Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies/Episode 4: The Cosmic Turnabout/Trial, Day 2 - Part 2

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Trial Part 2 Begins

The trial continued after Cosmos spin party. Prosecutor Blackquill ran an analysis on the medal and it matched Detective Arme's firearm a .38 caliber. Cosmos still insisting that it's a misunderstanding. You are claiming that Cosmos were the "third person" in the room. Cosmos finally said that you were right all along, he was there in the boarding lounge. He got there before Detective Arme did and she fired two warning shots at him. He was scared that people would think he was the killer so he ran to the Control Room, then he went all the way around the elevators to the Boarding Lounge 1 again. He came up behind Arme pretending to be the second person on the scene. Cosmos is insisting that he's not the killer because he also saw this "third person". He said that he has an alibi, Ms. Blackquill said that she saw the killer at 10 AM and Cosmos was at the fourth floor helping with the evacuation. You want Cosmos to testify about the person he saw.

Cosmos's Testimony: What I Really Witnessed

Cosmos' Testimony
- What I Saw at the Scene -
  1. As I tried to enter the lounge, the true killer inside fired a gun at me!
  2. I hid to avoid getting shot...
  3. ...but, when I tried to get another look, they had vanished into thin air!
  4. I was near the elevator side door, and, well, the Launch Pad 1 door...
  5. ...and the control room door should've been shut tight to the killer...

Cosmos said that he found Mr. Terran and his killer, then the killer shot a .10 caliber bullet at him, but it hit Mr. Terran's oxygen tank and ruptured it. Then the killer disappeared and when Cosmos went into the boarding lounge, Detective Arme fired the two warning shots at him and one of them hit his medal. You were hoping if Cosmos could elaborate on when the mysterious figure disappeared. Cosmos replied that when he tried to hide after getting shot at, and when he looked out he saw that the figure already disappeared. He went back to the lounge to look for the figure, but he found Mr. Terran with a knife in his chest and Starbuck out cold on the floor. Blackquill is claiming that it was Starbuck himself who is the mysterious figure, when he was spotted by Ms. Blackquill and Cosmos he acted like he's unconscious. Cosmos said that he didn't see Starbuck when he saw the mysterious figure because it was so dark. He only saw Starbuck after the figure was gone. Athena said that she heard some discord in his voice so she is going to help.

Mood Matrix: Yuri Cosmos

Yuri Cosmos
Yuri Cosmos
Mood Matrix: Yuri Cosmos
Noise Level: 100%
1. As I tried to enter the lounge...
2. ...the true killer inside fired a gun at me!
3. I hid to avoid getting shot...
4. ...but, when I tried to get another look, they had vanished into thin air!
5. I was near the elevator side door...
6. and, well, the Launch Pad 1 door...
7. ...and the Control Room door should've been shut tight to the killer...

On the fourth statement, use Pinpoint and select the surprise button. Cosmos should've been surprised that the killer just vanished into thin air, but why didn't he? Does he actually know where the killer is going? You brought up that when Cosmos went to check on Mr. Terran and Starbuck the killer could've taken that opportunity to slip out through the southern door. But it was quickly shot down because Detective Arme was there. So why isn't Cosmos surprised that the killer disappeared?

On the sixth statement use pinpoint and select the blue icon. Why is Cosmos scared of the launch pad door? There's something about the launch pad that Cosmos isn't telling us. Cosmos isn't surprised that the killer suddenly vanished, which means that he knows there the killer escaped to, talking about the launch pad door also makes him uneasy. Select and present the Launch Pad 1 Corridor. It's supposed to be filled with smoke, but this is the only thing that make sense. There must be something more that Cosmos is hiding from us.

Present Solomon Starbuck. The killer used Starbuck's hand print to get through the Launch Pad 1 Door. Cosmos is definitely hiding something about the killer's escape route, but we don't have enough information to get the whole picture. The judge asked if we can just look at the security footage video, but the power cables were damaged, probably from the explosion.

Mood Matrix: Yuri Cosmos

Yuri Cosmos
Yuri Cosmos
Mood Matrix: Yuri Cosmos
Noise Level: 70%
1. I hid to avoid getting shot...
2. After the killer vanished, I went into the lounge...
3. ...but that's when Detective Arme appeared from the elevator-side door!
4. And then, the detective shot at me!
5. So you see, the killer could've escaped to the launch pad, right?

On the fourth statement use pinpoint and select the surprised button. Of course Cosmos would be surprised when Detective Arme suddenly coming in and shooting at him, but why was he more surprised by Detective Arme coming in than him getting shot by Arme? When prompted, choose More surprised when Arme came. His discord level went down to 30 this means that he is hiding something about the launch pad door. You suggested that if he did something to the door, there must be a difference between before and after he came to the room. Select and present knob on the far left. After the incident the knob was straight, and before it was horizontal. What does this knob do? That knob is a safety lock to keep the launch pad in place. Cosmos claimed that he moved it because he was scared that there would be more explosions. So where did the killer went to? There is still a lot of smokes at the corridor.

Mood Matrix: Yuri Cosmos

Yuri Cosmos
Yuri Cosmos
Mood Matrix: Yuri Cosmos
Noise Level: 30%
1. I had no choice but to disengage the safety lock.
2. I feared there might be more explosions...
3. I had to cut the launch pad lose.
4. Surely, the only escape the killer had was through Launch Pad 1.
5. But that area was a sea of smoke...
6. Confound it! Where on Earth could they have gone?!

On the first statement press pinpoint and choose the happiness icon. Cosmos made it sound like he was reluctant so why does he express some happiness? Cosmos asked how you know everything as if you were there. You replied with considering everything it sounds like he has some hidden agenda. Cosmos replied with how do you know about that too? Blackquill said that Launch Pad 1 was on the Boarding Lounge 1 side after the bombing, the police confirmed this. You insisted that the pad must have gone somewhere since the knob is already turned. What if Cosmos turned the knob, not to move the Launch Pad away, but to bring it back to where it was supposed to be? Blackquill disregards that thought because it already has been proven that the pad was already in place since Cosmos turned the knob after he discovered the scene, but the picture of Mr. Terran and Starbuck came in before the knob. What if they never boarded the rocket...? Choose To switch it with another place. Cosmos turned the knob to switch the launch pad with another place, but what? Choose Space Museum. The Space Museum used to be Launch Pad 2 in the past, so it can be switched with Launch Pad 1 since it has the same features. The rocket Mr. Terran and Starbuck boarded wasn't the real rocket, it was the one in the museum! Anyone can come into the museum. The killer came in through the Space Museum then set the bomb on the rocket, snuck into Boarding Lounge 1 and waited for Mr. Terran and Starbuck to come in and killed Mr. Terran. After killing Mr. Terran, Cosmos switched the launch pads back and the killer left Space Museum. In the footage, there is a number 2 written on it, next to the astronaut's elbow. Choose Number two mark next to the astronaut's elbow. There's a number 1 painted on the floor of the Launch Pad 1 hallway. Mr. Terran carried Starbuck and the capsule on the elevator since the Space Museum isn't covered in smoke. Why didn't anyone notice? Because everyone was in the basement when it happened. There was an explosion afterall. Cosmos' scooter went rogue and he went through the wall. Two questions: 1, Mr. Terran would know if he was going to the Space Museum so why did he need to put on a dramatic display? 2, why did Cosmos switched the launch pads? Cosmos exercised his right to remain silent, but he was doing what he can so he can save his men from the explosions. Blackquill said that Starbuck will not be going anywhere but prison. Blackquill was tasered and Fulbright appeared. Fulbright came with the lighter that was used by the killer. It has Mr. Terran's blood and the killer's fingerprints on it. The killer must've dropped it. The remote switch found in Starbucks' pocket can be assumed that it was planted by the killer. Fulbright mentioned about tomorrow but was completely shot down by Blackquill. What's happening tomorrow?

Solomon Starbuck is found...

Blackquill still insisted that something is wrong. Blackquill read who the fingerprints on the lighter belongs to... Athena Cykes. WAIT, WHAT?! The only fingerprints on that lighter can only belong to the killer, so why is Athena's fingerprints on it?

This case will be continued in the next episode.