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Click here for more information about Geese's other fighting game appearances.

Geese Howard (ギース・ハワード) is the local crime boss of the fictional city of South Town and runs the company Geese Connections. He killed Jeff Bogard in front of his son Terry Bogard's eyes.

Story (in the Fatal Fury Saga)

Geese Howard is the chief antagonist of the Fatal Fury series. He is the local crime boss of the fictional city of South Town and is the man responsible for the death of Jeff Bogard, Terry and Andy's father.

Not much is known about Geese's childhood save that Wolfgang Krauser and he share a parent. When he was old enough, Geese began training in the school of Hakkyokuseiken with Jeff Bogard, but Master Tung Fu Rue passed him over and taught Jeff the secrets of the style. This angered Geese, as ever since Tung Fu Rue declared Jeff the favorite, Geese swore revenge against Jeff. Geese had other martial arts teachers over the course of his life, which apparently included "Blue" Mary Ryan's grandfather.

In his rise to the top, Geese obtained the services of Billy Kane as his personal bodyguard (he is known to have two others, Ripper and Hopper, although they do not actually fight in the games), and set Billy up as the champion when Geese organized another King of Fighters tournament.

In 1992, three new contestants entered Geese's tournament: Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, and Andy's friend Joe Higashi. Very few people defeated Billy, but Terry did just that, and earned the right to fight Geese himself. They battled in Geese Tower, and Terry managed to defeat him.

Fatal Fury Special, was a mostly-apocryphal game that combined the rosters of the first two Fatal Fury games. Geese was the penultimate of the five bosses, preceded by Billy Kane, Axel Hawk, and Laurence Blood, and followed by Fatal Fury 2's chief antagonist, Wolfgang Krauser. The events of Fatal Fury Special are not considered canon to the series' storyline; Geese was still widely believed to be dead (although he calls himself immortal in pre-fight quotes).

After Fatal Fury 2, Geese keeps a low profile for a while, even during the main Fatal Fury 3 tournament, but comes back in the very end, to steal the Sacred Scrolls of Immortality from the Jin twins.

Geese's story continues in his Real Bout profile.


Fatal Fury

Name Input
All Systems
Tomoe Nage close, +
Escape Footwork
Reppuken +
SNES version only
Kubi Jime close, +
Atemi Nage +
Genesis version only
Sliding Kick +
Atemi Nage +

Fatal Fury Special

Name Input
Katate Nage close, +
Shinku Nage close, +
Kosatsu Sho close, +
Reppuuken +
Double Reppuuken +
Shippuuken +
Atemi Nage
(Use to counter enemy moves)
Raging Storm
+ +

Fatal Fury 3

Name Input
Shinkuu Nage close, +
Kosatsu Nage close, +
__Zetsumei Hitonaka Uchi
Ura Kumo Kakushi close, +
__ Zetsumei Hitchu Shime
Kosatsu Sho close, +
Raiko Mawashi Geri +
Reppuuken +
Fake Reppuuken + +
Double Reppuuken +
Shippuuken +
Jaeiken +
Fake Jaeiken + +
Atemi Nage Gedan +
Atemi Nage Joudan +
Raging Storm
+ +
Fake Raging Storm + +
Hidden Desperation
Thunder Break
then then ++