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With the Greasers and Preppies on his side, Jimmy's well on his way to running Bullworth. It's time to take on the last clique: the Jocks.

Stronghold Assault

  • Starts: Library

If you're going to get the Jocks, you'll need to have backup from their arch-enemies, the Nerds. They're none too keen to help you though, so Petey suggests you'll have to take on their leader, Earnest, to get the rest of them to fall in.

Outside the library, you'll find a group of Nerds - land a couple of blows on whichever one's marked by the arrow, and you'll be told he's in the Observatory. On the south side of the Library you'll find a narrow alleyway, with Bucky blocking your way. A couple of punches and he'll tell you the access code for the gate leading to the nerds' HQ.

As you follow the path, Nerds will attack you with firecrackers, bottle rockets and stinkbombs. However, if you use your slingshot, it's pretty easy to take them all out from a distance which makes the ordeal easier.

As you reach the end of the path you'll come to a crude corrugated iron doorway; pass through and Earnest will make his appearance, manning the Spud Cannon on top of the observatory's entrance arch. To get through, you're going to have to take out the transformer beside Earnest that controls the gate locks.

Stay where you are for now; you're covered by the cliff face which prevents Earnest from hitting you with his cannon. There are two nerds across from you - use your slingshot to take them out without needing to leave cover.

Get into first person mode with your slingshot by pressing Up dpad twice, and turn towards the observatory. Use Neutral lstick to move out slowly until you can see the transformer but not Earnest.

Take out the transformer and Earnest abandons his post, running into the observatory to hide.

You can now leave cover - there's two Nerds guarding the gates, but they're not too difficult to deal with. Open the gate with Triangle button, and run up to the Spud Cannon.

You've got to shoot the observatory doors until they buckle and break open - there's a health bar that shows you how close you are. At the same time, Nerds will appear at the windows and along the roof of the observatory to throw firecrackers and shoot rockets at you - use the Spud Cannon to take them out as they appear.

When the doors break, Jimmy runs inside to face Earnest.


Inside the observatory, Earnest has prepared his last stand on the gantries along the roof.

The layout of the room is similar to the outside of the observatory - there are four pillars you can use as cover from Earnest's bottle rockets. You've got to shoot down the pulleys holding up the gantry; there's one on each side of Earnest's position, and they take two or three slingshots each to break.

When you break the first gantry, Earnest will move to the left onto another gantry, from which he'll start throwing bombs at you. Again, take out the pulleys while using the provided cover and Earnest will move onto the final platform.

From here, he starts firing the hand-held Spud Gun at you. As before, take out both pulleys to defeat him.

Earnest falls to the floor, where Jimmy helps him up. He's initially distrustful, but Jimmy explains that he wants to take on the Jocks, with the Nerds' help - an idea that Earnest can really get behind.

As a reward, you'll get the Spud Gun weapon.


  • Starts: Bullworth Academy Observatory

Earnest has a plan that he claims will undermine the Jocks' confidence - he wants Jimmy to take inappropriate photos of the head cheerleader, Mandy. Jimmy's not convinced that it's a sound strategy, but agrees to follow along to see how the plan develops.

You need three photos of Mandy in inappropriate positions. Firstly, head to the gym. When you get inside, you'll see the the cheerleaders practicing; Mandy has her back to you. Take out the camera and press Up dpad to bring up the viewfinder. When she leans forward, snap a picture of her.

One of the other cheerleaders screws up the routing, and a frustrated Mandy leaves the gym to take a shower in the dorms. Head over and use the plant frame on the north side of the girls' dorm to get into the attic. Crouch using R3 button, otherwise Mrs. Peabody can hear you run. Head to the stairs at the far end, and move down to the upper dorm floor. Keep a close eye on Mrs. Peabody on your radar - wait until she moves downstairs before you leave the room.

Head into the bathroom, on the other side of the corridor about halfway down the hall. Don't get too close to the showers or Mandy'll see you, so stand over close to the stalls on the right before you take out your camera. The steam means you'll never really see anything, but take the photo anyway.

Mandy then leaves the showers for her room, which is the last one on the right as you leave the showers, directly the room with the stairs into the attic. Again, be careful Mrs. Peabody isn't about (hide in the bathroom trashcan if she's around), and leave the shower area. Don't go into Mandy's room, though - just stand in the corridor and shoot through the door.

With all three pictures in your posession, leave the dorm via the attic. Be careful coming down the ladder - if you fall from the top of the dorm it can knock you unconscious, failing the mission. Head to the Library, where Earnest's waiting with your reward, and it's mission complete.

Jocks Challenge

  • Starts: Bullworth Academy Gym

Win the dodgeball match against the Jocks, and you'll unlock a save location at the football field.

The best tactic to use in dodgeball is to jump, using Circle button, before throwing; it's much more difficult for your opponents to dodge than a standing throw.

You've got to win two out of three matches to beat the Jocks and unlock their clubhouse, at the west end of the football field.

Funhouse Fun

  • Starts: Bullworth Academy Library

Earnest has learned that the Jocks are planning a trip to the carnival this afternoon, and ahead of their trip the Nerds have taken over the Funhouse. Jimmy's asked to go and make sure everything's going to plan.

You've got to get to the Funhouse before the Jocks are due to arrive. It's towards the back of the carnival, to the left of the rollercoaster entrance. Run onto the tongue and the teeth will open up to let you through.

Inside, you'll have to crouch to get through the next section. In the next room, you'll see Fatty and Bucky being beaten up by two of the Jocks, who've apparently gotten there early.

Take out the Jocks and the Nerds will tell you that things have gone wrong - the football team has taken over the funhouse; Jimmy's got to get the Nerds out.

Hop up onto the table with Circle button, and press Triangle button where the blue book is sticking out of the bookcase. A ladder will drop down; climb it to get to the graveyard area of the funhouse.

Run over to the right, but be careful of the Reapers' blades. At the end, enter the door and activate the controls with Triangle button. You'll get a security camera view of the graveyard, where you'll see the Nerds run through the deactivated Reapers, followed by the Jocks climb the ladder out of the library room.

Use Cross button to drop the Reapers' blades and knock out the Jocks. There's five Reapers and three Jocks, so you can afford to miss a couple of times.

With the Jocks out of commission, leave the control room and head through the door to the right of the screen, into the mine area.

Climb the ladder directly to your right, and take out the Jock at the control panel. Throw the switch to stop the Miners from swinging their spades, allowing the Nerds to move through the first part of this area.

Follow the raised walkway you're on down the slope, and you'll see another Jock-controlled panel. Defeat this Jock and throw the switch to allow the Nerds to progress a little further.

Keep going along the walkway and you'll see the final Jock; again, beat him up and you'll have access to throw the final switch in the area, which will let the Nerds make it to the mine's exit.

Follow the Nerds through the door, and you'll discover that they've gotten themselves lost in the maze. It's not terribly complex, but you can check the map if you need to.

From your start point, open the first door on the left. Take the left path, and open the door straight ahead to find Bucky. Open the door directly beside the door Bucky was behind and follow that corridor around, opening all the doors until you find Fatty. Keep following the corridor past that point, and you'll come to the exit.

You'll find yourself in what looks to be a backstage area of a theatre - throw the switch to open the curtains and run off the stage, through the audience and out the door at the back to get out of the funhouse and complete the mission.

Defender Of The Castle

Discretion Assured

Here's To You, Ms. Philips

Galloway Away

Nice Outfit

The Big Game