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Click here for more information about Chonrei's other fighting game appearances.

Jin Chonrei (秦崇雷) is the older brother of Jin Chonshu and together they form the Jin Brothers.

Story (in the Real Bout Series)[edit | edit source]

For more information, see Chonrei's Fatal Fury profile.

After Geese Howard escapes with the Jin Scrolls, he tries to attain immortality with them. When Geese holds another King of Fighters tournament, the fighters of South Town seek to stop him. As they do so, Chonshu and Chonrei sneak towards the Jin Scrolls. After Terry defeats Geese, he is too late to stop the Jin Brothers from reaching the Scrolls. However, in a surprising turn of events, Chonrei tears up the scrolls despite Chonshu's protestation. Chonrei explains to Chonshu that it is better for them to live normal lives as kids rather than continue their cursed existence as immortals. Chonshu eventually agrees, and both of them leave.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Real Bout Fatal Fury[edit | edit source]

Mighty Dragon
(close) or +
Command Move
Homicidal Serpent Kick +
Special Move
Emperor Tengan Slash + or
Emperor Tenji Slash + or
Emperor Kick or +
Emperor Rohjin Slash +
Emperor Tashin Slash (projectile on screen)
Transcendent Dragon + (Pushing button down changes move range)
Fake Move
Emperor Tengan Slash ++
Emperor Doomed Slash ++
Super Move
Doomed Slash
Power Move
Emperor Ryusei Slash +

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special[edit | edit source]

Mighty Dragon
(close) or +
Tiger-Killing Blow (close) +
Command Move
Dragon Killing Kick +
Special Move
Emperor Tengan Slash +
Emperor Tenji Slash + or
Emperor Kick +
Genuine Deity Kick +
Special Move
Emperor Rohjin Slash +
Emperor Tashin Slash +
Transcendent Dragon + (hold)
Fake Move
Emperor Doomed Slash ++
Super Move
Doomed Slash
Power Move
Emperor Ryusei Slash +

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Game Boy)[edit | edit source]

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special: Dominated Mind[edit | edit source]

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers[edit | edit source]

Mighty Dragon
(close) or +
Command Move
Dragon Killing Kick +
Special Move
Emperor Tengan Slash + or
Emperor Tenji Slash + or
Emperor Kick +
Genuine Deity Kick +
Emperor Rohjin Slash +
Special Move
Transcendent FR Dragon + (hold)
Transcendent BR Dragon + (hold)
Fake Move
Emperor Doomed Slash ++
Super Move
Doomed Slash
Doomed Slashes
Power Move
Emperor Ryusei Slash +