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For strategies on select enemies, see the enemies page.

Enemy stats[edit | edit source]

Stats in parentheses are for the versions found inside the Battle Arena.

Image Name Element HP STR DEF Exp Location
Abiondarg Electric 88
Underground Waterway
Battle Arena
Adramelech Dark 1800 380 360 16000 Chapel Tower
Alraune Plant 774
Observation Tower
Battle Arena
Arachne Earth 330
Battle Arena
Arch Demon Dark 320 505 400 1000 Catacombs
Chapel Tower
Underground Warehouse
Axe Armor Dark 55 120 130 31 Abyss Stairway
Audience Room
Outer Wall
Bat Dark 5 50 15 4 Catacombs
Beast Demon Dark 150 330 250 260 Eternal Corridor
Chapel Tower
Bloody Sword Poison 30
Chapel Tower
Battle Arena
Bone Head Fire 24 60 80 7 Catacombs
Abyss Stairway
Bone Tower Fire 84
Machine Tower
Eternal Corridor
Chapel Tower
Underground Warehouse
Battle Arena
Brain Float Electric 20 50 25 10 Catacombs
Chapel Tower
Underground Gallery
Underground Waterway
Outer Wall
Camilla Dark 1500 650 700 80000 Underground Waterway
Catoblepas Stone 550
Observation Tower
Battle Arena
Cerberus Holy 600 150 100 500 Catacombs
Clinking Man Dark 80 135 25 21 Audience Room
Triumph Hallway
Coffin Earth 100 100 35 3 Catacombs
Dark Armor Dark 400 680 560 3300 Observation Tower
Death Dark 880 600 800 60000 Underground Warehouse
Death Mantis Dark 200 318 240 400 Underground Gallery
Demon Lord Dark 460
Observation Tower
Battle Arena
Devil Dark 1080
Observation Tower
Battle Arena
Devil Armor Dark 500 804 714 6600 Battle Arena
Devil Tower Stone 10
Audience Room
Battle Arena
Dracula (1st) Dark 1100 805 850 150000 Ceremonial Room
Dracula (2nd) Dark 3000 1000 1000 0 Sealed Room
Dragon Zombie Poison 1400 390 440 15000 Underground Gallery
Dryad Plant 120 300 360 300 Underground Warehouse
Dullahan Dark 240 550 440 2200 Observation Tower
Earth Armor Earth 130 230 280 240 Machine Tower
Earth Demon Earth 150 90 85 25 Catacombs
Ectoplasm Dark 12 165 51 2 Machine Tower
Eternal Corridor
Electric Skeleton Electric 42
Audience Room
Outer Wall
Battle Arena
Evil Hand Poison 52 150 120 63 Eternal Corridor
Underground Gallery
Underground Waterway
Evil Pillar Stone 20
Observation Tower
Battle Arena
Fallen Angel Holy 370 770 770 6000 Chapel Tower (Battle Arena entrance)
Fishhead Ice 80 320 504 486 Underground Waterway
Flame Armor Fire 160 320 300 280 Triumph Hallway
Chapel Tower
Flame Demon Fire 300
Eternal Corridor
Battle Arena
Fleaman Dark 60 142 45 29 Catacombs
Audience Room
Triumph Hallway
Forest Armor Plant 370 390 390 1280 Audience Room
Underground Warehouse
Fox Archer Dark 75 130 59 53 Machine Tower
Fox Hunter Dark 100
Underground Warehouse
Battle Arena
Franken Earth 1200 700 350 2100 Eternal Corridor
Frozen Shade Ice 112 490 560 1212 Triumph Hallway
Underground Waterway
Observation Tower
Gargoyle Wind 60 160 66 3 Abyss Stairway
Machine Tower
Ghoul Dark 100 190 79 3 Eternal Corridor
Chapel Tower
Golem Stone 650 520 700 1400 Underground Warehouse
Gorgon Stone 230 215 165 219 Eternal Corridor
Chapel Tower
Gremlin Wind 30 80 33 2 Catacombs
Abyss Stairway
Grizzly Dark 600 380 200 960 Catacombs
Chapel Tower
Underground Warehouse
Harpy Wind 120 275 200 271 Underground Gallery
Heat Shade Fire 80 240 200 136 Audience Room
Machine Tower
Chapel Tower
Observation Tower
Hipogriff Wind 300
Chapel Tower
Underground Warehouse
Battle Arena
Holy Armor Holy 350 420 450 1700 Underground Warehouse
Hopper Dark 40 87 35 8 Catacombs
Hugh Holy 1400 570 750 120000 Observation Tower
Hyena Dark 93
Machine Tower
Chapel Tower
Battle Arena
Ice Armor Ice 240 470 520 1500 Underground Waterway
Ice Demon Ice 350 492 510 4200 Underground Waterway
Imp Dark 90 220 99 103 Audience Room
Underground Gallery
Iron Golem Stone 640 290 450 8000 Machine Tower
Killer Bee Poison 8 308 108 88 Eternal Corridor
Underground Gallery
King Moth Poison 140 290 160 150 Underground Warehouse
Underground Gallery
Legion Dark 420
Observation Tower
Battle Arena
Chapel Tower (Battle Arena entrance)
Lilim Dark 400 800 800 8000 Machine Tower
Lilith Dark 660 960 960 20000 Underground Warehouse
Lizardman Ice 100 345 400 800 Underground Gallery
Underground Waterway
Man Eater Plant 400 330 233 700 Underground Gallery
Marionette Dark 80
Chapel Tower
Battle Arena
Medusa Head Stone 6 120 60 2 Machine Tower
Merman Ice 60 303 301 10 Underground Waterway
Mimic Candle Poison 990 600 600 6600 Audience Room
Minotaur Earth 410
Observation Tower
Battle Arena
Mudman Earth 25 79 30 2 Catacombs
Mummy Earth 100 100 35 3 Catacombs
Myconid Plant 50 250 114 25 Underground Gallery
Necromancer Dark 500 200 250 2500 Audience Room
Nightmare Dark 250 550 550 2000 Outer Wall
Poison Armor Poison 260
Audience Room
Underground Gallery
Battle Arena
Poison Worm Poison 120 30 20 12 Catacombs
Poltergeist Dark 105 360 380 510 Underground Warehouse
Scary Candle Poison 150 300 300 900 Machine Tower
Siren Wind 160 443 300 880 Underground Waterway
Observation Tower
Skeleton Dark 25
Abyss Stairway
Audience Room
Triumph Hallway
Machine Tower
Battle Arena
Skeleton Athlete Dark 100 100 50 25 Chapel Tower
Skeleton Bomber Fire 20
Sealed Room
Chapel Tower
Outer Wall
Battle Arena
Skeleton Boomerang Wind 60 170 90 112 Machine Tower
Eternal Corridor
Skeleton Knight Dark 50 140 80 39 Machine Tower
Eternal Corridor
Chapel Tower
Skeleton Medalist Wind 250 100 100 1500 Sealed Room
Skeleton Soldier Dark 35 90 60 16 Abyss Stairway
Audience Room
Skeleton Spear Dark 30
Battle Arena
Slime Poison 40 102 18 11 Catacombs
Abyss Stairway
Audience Room
Machine Tower
Spearfish Ice 40 360 450 280 Underground Waterway
Specter Fire 15 295 95 3 Underground Gallery
Spirit Fire 9 55 17 1 Catacombs
Stone Armor Stone 90
Machine Tower
Battle Arena
Succubus Dark 150
Audience Room
Chapel Tower
Underground Warehouse
Battle Arena
Thunder Armor Electric 204 340 320 800 Machine Tower
Chapel Tower
Underground Warehouse
Underground Gallery
Thunder Demon Electric 180 270 230 450 Machine Tower
Chapel Tower
Trick Candle Poison 200 400 400 1400 Catacombs
Were-bear Dark 265 250 140 227 Eternal Corridor
Chapel Tower
Were-horse Earth 400 540 360 1970 Outer Wall
Were-jaguar Dark 270
Chapel Tower
Outer Wall
Battle Arena
Were-panther Dark 200 300 130 270 Chapel Tower
Were-wolf Poison 160
Machine Tower
Battle Arena
White Armor Holy 640 770 807 7000 Battle Arena
Wight Dark 110 235 87 4 Underground Warehouse
Underground Gallery
Will O'Wisp Fire 11 110 16 9 Audience Room
Triumph Hallway
Outer Wall
Wind Armor Wind 320 500 460 1800 Underground Waterway (hidden room)
Outer Wall
Observation Tower
Wind Demon Wind 400
Audience Room
Battle Arena
Witch Dark 144
Audience Room
Eternal Corridor
Underground Waterway
Battle Arena
Zombie Dark 48 70 20 2 Catacombs
Triumph Hallway
Zombie Thief Wind 120 185 30 58 Catacombs
Triumph Hallway

Status[edit | edit source]

Most enemies can be afflicted with the petrification and freezing status aliments. For all practical purposes, the two statuses are exactly the same. Enemies can only be afflicted when they are nearly defeated (generally one hit away from being killed).

Respawn rates[edit | edit source]

Most enemies only come back once you leave the room and return; however, some enemies come back as soon as you leave the screen, a few spawn in infinite numbers, and bosses stay dead forever.

  1. Single: All bosses
  2. Infinite: Ectoplasm, Gargoyle, Ghoul, Gremlin, Medusa Head, Merman, Mudman, Myconid, Specter, Spirit, Wight, Zombie
  3. Screen: Bat, Brain Float, Killer Bee
  4. Room: All other non-boss enemies


  • The Witches in the Eternal Corridor respawn when you leave the screen. In all other instances, they respawn when you leave the room.
  • If a Killer Bee flies off the screen after attacking, it will return when you leave the screen, however if you kill it, it won't come back until you leave the room.

Mobility[edit | edit source]

Most enemies walk (or jump) around on the ground towards you, however many can fly, a few are stationary, and a few move in a set pattern, regardless of what you're doing.

All other enemies walk around on the ground and can change direction.

Item drops[edit | edit source]

All enemies, except for bosses, drop two items: a common item and a rare item. Bosses never drop anything and the Battle Arena versions of enemies drop the same items as their common counterparts. DSS Cards can only be picked up once, a big heart will replace the DSS drop once it cannot be collected again.

The actual probability of an enemy dropping an item is determined by your luck (LCK) stat. The formula to determine the probability is:

Probability = Rate + (Rate * (Luck - 100) / 200)

If you have a luck stat of 100 (the starting rate for the first four modes), the actual probability is the base rate. Drop rates are capped at 50% for common items and 25% for rare items.

Name Common C. Rate Rare R. Rate
Abiondarg Potion 1.25% Spiced Meat 0.30%
Alraune Magic Robe 1.00% Potion Ex 0.50%
Arachne Heart Hi 1.60% Heart Mega 0.50%
Arch Demon Cursed Ring 3.00% Apollo card 1.40%
Axe Armor Leather Armor 4.00% Mandragora card 1.50%
Bat Wrist Band 2.50% Heart 0.50%
Beast Demon Arm Guard 4.00% Cursed Ring 1.00%
Bloody Sword Arm Guard 5.00% Mars card 1.20%
Bone Head Mercury card 20.00% Heart 1.00%
Bone Tower Heart 2.00% Heart Hi 0.75%
Brain Float Leather Armor 5.00% Mind Restore 0.75%
Catoblepas Heart Hi 2.00% Soldier Fatigues 0.50%
Clinking Man Prison Garb 4.00% Miracle Armband 1.00%
Coffin Cotton Clothes 3.00% Heart 0.75%
Dark Armor Platinum Armor 2.00% Double Grips 1.00%
Death Mantis Hard Ring 5.00% Cockatrice card 1.50%
Demon Lord Potion 2.00% Strength Armband 1.00%
Devil Potion Hi 2.00% Mirror Armor 1.50%
Devil Armor Potion Hi 2.50% Black Dog card 2.50%
Devil Tower Wrist Band 4.00% Potion 1.25%
Dryad Heart Hi 1.00% Heart Mega 0.20%
Dullahan Platinum Armor 2.00% Thunderbird card 1.40%
Earth Armor Gauntlet 4.00% Gold Armor 2.00%
Earth Demon Magic Gauntlet 15.00% Serpent card 2.50%
Ectoplasm Wrist Band 2.00% Mind Restore 0.40%
Electric Skeleton Leather Armor 3.00% Golem card 1.00%
Evil Hand Prison Garb 2.50% Intelligence Ring 0.60%
Evil Pillar Steel Armor 2.00% Toy Ring 0.25%
Fallen Angel Heart Ex 2.00% Saturn card 1.20%
Fishhead Chain Mail 1.50% Mind Ex 0.30%
Flame Armor Bronze Armor 5.00% Heart Ex 1.00%
Flame Demon Potion 4.00% Chain Mail 2.00%
Fleaman Cotton Clothes 5.00% Arm Guard 1.25%
Forest Armor Chain Mail 1.80% Rainbow Robe 0.45%
Fox Archer Cotton Robe 2.00% Silk Robe 1.00%
Fox Hunter Potion 1.40% Meat 0.80%
Franken Ninja Garb 1.20% Soldier Fatigues 0.75%
Frozen Shade Magic Gauntlet 3.00% Star Bracelet 1.00%
Gargoyle Prison Garb 1.50% Heart Hi 0.40%
Ghoul Prison Garb 2.50% Heart Hi 0.30%
Golem Night Suit 1.30% Steel Armor 1.00%
Gorgon Heart 2.50% Meat 1.00%
Gremlin Wrist Band 2.50% Mind Restore 0.50%
Grizzly Strength Ring 1.50% Spiced Meat 0.50%
Harpy Stylish Suit 2.50% Star Bracelet 0.80%
Heat Shade Stylish Suit 2.50% Jupiter card 2.20%
Hipogriff Meat 1.25% Heart Ex 0.60%
Holy Armor Serpent card 5.00% Platinum Armor 0.50%
Hopper Cotton Clothes 5.00% Gauntlet 1.50%
Hyena Potion 1.50% Night Suit 0.50%
Ice Armor Steel Armor 2.50% Neptune card 1.20%
Ice Demon Rainbow Robe 2.20% Diamond Armor 1.20%
Imp Salamander card 20.00% Spiced Meat 0.25%
Killer Bee Antidote 3.00% Night Suit 0.20%
King Moth Antidote 3.00% Heart Ex 0.20%
Legion Cure Curse 5.00% Potion Hi 0.50%
Lilim Mind Hi 2.00% Dark Armor 0.50%
Lilith Mind Ex 1.50% Sage Robe 0.50%
Lizardman Chain Mail 1.40% Mandragora card 1.35%
Man Eater Heart 3.00% Diana card 1.50%
Marionette Cure Curse 4.50% Mind Hi 0.75%
Medusa Head Wrist Band 1.50% Hard Ring 0.40%
Merman Gauntlet 1.00% Meat 0.15%
Mimic Candle Heart 10.00% Gambler Armband 2.00%
Minotaur Golem card 1.50% Spiced Meat 0.75%
Mudman Cotton Clothes 2.50% Mind Restore 0.50%
Mummy Cotton Clothes 3.00% Heart 0.75%
Myconid Potion 1.00% Mind Hi 0.20%
Nightmare Mind Restore 2.50% Needle Armor 0.50%
Poison Armor Antidote 5.00% Rainbow Robe 0.50%
Poison Worm Antidote 4.00% Magic Gauntlet 0.50%
Poltergeist Cursed Ring 2.00% Mind Hi 0.60%
Scary Candle Heart Ex 0.80% Uranus card 0.60%
Siren Griffin card 2.00% Mind Hi 0.50%
Skeleton Leather Armor 2.50% Potion 1.00%
Skeleton Athlete Cotton Clothes 3.00% Griffin card 0.75%
Skeleton Bomber Salamander card 20.00% Potion 1.00%
Skeleton Boomerang Miracle Armband 4.20% Stylish Suit 1.00%
Skeleton Knight Leather Armor 3.00% Bronze Armor 1.25%
Skeleton Medalist Toy Ring 10.00% Bear Ring 1.00%
Skeleton Soldier Leather Armor 3.00% Bronze Armor 1.00%
Skeleton Spear Leather Armor 3.00% Cotton Robe 1.00%
Slime Antidote 4.00% Venus card 2.50%
Spearfish Heart 2.00% Heart Ex 0.40%
Specter Mind Restore 0.45% Mind Hi 0.15%
Spirit Wrist Band 2.00% Mind Restore 0.40%
Stone Armor Hard Ring 6.00% Cockatrice card 1.80%
Succubus Intelligence Ring 2.40% Manticore card 1.50%
Thunder Armor Gold Armor 2.50% Steel Armor 0.75%
Thunder Demon Magic Gauntlet 15.00% Manticore card 3.00%
Trick Candle Heart Mega 0.50% Pluto card 0.40%
Were-bear Cotton Robe 4.00% Strength Ring 1.00%
Were-horse Meat 1.50% Defense Armband 1.00%
Were-jaguar Gold Armor 2.50% Ninja Garb 0.40%
Were-panther Wrist Band 5.50% Thunderbird card 1.10%
Were-wolf Gauntlet 2.00% Meat 1.00%
White Armor Potion Hi 2.50% Unicorn card 2.50%
Wight Silk Robe 1.50% Mind Hi 0.15%
Will O'Wisp Wrist Band 2.50% Mind Restore 0.50%
Wind Armor Potion 2.00% Potion Hi 0.40%
Wind Demon Mind Hi 2.00% Sage Armband 1.20%
Witch Mind Restore 1.25% Magic Robe 0.20%
Zombie Cotton Clothes 2.50% Potion 0.50%
Zombie Thief Prison Garb 3.00% Luck Ring 0.90%