Final Fantasy III/Items

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Useable items[edit | edit source]

These items can be used in and out of battle for different effects.

Healing items[edit | edit source]

  • Potion: Restores 50 HP.
  • Hi-Potion: Restores 500 HP.
  • Elixir: Restores all HP and MP.
  • Phoenix Down: Revives an ally.
  • Antidote: Cures poison.
  • Maiden's Kiss: Cures being toaded.
  • Echo Herbs: Cures silence.
  • Eye Drops: Cures blindness.
  • Gold Needle: Cures petrification.
  • Mallet: Shrinks or unshrinks allies.

Combat items[edit | edit source]

Support items:

  • Turtle Shell: Casts Protect.
  • Shining Curtain: Casts Reflect.
  • Bacchus's Cider: Casts Haste.
  • Angel's Sigh: Casts Esuna.

Disabling items:

  • Tranquilizer: Casts Shade.
  • Lamia Scale: Casts Confuse.
  • Shell Breaker: Casts Erase.

Attack items (elemental):

  • Antarctic Wind: Casts Blizzara.
  • Zeus's Wrath: Casts Thundara.
  • Bomb Fragment: Casts Fira.
  • Artic Wind: Casts Blizzaga.
  • Heavenly Wrath: Casts Thundaga.
  • Bomb Arm: Casts Firaga.
  • Raven's Yawn: Casts Aeroga.
  • Earthen Drums: Casts Quake.
  • White Musk: Casts Holy.

Attack items (instant-defeat):

  • Black Musk: Instant defeat.
  • Black Hole: Casts Warp.

Attack items (non-elemental):

  • Chocobo's Wrath: Casts Flare.
  • Lilith's Kiss: Casts Drain.

NES items[edit | edit source]

Healing items can be used both in battle or outside. It is recommended to cure status ailments after battle, because otherwise the enemies can inflict the same status ailment again.

Healing item Gil Target Effect Locations
Potion 150 One ally Restores about 50-100 HP
Hi-Potion 600 One ally Restores about 500 HP
Elixir 3000 One ally Restores all HP & MP Cannot be purchased.
Find: 22 through the game.
Steal/Win: Dragons in Crystal Tower.
Phoenix Down 3000 One ally Revives dead ally Cannot be purchased.
Find: 32 through the game.
Gold Needle 300 One ally Revives petrified ally
Antidote 80 One ally Cures "Poison" status
Eyedrops 40 One ally Cures "Blind" status
Echo Herbs 100 One ally Cures "Mute" status
Maiden's Kiss 100 One ally Cures or causes "Toad" status
Mallet 100 One ally Cures or causes "Mini" status

Field items can be used outside battle only (with one exception).

Field item Gil Target Effect Locations
Magic key 100 Locked door Opens a locked door. Buy: Gysahl.
Find: 2 in Gysahl, 2 in Dwarven Hollows
Gysahl carrot 150 Fat Chocobo Summons Fat Chocobo in Chocobo Forests. Buy: Gysahl, Amur, Replito, Duster, Saronia, Doga's, Airship, Falgabard.
Find: 3 in Gysahl, Dwarven Hollows, 4 in Amur, 11 in Saronia.
Gnomish bread 200 World map Shows the world map. Buy: Tozus, Replito, Saronia, Airship, Falgabard.
Find: 2 in Canaan, any number in Ancients Village.
Steal: Adamantoise (Molten Cave).
Ottershroom 2000 All party Exit from dungeon. Buy: Replito, Saronia, Airship.
Find: Dwarven Hollows.
Black hole 4000 All party or one enemy Teleports back any number floors in a dungeon OR Teleports away one enemy (instant-defeat). Find: Sunken cave, lake Dohr.
Steal: Needle Monkey (Saronia), Death Claw (Ancient ruins & cave of Shadows), Glasya Labolas (Crystal tower)

Support items are battle items that target the allies. They improve the characteristics of the allies. They cannot be purchased: the characters can only find them in chests or steal from enemies.

Support item Gil Target Effect Locations
Turtle shell 3000 One ally Increases physical defense. Find: Replito, Lake Dohr, Bahamut's Lair.
Steal: Sorcerer (Saronia), BossTroll (Catacombs)
Bacchus' cider 3000 One ally Doubles Hit rate and Evasion rate. Find: Sunken Cave, Lake Dohr, 2 in Bahamut's Lair.
Shining curtain 5000 One ally Reflects next one spell cast. Find: 4 in Doga's Grotto, 2 in Crystal Tower

Disabling items are battle items that target the enemies. They reduce the abilities of the enemies. They cannot be purchased: the characters can only find them in chests or steal from enemies.

Disabling item Gil Target Effect Locations
Sheep pillow 2000 One/all enemies Inflicts "Sleep" status. Steal: Leprechaun (Tozus tunnel), Balloon (Molten Cave)
Silence seal 2000 One enemy Inflicts "Mute" status. (Item-upgrade glitch)
Tranquilizer 3000 One/all enemies Inflicts "Paralysis" status. Find: Cave of Shadows
Steal: Bomb (Subterranean lake), Stroper (Amur sewers), Vulcan & Magician (Amur area), Rock Gargoyle (Magic Circle cave), Kyklops & Fachan (Saronia catacombs), Thor (Crystal Tower & Dark World).
Lamia scale 3000 One/all enemies Inflicts "Confuse" status. Find: Tokkul, Lake Dohr, Bahamut's Lair, Cave of Shadows.
Shell breaker 3000 One enemy Removes magic barriers. (Item-upgrade glitch)

Attack items are battle items that simply deal damage or instantly defeat the enemies. They cannot be purchased: the characters can only find them in chests or steal from enemies.

Attack item Gil Target Effect Locations
Antarctic wind 1000 One/all enemies Element: ice (Blizzard2) Find: 6 in chests.
Steal: Petit (Nepto Temple), Griffon (Tokkul area), Adamantoise (Molten cave), Lamia (Hein Castle)
Zeus' wrath 1000 One/all enemies Element: lightning (Thunder2) Find: 4 in chests.
Steal: Petit (Nepto Temple), Griffon (Tokkul area), Knocker (Argus area), Red Cap (N from Ancients Village), Lamia (Hein Castle)
Bomb fragment 1000 One/all enemies Element: fire (Fire2) Find: 2 in chests.
Steal: Leprechaun (Tozus tunnel), Petit (Nepto Temple), Griffon (Tokkul area), Balloon (Molten cave), Lamia (Hein Castle)
Arctic wind 1500 One/all enemies Element: ice (Blizzard3) Find: 4 in chests.
Steal: Roper (Cave of Tides), Black Flan (Amur area), Sorcerer (Saronia), Dread Knight (Magic Circle cave), Boss Troll (Saronia catacombs), Azrael (Ancient ruins), Hydra (Darkness World)
Heavenly wrath 1500 One/all enemies Element: lightning (Thunder3) Find: 4 in chests.
Steal: Roper (Cave of Tides), Stroper (Amur sewers), Black Flan & Magician (Amur area), Dread Knight (Magic Circle cave), Kyklops (Saronia catacombs), Azrael (Ancient ruins)
Bomb arm 1500 One/all enemies Element: fire (Fire3) Find: 2 in chests.
Steal: Bomb (Subterranean lake), Roper (Cave of Tides), Black Flan & Vulcan (Amur area), Rock Gargoyle & Dread Knight (Magic Circle cave), Fachan (Saronia catacombs), Azrael (Ancient ruins)
Raven's yawn 3000 One/all enemies Element: air (Aero2) Find: 1 in chest.
Steal: Needle Monkey (Saronia), Death Claw (Caves of Shadows/Falgabard), Glasya Labolas (Crystal Tower)
White musk 5000 One enemy Element: Holy (Holy) Find: 3 in chests.
Devil's sigh 3000 All enemies Instant-defeat Steal: Knocker (Argus area), Red Cap (N from Ancients Village)
Black musk 5000 One enemy Instant-defeat Find: 3 in chests.
Bomb head 2000 One enemy Non-elemental (Item-upgrade glitch)
Earthen drums 2500 All enemies Non-elemental Find: 5 in chests.
Lilith's kiss 3000 One enemy Drains HP Find: 4 in chests.
Steal: Needle Monkey (Saronia), Death Claw (Caves of Shadows/Falgabard), Glasya Labolas (Crystal Tower)
Chocobo's wrath 5000 One/all enemies Non-elemental Find: 3 in chests.

Key Items[edit | edit source]

  • Folding Canoe
  • Wheel of Time
  • Horn of Ice
  • Noah's Lute