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Click here for more information about Cheng's other fighting game appearances.

Cheng Sinzan (チン・シンザン) is a greedy and power-hungry businessman from Taiwan. Although he is not really evil, his main intention is always to increase his status and wealth.

Story (in the Real Bout Series)[edit | edit source]

For more information, see Cheng's Fatal Fury profile.

Cheng's inclusion in the Real Bout series was non-canon and he has no story for his appearances.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special[edit | edit source]

Double Hand Toss (close) or +
Headbutts (close) +
Command Move
Double Orb Attack +
Glowing Orb +
Special Move
Kiten Hinzan +
High Kiten Hinzan +
Special Move
Belly Drum Blast +
Avalanche Crunch + or
Full Reverse Pellet +
Fake Move
Feint Avalanche Crunch ++
Feint Kiten Hinzan ++
Super Move
Bursting Heavens ++
Power Move
Collapse Of Creation +

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special: Dominated Mind[edit | edit source]

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers[edit | edit source]

Self-Defense Drop (close) or +
Homicidal Head Butt (close) +
Command Move
Falling Double Bop +
Brawny Reverse Bop +
Special Move
Thunderblast Powerball +
AA Thunderblast Powerball +
Super Belly Drum Blast +
└►Full-Gut Carpet Bomb (while rising)
Special Move
Avalanche Crunch + or
Flexible Geezer +
Shark Snuffing Blast +
Fake Move
Avalanche Crunch ++
Shark Snuffing Blast ++
Super Move
Exploding Powerball ++
Power Move
+ (hold)