2

   -  Daily fuel cost -1 for hidden stealths and subs
 Power of Tower
   -  Towers' attack bonus now gives +5% extra to attack
   -  Transport type units get +10% defense from all attacks

Level 3

 Domino (Sami) March
   -  Infantry and mechs get a +1 bonus to their capture rate
   -  This bonus is factore in AFTER Sami's 50% capturing bonus
 Price Down
   -  Cost of units decreases by 5%
 Repair Plus
   -  Repairs heal +1 HP per day, costs increase proportionately
 Support Star
   -  After a CO tag, all units get +8% to attack
 View Plus
   -  All units get +1 to their vision range

Level 4

 City Star
   -  All units on cities get +10% to attack
 Forest Star
   -  All units on forests get +10% to attack
 Hide Star
   -  All hidden units (subs and stealth when hidden) get +15% to attack
 Marine Star
   -  All sea units get +10% to attack
 Mountain Star
   -  All units on mountains get +10% to attack
 Road Star
   -  All units on roads get +10% to attack

Level 5

 Cannon Guard
   -  Black Cannons and Mini Cannons do -2 HP damage to all units
 Missile Guard
   - Missiles (from Missile Silos) do -1 HP damage to all units
 Store Guage
   -  CO Gauge (Break Gauge) fills faster ^Get exact amount^
 Trans Move
   -  Transport units get +1 movement points

Level 6

 Field Free
   -  All units have a movement cost of 1 in plains
 Forest Free
   -  All units have a movement cost of 1 in forests
   -  Each property you control gives +10% money (1100 in default mode)
 Hide 2
   -  Daily fuel cost -1 for hidden stealths and subs
 Support Guard
   -  During CO tag abilities all units get +10% to defense ^Check to ensure^

Level 7

 Rain Star
   -  When it is raining, all units get +20% to attack
 Snow Star
   -  When it is snowing, all units get +20% to attack
 Storm Star
   -  When there is a sandstorm, all units get +20% to attack

Level 8

 Snipe 2
   -  Indirect attacks do +8% damage
 Snipe Guard 2
   -  All units get +12% defense from indirect attacks
 Tackle 2
   -  Direct attacks do +8% damage
 Tackle Guard 2
   -  All units get +12% defense from direct attacks  

Level 9

 Price Down 2
   -  Cost of units decreases by 8%
 Support Star 2
   -  After a CO tag, all units get +8% to attack

Level *

 Asuka (Sonja) No See 
   -  Units become hidden during Special Break and SCO Powers
 Domino (Sami) March 2
   -  Infantry and mechs get a +2 bonus to their capture rate
   -  This bonus is factore in AFTER Sami's 50% capturing bonus
 Repair Plus 2
   -  Repairs heal +2 HP per day, costs increase proportionately
 Soul of Hachi
   -  Units can be deployed from cities during Special Break and SCO Powers
 View Plus 2
   -  All units get +2 to their vision range

Related Links

Some interesting gameplay videos thanks to Julien:

Wikipedia Article

Advance Wars Net (A wonderful site with good forums and lots of info)

Nintendo of Japan (their official AW:DS site, better than the US site)