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Basic Moves[edit | edit source]

weak (indicated as )
weak (indicated as )
strong attack
Dash Forward
close, + Throw
Quick Escape
Hold Crawl
Block an Attack, then + Defensive Attack
Air Turn Around
+ (Used with H. Power or higher while falling) Recovery Roll
+ Quick Approach
  • H. POWER/BREAKSHOT-Moves can only be performed when the power meter is at 50%
  • S. POWER-Moves can only be performed when the power meter is full
  • P. POWER-Moves can only be performed when the power meter is full and the lifebar is flashing

Alfred[edit | edit source]

Sonic Wing (close) or +
Command Moves
Slide Chop +
Slash Swipe (After Block) +
Fokker +
F Step Kick +
B Step Kick +
Side Step +
Special Move
Critical Wing +/
Augmentor Wing +
Divergence +
Mayday Mayday +
  └►Kick Follow Up
    └►Kick Follow Up
      └►Slash Finish
S. Tol +
S. Power Super
Shock Stall (hit on ground)
Shock Augmentor (hit on air)
P. Power Super
Wave Rider +
Hexadrive (secret move) +
Fake Moves
Feint Critical Wing +
Cancel Moves
Chain Attacks
+ ,
, +
+ , +
Final Impacts
Critical Wing Wave Rider
Divergence Wave Rider
Mayday Mayday(└►Slash) Shock Stall
Mayday Mayday(└►Slash) Hexadrive

Andy Bogard[edit | edit source]

Billy Kane[edit | edit source]

Blue Mary[edit | edit source]

Bob Wilson [edit | edit source]

Cheng Sinzan[edit | edit source]

Duck King[edit | edit source]

Franco Bash[edit | edit source]

Geese Howard[edit | edit source]

Hon-Fu[edit | edit source]

Jin Chonrei[edit | edit source]

Jin Chonshu[edit | edit source]

Joe Higashi[edit | edit source]

Kim Kaphwan[edit | edit source]

Laurence Blood[edit | edit source]

Mai Shiranui[edit | edit source]

Ryuji Yamazaki[edit | edit source]

Sokaku Mochizuki[edit | edit source]

Terry Bogard[edit | edit source]

Buster Throw (close) or +
Command Move
Wild Upper +
Backspin Kick +
Special Move
Power Wave +
Burn Knuckle + /
Rising Tackle +
Quick Burn +
Crack Shoot +
Power Dunk +
Super Move
Power Geyser ++
Power Move
Triple Geyser +
High Angle Geyser +

Tung Fu Rue[edit | edit source]

White[edit | edit source]

Wolfgang Krauser[edit | edit source]