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Click here for more information about Eiji's other fighting game appearances.

Eiji Kisaragi (如月 影二) is an assassin ninja from the feared and respected Kisaragi clan. His school is the sworn enemy of both the Sakazaki clan and Kyokugenryu Karate.

Story (in the Art of Fighting Series)[edit | edit source]

Eiji is an assassin ninja from the feared and respected Kisaragi clan. He had been taught the killing arts of the Kisaragi since childhood, and he also became an expert in psychokinetic transportation, as a descendant of Zantetsu he also uses the Nagare(流)and Kage(影) twin ninja daggers. His school is the sworn enemy of both the Sakazaki clan and Kyokugenryu Karate. Eiji is a mercenary, willing to kill for anyone so long as they pay well. However though he was a villain in AOF2, there was no indication he was ever a member of Mr. Big's syndicate.

As with all of the characters from the previous two games except Ryo Sakazaki and Robert Garcia, Eiji does not appear in Art of Fighting 3. However Jin Fuha is looking for him.

Many Western players believed Eiji to be secretly in love with popular character Mai Shiranui because the US version of his Art of Fighting 2 ending implies such a thing (despite the series being set 15 years before the Fatal Fury series) The Japanese version makes no such implication.

He is the descendent of Zantetsu from the Last Blade series of fighting games.

Fight Order[edit | edit source]

Art of Fighting 2[edit | edit source]

If you pick Eiji Kisaragi as your first opponent in Art of Fighting 2 (single player mode), you will fight the other contestants in the following order:

first opponent 2. Fight 3. Fight 4. Fight 5. Fight 6. Fight 7. Fight 8. Fight 9. Fight 10. Fight 11. Fight 12. Fight

If you qualify for the 13. fight, you will fight against Geese Howard. See the secrets section for more information.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Art of Fighting 2[edit | edit source]

Name Input Spirit
Kuuchuu Ippon Seoi or + 0%
Kikouhou + 20%
Kasumigiri + 20%
Ryueijin + 20%
Koppagiri + 20%
Kisaragi Ryuuken Kenkyaku + 20%
Tenbakyaku + 40%
SUPER: Zantetsuha + 75%
DESPERATION: Zantetsu Tourouken + 75%