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File:Oblivion acrobatics.gif

The simple act of jumping, combined with other actions. Anybody can jump, naturally, but skilled Acrobats can jump higher, take less damage when falling from high places, attack in mid-air, and even dodge enemies' attacks with ease.

Methods of Training: Jump around the world like a neurotic toad. I've heard that you get skill points faster if the fall hurts you, but it hasn't been confirmed.


File:Oblivion alchemy.gif

The art of making ordinary plants and meats into potions capable of bestowing magic effects.

How to Use Alchemy

you need at least a mortar and pestle (there is one sitting on a crate during the tutorial sequence in the beginning of the game). Equip the mortar and pestle in your inventory to open the Alchemy window. To create potions, you need to find two different ingredients with one or more effect in common. You can add up to four ingredients (for up to 3 different effects for a single potion, for Apprentice level and up). As your skill increases, ingredients have more potential effects that you may harness.

Power Leveling Alchemy

Power leveling Alchemy is very simple and is also a good way to increase your mercantile skill. To power level alchemy simply go to farms, at farms there are usually large amounts of ingredients with similar characteristics (restore fatigue). Collect large amounts of these ingredients until you can not carry any more, then make your potions and sell them at a store. Good places to go for ingredients are the grapevines outside of Skingrad and Odili Farm (west of Weynon Priory), However there are many more places to go.


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One of the branches of magic that can be used. Alteration is the ability to modify the very physics of the universe. With Alteration spells, you can create magical shields on yourself and others, burden others, or lighten your own load so you can carry more items without becoming over-encumbered. You can also unlock doors from a distance with the proper spells.

Power Leveling Alteration

Alteration has some nice little buffs you can use on yourself over an over. There is a shield spell you get for choosing it as a main skill that is very easy to train with (takes 9 magicka and is almost instant cool-down). Remember, the power of the spell does not effect the amount of experience you gain.


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An Armorer can repair weapons and armor to maximize their effectiveness. You need a Repair Hammer to use this skill. Journeyman Armorers can repair enchanted weapons and armor, and more experienced Armorers can also repair Daedric weapons. A master of the armorer skill never breaks hammers.

Power Leveling Armorer

Whenever you visit a smith or weapons salesman just buy repair hammers and do it yourself instead of paying them to repair your armor. If you want to level even faster, join the Mage's Guild and make a disintegrate Armor spell on self. after you break all of your armor just repair it again.


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Athletics affects how fast you can run on land, how fast you can swim in water, how long you can hold your breath, and how fast your Fatigue regenerates.

Methods of Training: Click caps lock and forget it. Swimming gets skill increases faster then running so if you really want it to go up go jump in a lake. This skill tends to skill up itself without you really working on it if you're like me and run all the time.


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Blade governs how much damage you do with daggers and swords. It also allows different melee moves and power attacks.

Methods of Training: Fight with daggers. The more slashes you hit with the better it doesn't matter at all how much damage you do. You could also find a really weak dagger and beat up a creature you summon.


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Block determines how much damage is reduced when you block and incoming attack. The more you gain in this skill the more likely you'll be to block since it reduces damage more.

Power Leveling Block

Turn the game's difficulty down all the way (if it isn't already there, then you have two options, you can find a weak monster, tape down the block button, and forget about it for an hour; or you can find a strong monster. if you choose to find a strong monster keep an eye on your health. this trick is made even easier if you are good at restoration and can constantly restore your health.

Warning your shield will slowly disintegrate, once it reaches 0 you will stop gaining experience for block and start training armor. To prevent this carry multiple shields or kill off whatever you are fighting once in a while so you can fix your shield.


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Blunt governs how much damage you deal with axes, maces and hammers. It also adds new power attacks and melee moves.


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A Conjurer has the ability to summon monsters and Daedra from thin air to do their bidding, in addition to creating bound armor and weapons to use in battle.

Power Leveling Conjuration

The main way is to get a skeleton spell and spam it. Additionally, you can fight or Soul-trap the skeleton while you do this. Remember, the amount of magicka it takes to summon has no effect on the experience.


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Magical self-defense, in the form of fireballs, electric blasts, or balls of ice. Most Mages would do well in building this skill, while others could use it as a secondary means of defense when one's Fatigue is too low to fight.

Methods of Training: THe best way would be to lean more on shooting fireballs then slashing swords. You could also spam Flare (that crappy little fire spell from level one) on a monster you summon.

Hand To Hand

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Hand to Hand

The ability to fight and kill foes with nothing but one's own hands. While not as powerful as using a weapon (and certainly not as good to block with), hand to hand combat is fast and doesn't use as much fatigue. Higher skill levels give you more power attacks which can be used to paralyze and disarm opponents.

Methods of Training: Summon a monster and punch it in the face until it dies, then summon another and beat it up.


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Skilled Illusionists can modify the way humans percieve reality - casting light, becoming invisible, or charming others into believing that you are a friend.


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The use of a bow and arrows to attack from a distance. Skilled Marksmen can do more damage, and truly gifted Marksmen also have the ability to zoom in while using a bow.

Methods of Training: Using targets that you can find around the world you can train your marksman skill as well as your ability to hit a target you can even get your arrows back.


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This branch of magic can be used to detect living creatures through walls, trap souls within soul gems, and levitate items across the room with telekinesis.

Power Leveling Mysticism

The best way to Power Level Mysticism is to use a weak detect life spell over and over.


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When one is trained in Security, they understand all kinds of mechanical locks and traps. The higher your Security skill, the slower the pins will move in the lockpicking interface (or the better chance you will have of opening a lock using Auto Attempt).


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The talent of disappearing into the shadows without aid of magic, to pass behind foes without making a noise, and to deal insane amounts of damage by taking an opponent unawares. As your Sneak skill increases, the volume of your footsteps is dramatically lowered, your critical damage multiplier is increased, and sneak attacks will eventually completely ignore whatever armor your opponent is wearing.

Power leveling Sneak

For people at lower levels a great way to train is to break into someone's house shortly after they go to bed then auto-walk (tape down the Analog or key) into the wall while they sleep. Once you reach a higher level you can sneak quickly behind people with out them noticing, go to the imperial palace and auto-walk in the corner next to the palace guards. if you have a high enough sneak then they will not see you. this is better than breaking into someone's house because it is not a crime if you get caught.

Warning If you leave your character in auto-walk inside someone's house there is a chance that you will get caught. keep a close eye on what time it is.


File:Oblivion speechcraft.gif

The use of words to convince others to aid you. As your skill increases, people will have a better initial reaction to you, and be more likely to respond positively when persuaded. The higher your Speechcraft skill, the less bribes cost as well.

Power Leveling Speechcraft

This works when using an analog (i don't know if it works on a computer). find an insignificant person and play the persuasion minigame. Rapidly tap X and Rapidly spin the analog in a circle, you can complete a game in about a second, increasing your level very fast.