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Revision as of 06:09, 23 November 2008 by Johnnyauau2000 (talk | contribs) (This is done to balance out from other chapters so they know which is a side mission and which is a main mission.)
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Endless Summer isn't really part of the plot - it's just an open-ended scenario wherein you can finish any classes you didn't manage to graduate from before the story ended, and do any optional missions, races or jobs you missed out on.

These are all optional missions. You can do these anytime during the period when the missions are available.

The Diary (Chapter 1)

  • Starts: Outside Bullworth Academy Girls' Dorm, 7pm – 11pm

Beatrice's diary has been confiscated by the maths teacher, Mr. Hattrick. Jimmy's not too concerned by the fact, until Beatrice reveals that large parts of the diary are about him, detailing their fictional romance. With that in mind, Jimmy makes a deal to get the diary back.

Beatrice reckons that the diary will still be in Hattrick's desk, so you're going to have to get into the school without being spotted by the prefects.

Head around to the south side of the school building, and you'll find a ledge that you can climb up. From there, walk over to the yellow circle on the ground and press Triangle button to climb onto the scaffolding. Move up to the top with Up lstick, and you'll be outside a window on the upstairs balcony. Use Triangle button to get inside.

Inside the school, keep an eye out for prefects, as you are trespassing already. Their field of vision will be visible on the radar, so jump into a locker or trashcan to avoid them if needs be. The maths room is to the left of your entry point, but when Jimmy tries the door he finds it's locked.

The next point of call is the staff room, on the ground floor. Again, watch out for prefects on your way down — but if you make it into the staff room they can't follow you. Still, it's better not to have them hanging around when you're on your way out.

There's a desk in the far corner from the door; press Triangle button and Jimmy will search through the drawers to find Beatrice's diary. You'll be treated with a two-page spread of the diary's contents; press Triangle button to exit and continue with the mission.

Leaving the staff room, you're free to exit the building any way you please. One of the back doors is fairly close by, but leaving through the main door might be easier depending where the prefects are.

Head back to the girls' dorm and give the diary to Beatrice to complete the mission.

Character Sheets (Chapter 1)

  • Starts: Bullworth Academy Library

Melvin's character sheets have been stolen, and it's looking like his Grottos & Gremlins session tonight is doomed. Jimmy might be able to help, though — Melvin offers to give you ten groats (dollars) and a pick of his wenches should you return the sheets.

The character sheets are in the possession of four groups of bullies around the campus. The closest group is to the south side of the library — hop over the wall and you'll find Trent and a friend. They offer you a game of "Roshambone", a game of "I'll kick you in the nuts, then you kick me", then start the game while you're not ready — tap Triangle button to get up. They'll run off and leave the sheet lying. You can let them go and grab the sheet, or show them who's boss by beating the crap out of them.

Next, head towards the main school building, but before you pass through the archway entrance to the library, you should see a bully leaning against the wall to the right. If you try to pursue him, he'll drop some marbles, so take out your slingshot and shoot him from a distance. When he's out for the count, grab the sheet he drops.

The next closest is beside the boys' dorm — you can hop over the wall for a shortcut, or take the long way round. Again, using the slingshot to take him out from a distance is the safest tactic, although if you want to get hands-on it's not too difficult either.

The last one is by the autoshop. You can use the slingshot again, or take him on mano a mano; either way you'll get the sheet. Return all four to Melvin for your reward, minus the promised wenches

Panty Raid (Chapter 2)

  • Starts: Come Hither, Bullworth Town, after 7pm

Jimmy catches the gym teacher Mr. Burton leaving the Come Hither adult store, and in an attempt to keep his feeble excuses sounding legit, Burton asks Jimmy to retrieve some "laundry" from the girls' dorm for him.

You can catch a bus to get back to the school, or just cycle/skate back if you prefer; there's no time limit (although if you're out after curfew it makes things more difficult).

Head around to the north side of the girls' dorms and you'll find some scaffolding. Press Triangle button to grab a hold and use Up lstick to climb up. At the top, head through the open window into the attic of the dorms.

Inside, use R3 button to crouch; if you run standing up you'll be heard by Mrs. Peabody. The five pairs of panties you're looking for are marked on the radar as yellow triangles — they're all on the floor below you, so head to the stairs at the far end and they'll change to yellow x.

As you move down, the authority icon will change to show you Mrs. Peabody's field of vision — if she sees you, you've pretty much failed the mission, unless you're very lucky in escaping from the dorms. Fortunately, all of the dorm rooms have a wardrobe in them that you can use as cover. She'll also move downstairs eventually, although she will come back after a while.

First things first, head to the bottom of the stairs and hide in the wardrobe there until you see Mrs. Peabody head into one of the other rooms. When she's out of the way, run across the corridor (open the other room's door if you need to) and pick up the panties on the floor. If you need to, jump into the wardrobe here for a short time.

Next, go into the next room along on the other side of the corridor, and from there into the bathrooms. Be careful around the showers; if you get too close to them, you'll be seen and kicked out of the dorms. You can hide here in the trashcan, if Peabody starts getting too close.

If Peabody's upstairs at this point it's safer to stay put; she tends to hang around at this end of the corridor.

When the coast's clear, move into the next room and then the last one. As soon as you pick up the last pair, one of the little kids will spot you and in the commotion someone pulls the fire alarm.

To get out quickly, jump over the railings at the top of the stairs and turn around immediately. Take a left and run to the end of the corridor — you should spot the emergency exit. You'll find yourself outside, but don't assume you're in the clear just yet.

Jump up beside the apple tree ahead of you, and wait here until your trouble meter lowers if you need to — especially if you're out after curfew, in which case you'll also have to watch out for prefects at this stage.

Mr. Burton is waiting for the laundry at the front gates; you can either head straight out the main entrance or take the long way around through the carpark exit if you're wanted too much.

Approach Burton and you'll finish the mission.

Weedkiller (Chapter 2)

  • Starts: Bullworth Academy Biology Classroom, outside class hours

Dr. Slawter, the biology teacher, has a very rare venus flytrap — the Capula Maxima Fortissima — which he's very proud of. Unfortunately, Derby Harrington's father also has one, which Dr. Slawter sees as an affront to his own collection. After correcting Jimmy on the goal of the mission, the teacher sends you to destroy Derby's plant.

The plant is being kept in a greenhouse on top of Harrington House — in order to get in, you'll have to disguise yourself as a preppie.

You should have an Aquaberry sweater or vest from The Eggs mission earlier, so head to the dorms and change into it.

You've also got to get a preppie haircut, from the Old Bullworth Vale salon; it's just east of the boxing club, marked on your radar as a yellow x. Any of the haircuts there will do the job; they all cost $12 except the Ivy League, which is $15.

With your image complete, head back to the school. Harrington House is to the south of the school, east of the bull mascot statue.

Inside, speak to Bif and he'll open the door into the main area of the building. The plant is right at the top, so take the stairs on the left up to the second floor. Through the door on your right, follow the game room around to the right, and you'll find yourself on a stone balcony outside. Up the stairs again, you'll see the ornate greenhouse ahead of you, and the massive flytrap at the far end.

For your convenience there is a pesticide spray on the bench to the left of the venus flytrap. Press Triangle button to pick it up, and use Up dpad to bring up a targeting reticule. Spray the poison with R1 button, and keep going until the plant's health bar is empty.

At this point, Gord and Chad burst in, determined to punish you for destroying their friend's rare plant. You don't have to beat them up, but it's certainly an option. They've locked the exit from the greenhouse, so you've got to beat the door down — if you press Square button while running, Jimmy will do a shoulder barge that should take out the door in one.

Once outside, run down the stairs and break down the other door to get into Harrington House proper.

There's two more preppies in here; you can grab a cricket bat off the wall to make things easier if you prefer. When you get around to the door back to the main hallway, you'll be greeted by another preppie bursting through.

Finally, on the ground floor you've got Bif to deal with. It's possible to just run past him and out the door; if your health's low that might be the best option, as he's pretty tough. Otherwise, just keep your distance and slingshot him. Firecrackers can also do a decent job against him.

When you get out of Harrington House, the mission ends.

Cook's Crush (Chapter 3)

  • Starts: Bullworth Academy Cafeteria

Edna has big plans for a date with Dr. Watts, the Chemistry teacher. He doesn't know it's a date though, so she wants your help getting some things together to prepare for the evening's romance: perfume, chocolates and some sedatives.

The perfume belongs to Ms Philips and is in the staff room, but the door's being blocked by two teachers. You need to get them out of the way, so pull the fire alarm — run to the nearest bin or locker and hide, so long as they can't see you duck in. When the coast's clear, head back to the staff room and go in — the perfume is in Ms Philips' bag on the table at the far end of the room.

You may already have the chocolates, but if not you can buy them from either of the Yum Yum Market stores. The best one is in Bullworth Town, because it's right beside the Happy Drug pharmacy where you'll be picking up the sedatives.

The pills are in the bin left to the hobo behind the drug store; use Square button to kick them all, and you'll find some prescription medication. This counts as vandalism however, so watch out for the police.

When you've gotten all three items, bring them back to Edna in the cafeteria to complete the mission.

Cook's Date (Chapter 3)

  • Starts: Beside Aquaberry Store, Old Bullworth Vale
  • Requires: Cook's Crush completed
  • Available: evenings (between 3:30 pm and 11 pm)

The time has come for Edna's date with Dr. Watts, and you're running backup while she waits for the sedatives in his coffee to kick in.

This mission is very similar to The Candidate; you'll be staying out of sight and keeping unwanted students away from Edna and Dr. Watts during their extra-curricular meeting.

First of all, climb the tree by the Aquaberry store. Walk over to the yellow circle and press Triangle button to grab hold of the vines, and climb with Up lstick. When you're hanging from the branch, press Triangle button to pull yourself up — you should see Dr. Watt arrive.

Take out the slingshot, and use Up dpad to bring up a reticule, or enter first-person if you prefer. You've got to hit the students as quickly as possible; if they hang about too long, the date will be interrupted and you'll fail the mission.

Once the sedatives have kicked in, Edna will drag the barely-conscious Dr. Watts off, and you'll have completed the mission.

Comic Klepto (Chapter 3)

  • Starts: Dragon's Wing Comic Store, Bullworth Town

A student's stolen some comics from the store, and the clerk's too slow and asthmatic to catch up. He promises Jimmy some cash and a couple of comics if he catches the perp and brings the merchandise back.

This mission is much easier if you've got firecrackers, but any projectile weapon will be useful. Otherwise, you've got to draw alongside the thief and punch him with L1 button or R1 button.

You've got to catch the thief before he makes it back to Bullworth Academy; his route takes him around Bullworth Town and up past the dam, into Old Bullworth Vale. When he falls of his bike, grab the comics the perp drops and bring them back to the comic store for your reward.

Here's to you, Ms. Philips (Chapter 4)

  • Starts: Bullworth Academy Art Room, 3:30pm – 7pm
  • Requires: complete Fighting Johnny Vincent (i.e. this task is available from the beginning of the chapter)
  • Rewards: $50

Ms. Philips is getting ready for a date, and due to some crossed wires Jimmy thinks he's the lucky guy. With that in mind, he's more than willing to help her get some things together for the big night.

The three items you need to pick up are perfume, a pearl necklace and Ms. Philips' dress. Two of the three are in stores in Old Bullworth Vale, so take a left out of the school grounds.

One of the greasers overheard the conversation Jimmy had with Ms. Philips and will be trying to make things difficult for you. He's not much trouble overall though; so long as your health isn't too low he'll not cause you any real trouble.

Old Bullworth Hair Nails and Beauty is on the northwest corner of the crossroads just west of the boxing club; run inside and pick up the perfume from the counter.

A little bit north of the salon is the Aquaberry store, where you'll get the pearl necklace Miss Philips asked for.

From here, keep going west and take a right up the hill, and right again at the top. Head across the bridge and past City Hall, following the road around to the right; you'll see the Worn In store where Ms. Philips' dress is being kept.

With all three items in your possession, get back to the art room. When Mr. Galloway shows up, the truth slowly dawns on Jimmy, but fortunately neither of the adults realises his mistake - so he gets off without any public embarrassment.

Discreet Deliveries (Chapter 4)

  • Starts: Bullworth Academy, outside the Chemistry classroom
  • Scholarship Edition only

The entire mission is timed, so it's best to have a bike handy; if not, you should be able to pick one up from your garage at the school car park.

Mr. Watt has some "chemical compounds" that need to get to his customers around the town. You'll have to go pick up the merchandise from the chem lab assistant.

The assistant, Bucky, is standing by the entrance to the Blue Skies industrial estate in New Coventry, near where Lola's Race started. Walk or ride up to him and he'll hand over the chemical; you've then got to deliver the packages to five customers.

To get to the first one, leave Bucky and head north, take a left at the intersection and then take the first right. Follow the road around to the left, and the customer is on the left hand side of the road.

Keep heading along that road, follow it around to the left, and then take a right at the intersection, heading out of New Coventry. Immediately after the railway bridge, take a left into the motel parking lot to find the second customer.

The third buyer is at the Yum Yum Market at the crossroads in the middle of Bullworth Town, and the fourth is in the southwest corner of Bullworth Town.

Finally, drop the last package off to the fifth customer at the front door of the Bullworth Academy Gym.

Go back to see Mr. Watt in the chemistry lab for your reward.

Galloway Away (Chapter 4)

  • Starts: Bullworth Academy Art Room, outside class hours
  • Requires: completed both Here's to you Ms. Philips and Stronghold Assault / Nerd Boss Fight

Mr. Galloway's been missing for a few days, and Jimmy's started to wonder why. Ms. Philips eventually tells him that Hattrick guilted Mr. Galloway into checking himself into a mental institution, and they won't let her in to see him. Jimmy offers to help get Galloway out, and Ms. Philips arranges to meet him by the Happy Volts Asylum.

The main entrance road to the asylum isn't open yet in this chapter; you're going to have to take the back way in. Head to the back path that you used to get to the Observatory in Stronghold Assault; on the east side of the path there's a small tunnel that looks like a mine shaft. Follow it through the cliff, and you'll come out on another dirt path area with another tunnel straight ahead. Go down that shaft and you'll come out at the southwest corner of the asylum - head up the main road, away from the asylum, to meet Ms. Philips.

You're going to have to sneak into the asylum, but getting over the fence is the first objective. Head to the southeast corner of the asylum, down the dirt path to the right of the main gate. At the end of the path, there's a tree that you can climb; when you're hanging from the branch, sidle right along the branch and use Circle button to drop into the asylum grounds.

At this point, you'll be approached by one of the inmates. He tells Jimmy to beware the watcher, in reality a statue in the middle of the grounds with a transformer in front that controls the security system. Crouch using R3 button and follow the fence to the small out building - keep close to the low hedge to avoid being seen. At the back of the building there's a ladder; climb up and take out your slingshot. Press Up dpad twice to get into the first person view and shoot the transformer in front of the statue.

Go back down the ladder and stick to the hedge on your way up to the front door of the asylum, but watch out for gaps. At the end, wait for the guards to move to the far side of the door facing away from you, and run into the asylum.

In the main entrance, there's a corridor to the right with a guard in it. You'll have to be quite careless to be seen by him, but stay crouched and move along that wall anyway. Open the door when he's not looking, and you'll be in a clear area. Go through the next door, and head around to the left of the pillars. You can open all the cell doors on this side, but there's nothing in any of them. Galloway's cell is the one in the rear right corner, but you'll have to make sure you're not seen by the orderlies dealing with his neighbor.

Open the door to his room, Galloway will come to his senses. He'll then follow Jimmy out of the asylum to Ms. Philips waiting at the main gate, where you'll get your reward.

Cheating Time (Chapter 5)

  • Starts: Bullworth Academy Car Park

Mr. Galloway's still drinking, much to Jimmy's disappointment. Complaining about life's unfairness, the English teacher lets slip that the math teacher Mr. Hattrick is selling test answers to his richer students. Jimmy agrees to catch Hattrick in the act, hoping to get rid of the main source of Mr. Galloway's stress.

Head into the autoshop area, and go through the first building. Climb the ladder just outside the door, and take out your camera before entering the glowing circle. Justin, one of the preppies, will show up to sell tests to the greasers - take a photo of him in the act and you'll be a third of the way to pinning Hattrick.

Head to the pool next, either via the gym or by going directly into the pool building. At the back of the room, to the right of the diving board, there's a set of steps up to the audience stands. Take out your camera again, and snap a photo of Justin selling tests to Mandy and Casey.

From here, you've got to follow the preppie - jumping down out of the stands won't harm you too badly, so do that and follow him out the door.

Directly to the right of the pool door there's a ladder. Climb it to the first level, and from there jump into the garden next to the building to see Hattrick collect his fee. Take a photo of him with Justin, and you've got all the evidence you'll need.

Hop over the fence down to the area beside the pool and head to the carpark to see Galloway. He's being cornered by Dr. Crabblesnitch and Hattrick, who's trying to get the English teacher fired for drinking again. Jimmy shows up in the nick of time to distract the headmaster, and Hattrick gets fired instead.

Note: If you didn't finish Maths in Scholarship Edition, he'll be still there until you finish all the tests.

Smash It Up (Chapter 5)

  • Starts: Zoe's house, Blue Skies Estate

Zoe's bored, and Jimmy's suggestions of a good time don't appeal to her. Instead, she decides to have a bit of fun at the Spencer Shipping warehouse nearby and invites Jimmy along for a competition.

Follow Zoe south to the Spencer Shipping warehouse - it's the same one as in Preppies Vandalized. Inside, Zoe reveals her plan: she and Jimmy will try to smash as much stuff as possible in the time limit, and whoever causes the most damage wins.

While the stuff on the ground floor isn't worth as much as some of the things upstairs, taking out as much of it as possible is a worthwhile tactic just to stop Zoe racking up some easy money. Some of the wooden items will leave a plant behind that you can use as a weapon against other valuables. It's also worthwhile to hold Square button when hitting the merchandise, as you'll cause more a little more damage that way.

When you've gotten as much as you can on the ground floor, either take the stairs and walk across the planks, or find a ladder downstairs, to get onto the shelving units. The most expensive things are at the far end, but take out everything as you work your way along. Some of the art pieces have a couple of different levels of damage, and when they look broken there's still some more money to be gotten.

When the timer runs out, Jimmy meets Zoe back on the ground floor near the door to compare their scores. If you did more damage than Zoe, she'll give you your reward and leave; otherwise, you've got to repeat the mission.

The Collector (Chapter 5) Scholarship Edition only

  • Starts: New Conventry, Blue Skies Estate

Stealing bikes can be a pain but it can be done. Simply use the slingshot to take down the adults and townies but watch out for police. Get away until the red meter goes down. Make sure the bike you steal goes to his garage marked on the map. You can only steal bikes that are marked on your map.

Letterbox Armageddon (Chapter 5) Scholarship Edition only

  • Starts: New Conventry, Blue Skies Estate

This is a simple task of smashing letterboxes. You could also do it without the bike but you need to be quick with the timer counting down. Also follow the path and letterboxes that are marked to make it easier to finish the mission.