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Click here for more information about Geese's other fighting game appearances.

Geese Howard (ギース・ハワード) is the local crime boss of the fictional city of South Town and runs the company Geese Connections. He killed Jeff Bogard in front of his son Terry Bogard's eyes.

Story (in the Real Bout Series)[edit | edit source]

For more information, see Geese's Fatal Fury profile.

After stealing the Scrolls of Immortality from the Jins, Geese planned to use them to make himself immortal and then destroy them so they wouldn't be used against him. He organizes another "King of Fighters" tournament to settle his differences with the Bogard brothers Terry and Andy. He almost has immortality in his clutches until he is confronted by Terry and Andy.

He fights them both and defeats Andy in the process. Geese then faces Terry alone, but is once again thrown from Geese Tower. Terry grabs Geese's hand before he falls, but he refused Terry's help and pulled his arm away, falling to his death. Geese is survived by his son Rock Howard whom Terry adopted after his father's death.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Real Bout Fatal Fury[edit | edit source]

Orbital Body Slam (close) +
Tiger-Killing Toss +
└►Dead Man Dying Smash +
Silver-Lining Deception (close) +
└► +
Tiger-Killing Blow (close) +
Command Move
Lightning Spin Kick +
Rising Venusian Smackdown +
Thunderbird Explosion Slam (opponent down, close) +
Special Move
Reppuken +
Double Reppuken +
Gale Slash +
Double Gale Slash +
Special Move
Upper Knockdown Blow +
Torso Takedown +
Mars Masher + or
Fake Move
Reppuken ++
Mars Masher ++
Raging Storm ++
Screw Upper ++
Super Move
Raging Storm ++
Power Move
Thunderbreaker +
Deadly Rave ++

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special[edit | edit source]

Orbital Body Slam (close) or +
Tiger-Killing Blow (close) +
Command Move
Soaring Swallow Kick +
Lightning Spin Kick +
Rising Venusian Smackdown +
Thunderbird Explosion Slam (opponent down, close) +
Special Move
Reppuken +
Double Reppuken +
Shippuken + (up to 2x)
Double Shippuken + (up to 2x)
Special Move
Upper Knockdown Blow +
Silver-Lining Deception +
Ja'ei Ken + or
Fake Move
Reppuken ++
Raging Storm ++
Super Move
Raging Storm ++
Power Move
Thunder Break +
Deadly Rave ++

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Game Boy)[edit | edit source]

Orbital Body Slam or +
Command Move
Thunderbird Explosion Slam (Opponent Down) (close)+
Special Move
Reppuken +
Double Reppuken +
Shippuken +(Up to two times)
Double Shippuken +(Up to two times)
Special Move
Upper Knockdown Blow +
Silver-Lining Deception +
Ja'ei Ken +
Super Move
Raging Storm +
Power Move
Thunder Break +
Deadly Rave +

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special: Dominated Mind[edit | edit source]

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers[edit | edit source]

Tiger-Killing Toss (close) or +
└►Dead Man Dying Smash +
Tiger-Killing Blow (close) +
Orbital Body Slam (close) +
Command Move
Flying Swallow Kick +
Lightning Spin Kick
Rising Venusian Smackdown +
Special Move
Reppuken +
Double Reppuken +
Upper Knockdown Blow +
Silver-Lining Deception +
Special Move
Lower Body Slam Bash +
Thunderbird Explosion Slam (close, opponent down) +
Fake Move
Reppuken ++
Raging Storm ++
Super Move
Raging Storm ++
Power Move
Rashomon (close) +
Deadly Rave ++

Fatal Fury: First Contact[edit | edit source]

Kosatsu Nage (close) or +
└►Zetsumei Jinchuu Uchi
Command Move
Hien Shikkyaku +
Raikou Mawashi Geri +
Special Move
Reppuken +
Double Reppuken +
Special Move
Gouha Nage
(opponent down) +
Shinkuu Nage (close) +
Super Move
Raging Storm +
Power Move
Rashomon (close) +