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After gathering with Arc, Refia and Ingus, Luneth would start the quest to restore the Light Crystals, but the earthquake caused a landslide to block the exit of the valley. Moreover, it also unsealed the evil Djinn from the Sealed Cave, and he cast a curse on the people in nearby town. The Warriors of Light need to lift the curse, because they alone could't free the exit of the valley.

Before the Dungeon

At this part of the game, you start gaining the rest of your party members. In the NES version, you started the game with the full party already. In the DS remake, each character is introduced by a cutscene.

Town of Ur

In the table below, "NES" is the cost in the Japanese Famicom (NES) version, "DS" the cost in the remake. Items in brackets can be found for free, therefore there is no need to purchase them here. Items in green are recommended for purhcase, instead.

Weapon shop Armor shop Magic shop Item shop
Weapons NES DS Armors NES DS Magic NES DS Items NES DS
(Knife) 20 G - (Vest) 50 G - Poisona 100 G 100 G Potion 150 G 50 g
(Dagger) 60 G 60 G (Leather armor) 95 G 90 G Eye drops 40 G 40 g
(Longsword) 100 G 100 G (Leather shield) 40 G 40 G Antidote 80 G 80 g
(Staff) 40 G 40 G (Leather cap) 15 G 15 G
(Nunchuck) 60 G - (Bronze bracers) 80 G 80 G
(Bow) - 100 G
Wooden arrow - 4 G
Phoenix Down
Unlike most FF games, Phoenix Down cannot be bought in Final Fantasy III. It must be found in chests or stolen from enemies. To get an extra Phoenix Down, talk to the old man in blue near the elders' house in Ur and give him a potion when prompted. This works in the remakes only, while in the original you would be given Echo Herbs.

After arriving on the world surface, walk south until you reach a village. This is Ur, your hometown. If you talk to the first guy you see, an old man in blue, he'll tell you that the elders are looking for you. Go into the building directly behind him, and speak with Elder Topapa.

Town of Ur Item Checklist:
  • Dagger
  • Longsword
  • Potion
  • 2 Antidotes
  • 2 Phoenix Downs
  • Eyedrops
  • Cure

After this, take a small detour and grab some useful stuff. Go north until you see an old man in orange. Run past him and find a house hidden way back in the forest; there are monsters on the way. Check near the water for a Potion. The old man inside will give you a monologue about hidden switches and examining stuff. Zoom in and interact with any objects that sparkle.

Two of the pots to the left hold Antidotes, and the rightmost candle is actually a switch. Interact with it and a door will open to the right of it. If you take the stairs, you'll see five treasure chests: loot them (Spell Cure, Phoenix Down, Dagger, Eye Drops and Longsword).

Returning to the center of town, take a path leading northeast to find your next party member, Arc. Rename Arc, if you wish, and then watch him run out of town. Check the Water near where Arc was for a Potion.

It's almost time to take leave of Ur, but first, if you wish, take a path leading east from the inn to a well. This well contains three potions.

Now, exit Ur and travel south until you come to the next town...

Town of Kazus

The Airship

This is the first of many times that you obtain an Airship. This vehicle allows you to move around the world surface without encountering enemies. You have it for now, but

don't get used to flying around like this. Hint hint.
Town of Kazus Item Checklist:
  • Mythril Helm
  • Staff
  • 2 Potions
  • Zeus's Wrath

When you enter Kazus, you'll see Arc up ahead. Talk to him, or at least try to, in order to progress with the plot. After that, start exploring Kazus. The town is basically deserted, no one's outside, and everyone inside the buildings seem to have become outlines of people.

On top of that, no one in the shops will sell you anything. To get to the bottom of this, head to the inn and talk to the outline standing by the left-most counter. The outline, who is actually Cid, will give you his airship to help you lift the curse that seems to have caused everyone to become outlines.

Go in Smith's House northeast and check the Vase (Potion). Check the bookshelf in the Inn (Potion). Now go around the wood to find a pond and three hidden treasures (Mythril Helm, Staff and Zeus's Wrath).

Don't enter the Mine, as the monsters there are too strong for you right now.

Head west to a patch of sand west of Kazus to find the Airship. Walk inside and prepare to meet your next party member, Refia (her default name). After talking with her your objective becomes clear: Head to Castle Sasune to retrive the Mythril Ring! To reach the castle, fly northwest (roughly). It appears as a fortress-like structure. Park your airship and go inside.

Note: If you try to go into Kazus with Refia, she will stay outside. She won't go back into town until later in the game.

Castle Sasune

Castle Sasune Item Checklist:
  • Leather Shield
  • Bronze Knuckles
  • Bow
  • 40 Wooden Arrows
  • 20 Holy Arrows
  • Wightslayer
  • Phoenix Down
  • 2000 Gil
  • Potion
  • Blizzard

When you arrive, run up to the gate. Talk to the man standing there, he's Ingus, your fourth party member. After talking to you, he'll decide to let you go talk to the king, and you can now enter the castle.

After entering, go straight forward until you enter the room where the king and the man you saw before are. Walk up to them to learn about the curse and how to lift it. Unfortunately, the ring you're looking for seems to have disappeared along with King Sasune's daughter, Sara. You're instructed to go to the cave in the north and look for Sara with the king's man, Ingus, who now joins your party. Now your last party member has joined you.

You can now head off to the Sealed Cave. However, it might be a good idea to stock up on healing items, and possibly teach your characters some spells or get them armor before you set off. Once you're ready to enter the cave, get on board your airship and head north to the cave across from the lake. Make sure you save!

Let it be noted that Castle Sasune is stuffed with treasure. There are three parts to the castle: the main part, and the west and east towers. In the main castle, some of the side walls appear different from the others. You can walk through these to get into other rooms. Go downstairs twice from the King's Chamber and go through the left wall for a Phoenix Down.

Then go through the right wall and upstairs. Gou around to find two chests (Leather Shield and Spell Blizzard), but that is not all. To the left of the two chests is another hidden wall you can walk through. Go north, east to find one chest (Bronze Knuckles). Go downstairs twice and get the treasure from two chests (2000 gil).

Go to the East Tower where is no enemies. On third floor there are two chests (20 Holy Arrows and 20 Wooden Arrows) and on the last floor are three chests (Potion, Bow and 20 Wooden Arrows)

Before venturing in the West Tower, go to Ur and buy some stuff for your Party. Train a while in the West Tower until you're Level 5 or higher, since there is a boss on the last floor. On floor 3 there are two chests (20 Holy Arrows and 20 Wooden Arrows) and on the last floor is one chest (Wightslayer), which is guarded by a Griffon monster, so be on your guard.

Sub-BOSS: Griffon

In the original NES version, this enemy was not a boss: in fact, it didn't have the boss music nor the boss animation.

Level: 6 HP: 230 Weakness: Ice (DS) Gil: 40 EXP: 130

This boss is fairly easy as well. Whack away at it with your swords, and use Potions (or Cure if you have it) if your party members are wounded. Also, it's a good idea to get a Blizzard spell to use not only on this boss but on the boss of the next dungeon. Go to the Sealed Cave next...

The Sealed Cave


The monsters in the Sealed Cave are fairly powerful, more so than the monsters on the world surface, but they are undead, so they are harmed by Cure spells and they're weak against Holy element (Wightslayer sword).

If you find yourself getting whacked around by them, return to the surface and get your characters to about level 6 or so before going back. Also, nab some of the treasure in Castle Sasune to equip your characters with.
The Sealed Cave Item Checklist:
  • Potion
  • 500 Gil
  • Antarctic Wind
  • Eye Drops
  • Cure

When you enter the Sealed Cave, you find yourself in a large chamber. Walk straight ahead, and follow the curving path until you arrive at a two-way split. Keep traveling forward to find a chest (Potion), then return to the split and take the other path to travel deeper into the dungeon. Follow this path until you reach a path that leads off into a small chamber with a chest (Spell Cure). After this, continue to follow the path to a set of stairs.

In the next cave go down-left for a chest (500 gil). Then go to the skull at the top-right corner. Zoom in and you see that it shines. Activate it and the wall will upon up. Continue along the path and enter the next room, where Princess Sara will join the party. Continue into the next room. With Y button you can speak with Princess Sara if you wish to do so.

Go along the path until you get to crossroads and take the path leading down for a chest (Antarctic Wind) and then take the path going up. After you get to the large chamber, go down and get the chest (Eye Drops) then go up slightly and take the path going left. The path will turn down into a large chamber with another path leading to the right. It is advisable to heal your party members as the Djinn is right around the corner.

BOSS: Djinn

In pre-Islamic Arab culture, the djinns were elemental spirits associated with the air/wind, while the fire-elemental spirits (like this Djinn-Boss) were the efreets/ifrits. The other two elementals were marids for the water and ghouls for the darkness.

Level: 7 HP: 600 Weakness: Ice, Water Gil: 1400 EXP: 200
NES version

The quickest way to defeat this boss is to use two antarctic winds as they do 350 damage. However, there is alternative which uses one less wind: Cast Blizzard, Use Antarctic Wind, WightSlayer attack, and someone heal. After you defeat the djinn, you will then teleported to Altar Cave, then the credits will roll.

After the boss: Wind Crystal jobs

Wind Crystal Jobs
  • Warrior
  • Monk
  • White Mage
  • Black Mage
  • Red Mage
  • Thief(remakes)

Once the credits finish, a Moogle will give a short explanation about the job-change you now can do. Walk past the crystal onto the pink portal.

You could stay Freelancer or change the jobs of your party any way you like. For more information on the six first jobs check the Job List.

With the Victory over Djinn the Moogles will start appearing in villages. Check Mognet for more info.

You will then be transported out of the Altar cave. Once on the open fields, it is advisable to save. Go to Castle Sasune where Princess Sara awaits you. Princess Sara will throw the Mythril Ring in the Holy Spring under the Castle to lift the Djinn Curse. After the Curse is lifted, the King will thank you with a Folding Canoe.

NES differences

In the NES version, the first five jobs are unlocked far earlier than here.

The biggest difference is that the man in Ur exchanges your potions with Echo Herbs instead of Phoenix Downs. An Echo Herb just cures the "Mute" status, therefore it's far less useful.

The bow and the arrows can be used by some Wind Crystal jobs, but since the arrows are consumables, you may choose moneywise to save them for the Ranger, that is the job specialized in using this type of weapon. On the other hand, enemies weak against the Holy element are found in three dungeons only throughout the game.

Checklist before the Djinn:
Items to find Items to purchase
  • Gold:
    • 1000+1000 Gil (in Altar cave)
    • 1000+1000 Gil (in Sasune castle)
    • 500 Gil (in Sealed cave)
  • Weapons:
    • 3 Long swords (for a Warrior)
    • Nunchuck (for a Monk)
    • Tonfa (for a Monk)
    • Dagger
    • Staff
    • Wightslayer sword (for a Red Mage)
    • 60 Wooden arrows (for a Ranger)
    • 40 Holy arrows (for a Ranger)
    • Bow (for a Ranger)
  • Shields:
    • Leather shield
  • White magic:
    • 2 Cure
  • Black magic:
    • Sleep
    • Blizzard
  • Body armor:
    • 2 Leather robes
  • Helm:
    • Mithril helm
  • Arm protection:
    • Bronze bracers
  • Items:
    • 9 Potions
    • Echo herb (NES)
    • 2 Antidotes
    • Zeus Rage (casts Thunder2)
    • Antarctic wind (casts Blizzard2)
    • Eyedrop
Items that cannot be found

Shops in Ur

  • White magic:
    • Poisona
  • Items:
    • more Eyedrops

There's no need to purchase the items in brackets because they can be obtained elsewhere.

Shops in Ur
Weapons shop Price Free location Armor shop Price Free location Magic shop Price Free
(Knife) 20 Gil (starting equipment) (Cloth robe) 50 Gil (starting equipment) Poisona 100 Gil -
(Dagger) 60 Gil (chest in Ur) (Leather robe) 95 Gil (chest in Ur) Item shop Price Free
(Long sword) 100 Gil (chests in Altar Cave
and Ur)
(Leather shield) 40 Gil (chests in Altar Cave
and Castle Sasune)
Potion 150 lots...
(Staff) 40 Gil (Kazus, in the grass) Leather helm 15 Gil - Eyedrops 40 -
(Nunchuck) 60 Gil (chest in Altar Cave) (Copper bracers) 80 Gil (chest in Altar Cave) Antidote 80 -