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Click here for more information about Tung Fu Rue's other fighting game appearances.

- Name: Tung Fu Rue
- First appearance: Fatal Fury
- Other appearances: Fatal Fury Special, The King of Fighters XI, NeoGeo Battle Coliseum
A legendary master of Hakkyokuseiken, Tung Fu Rue (タン・フー・ルー) was the former master of both the noble Jeff Bogard and the power hungry Geese Howard.
Story (in the Real Bout Series)[edit | edit source]

For more information, see Tung's Fatal Fury profile.
Tung's inclusion in the Real Bout series was non-canon and he has no story for his appearances.
Moves[edit | edit source]
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special[edit | edit source]
Tung Fu Rue[edit | edit source]

Throw |
Command Move |
Special Move |
EX Tung Fu Rue[edit | edit source]

Throw |
Command Move |
Special Move |
Fake Move |
Super Move |
Power Move |
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special: Dominated Mind[edit | edit source]
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers[edit | edit source]