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As well as the various students around Bullworth Acadmey, there's all sorts of faculty members to affect Jimmy's academic career.

It's not just limited to the teachers, either; there are other staff members who'll have their own impact on your school days.


Life Science

Other staff

Mrs. Carvin

The school librarian, Mrs. Carvin has a pathological fear of rats.

Miss Danvers

Dr. Crabblesnitch's secretary. She's somewhat two-faced, being very polite in front of the headmaster but ruthlessly aggressive when he's not around.


The unhygienic lunchlady. She's got a thing for the Chemistry teacher Dr. Watts, and isn't above using pupils to help her out with manic schemes to bed him.

Mr. Luntz

The janitor, Mr. Luntz also works in the Bullworth Academy's clothing shop.

Nurse MacRae

The school nurse.

Mrs. Peabody

Hall monitor and girls' dorm mother. She hates Jimmy, and comes down especially hard on him if he's caught trespassing in the girls' dorms or bathrooms.