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Click here for more information about Sokaku's other fighting game appearances.

Sokaku Mochizuki (望月双角) descends from a lineage of exorcists and can conjure spirits during several of his attacks.

Story (in the Real Bout Series)[edit | edit source]

For more information, see Sokaku's Fatal Fury profile.

Sokaku enters the new "King of Fighters" tournament, dedicated to finding Geese and to retrieving the Scrolls of Immortality, to avoid the improper use of the legendary documents.

After hearing the news of Geese's death, Sokaku thinks that the Jins would go back to using the Scrolls of Immortality for their evil purposes. But to everyone's surprise, Chonrei himself tears up the scrolls, forever banning the curse from the Jin family. Sokaku feels relieved about the decision of the Jin twins, and after burning up the shattered remains of the scrolls, Sokaku travels back to Japan, where he now dedicates himself to training the next generation of Mochizuki sorcerers in case a new evil force threatens the world.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Real Bout Fatal Fury[edit | edit source]

Timeless Hell Heave (close) +
(close) or or +
Sinful Slam (close) +
└►Hell's Maw +
Command Move
Copper Cane Uppercut +
(opponent down) +
Special Move
Makibishi Masher +
Wild Monkey Slash +
Evil One Bop +
Dance of Demons
├►Heaven Blast +
├►Exorcist Blast +
├►Falling Blast +
├►Sudden Blast +
└►Overthrowing Blast
Special Move
Demon Legion +
Possession Blast +
Flames of Ruin +
Secret Thunderclap +
Dream Legion +
Fake Move
Makibishi Masher ++
Thundergod Exhalation ++
Super Move
Ikazuchi ++
Power Move
Thundergod Exhalation +

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special[edit | edit source]

Hades Refusal
Body Smash
(close) or +
(close) or or +
Sinful Slam (close) +
└►Hell's Maw +
Command Move
Copper Cranium Crunch +
(opponent down) +
Special Move
Makibishi Masher +
Wild Monkey Slash +
Evil One Bop
├►Heavenly Burst +
├►Exorcism Blast +
├►Falling Blast +
├►Thrusting Blast +
└►Falling Blast
Special Move
Demon Legion +
Possession Blast +
Flames of Doom +
Thundergod Insanity +
Shout! +
Fake Move
Makibishi Masher ++
Ikazuchi ++
Super Move
Ikazuchi ++
Power Move
Merciless Blast +

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special: Dominated Mind[edit | edit source]

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers[edit | edit source]

(close) or +
Sinful Slam (close) or +
└►Hell's Maw +
Command Move
Copper Cane Face Bash +
(opponent down) +
Special Move
Makibishi Masher +
Wild Monkey Slash +
Evil One Bop
├►Heavenly Burst +
├►Exorcist Burst +
├►Falling Burst +
├►Sudden Burst +
└►Overthrow Burst
Special Move
Demon Legion +
Possession Blast +
Flames of Doom (on sway line) +
Shout! +
Fake Move
Makibishi Masher ++
Ikazuchi ++
Super Move
Ikazuchi ++
Power Move
Merciless Blast +