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Click here for more information about Xiangfei's other fighting game appearances.

Li Xiangfei (李香緋) is a Chinese-American waitress from South Town. She was taught several styles of Kung Fu at a young age and was undefeated in tournaments since she was 10. She also known for her ravenous appetite.

Story (in the Real Bout Series)[edit | edit source]

Xiangfei is a Chinese-American resident of South Town taught various martial arts by her parents. However, Xiangfei got into a nasty argument with her parents and ran away from her home in retaliation. Currently staying with her uncle, Pai, she works as a waitress and doubles as the bodyguard for his restaurant. She is mainly known for busting people who try to leave without paying their bill. Due to his over-bearing nature, Pai forbids her from entering any serious tournaments. However, the temptation was too great for Xiangfei and she sneaks away from home to participate in the "King of Fighters" competition.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers[edit | edit source]

Strength After
the Party
(close) or +
Command Move
Cleanup Femur +
Backside Elbow Jab +
Special Move
Namba Blast + or
Flashing Elbow Thrust +
├►Piercing Flashing Elbow +
└►Heart-Crushing Elbow +
Mountain Breaker +
Esaka Anti-Air Attack (counter)
Special Move
Esaka Attack
Fake Move
Mountain Crusher
Steel Deity ++
Super Move
Major Steel God ++
++ 2x
Power Move
Faithful Fang +

Fatal Fury: First Contact[edit | edit source]

Ryokuchi Kouen (close) or +
Command Move
Kou Soutai +
Special Move
Senri Chuuou +
├►Kankuu +
└►Shin Saiha +
Special Move
Tenpou Zan +
Nanba + or
Super Move
Dai Tetsujin +
Power Move
Majinga (close) +