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Gauntlet: Dark Legacy is an expansion of the previous game, Gauntlet Legends. The expansion adds new character classes (Dwarf, Knight, Jester, and Sorceress), and new levels (Sky Dominion, Ice Domain, Dream World, and Battlefield).


In an ancient time, the evil mage Garm, using the power of the runestones, released a great evil upon the land. This demon, Skorne, broke free of Garm's control, crushing him and imprisoning his soul in the underworld. Skorne then released his minions upon the lands, and scattered the runestones across the Eight Realms, so that they may never again be used against him.
No one has dared try. . .
Until now.
(From the game's introductory cinematic)

Hidden Characters

Each of the 8 base character classes (Warrior/Dwarf, Valkyrie/Knight, Archer/Jester, and Wizard/Sorceress) has another beast form as a hidden character. These are well hidden, and play identically to their non-beast counterparts. You can find these hidden beast characters in the same realm that the basic character calls its "home". These characters, and the realm in which they can be found, are:
Warrior-Minotaur (Mountain Kingdom)
Dwarf-Ogre (Arctic Domain)
Valkyrie-Falconess (Castle Stronghold)
Knight-Unicorn (Sky Dominion)
Archer-Tigress (Forest Realm)
Jester-Hyena (Dream World)
Wizard-Jackal (Desert Land)
Sorceress-Medusa (Forsaken Province)
Sumner the wizard can also be unlocked as a character, and can be found in the Battlefields realm.

Hidden Levels











The worlds, and contained levels, are as follows:
1:Forsaken Province

 --Poisoned Fields
--Ghost Town
--Haunted Cemetery
--Lich's Crypt

2:Mountain Kingdom

 --Valley of Fire
--Dagger Peak
--Cliffs of Desolation
--Lost Cave
--Volcanic Cavern
--Dragon's Lair

3:Castle Stronghold

 --Castle Courtyard
--Dungeons of Torment
--Castle Barracks
--Tower Armory
--Castle Treasury
--Chimera's Keep

4:Sky Dominion

 --Toxic Spire
--Cloud Docks
--Sky Shipyards
--Vat of the Plague Fiend

5:Forest Realm

 --Acid Swamps
--Twisted Roots of Evil
--Ancient Tree
--Gnarled Branches
--Web of the Spider Queen

6:Desert Land

 --City Ruins
--Temple of the Magi
--Mystic Pyramid
--Tombs of the Undead
--The Genie's Sanctum

7:Ice Domain

 --Arctic Docks
--Frozen Camp
--Crystal Mine
--Erupting Fissure
--Yeti's Cavern

8:Dream World

 --Carnival of the Lost
--Haunted Grounds
--Haunted House
--Your Worst Nightmare!
--Maze of Illusion
--Shadow Wraith's Haunt

9:Desecrated Temple

 --Desecrated Temple
--Altar of Skorne

10:The Underworld

 --Gates of the Underworld
--Throne of Skorne

11:The Battlefields

 --Battle Trenches
--Fortified Towers
--Internal Fortress
--Garm's Citadel



Giant Maggots




Fire Demons

Dark Elves


Living Armor

Sky Pirates

Slime Creatures








Small Genies



Ice Worms


Crawling Hands

Mirror Wraiths

Skeleton Warriors

Demon Dogs

Garm's Apprentices


Generals are large, tough versions of the regular monsters. They take a while to destroy, but when you do, they drop items.

Zombie Reaper

Orc General

Dark Elf Warchief

Sky Pirate Captain

Lizardman Chieftan

Bandit Pharaoh

Kobold Taskmaster

Demon Lord

Skeleton Warrior Legionary


Like Generals, Golems are large enemies that can take a lot of damage, and drop items when they die.

Cemetary Soil Golem

Rock Golem

Armor Golem

Slime Golem

Wood Golem

Sand Golem

Polar Bear Golem

Nightmare Golem

Lava Golem

Battle Golem


Gargolyes are large, dragon-like monsters. Like Generals and Golems, they drop items when they die, but the items they drop are golden items. You need a certean number of golden items to get to different areas of Sumners Tower.

Snake Gargolye (Golden Snake Fangs)

Eagle Gargolye (Golden Eagle Feathers)

Lion Gargolye (Golden Lion Claws)


In the levels, you sometimes come across the most deadly enemy of all...Death himself. There are two kinds of Death. The black robed Death drains your experence, while the red robed Death drains health. There are three ways to drive death off. One, you can hit Death with your weapon 100 times. Two, you can use magic on Death. Three, you can find an Anti-Death Halo that allows you to drain experence or health from Death.


The bosses are as follows:
1:Lich - a giant zombie that fights with a huge axe. Sometimes throws its decaying body parts to allow maggots to attack the player.
2:Dragon - a massive red lizard that breaths fireballs and stomps sending out a shockwave.
3:Chimera - a three-headed monster with three health bars. It has a lion's head (which breathes fire), an eagle's head (lightning) and a snake's head (acid). Could possibly be related to the gargoyles which the player fights in other levels.
4:Plague Fiend - a horrible monster made of toxic slime. Attacks by using sweeping tentacles, spitting slime and sinking into its vat to overflow nearby pipes.
5:Spider Queen - a half-woman, half-spider creature that fights on a giant web. Attacks using a whip, spitting venom and calling her children for assistance.
6:Genie - a monstrous black-blue djinni that attacks using a scimitar, energy from its eye and causing the ceiling to collapse.
7:Yeti - a giant ape that uses a variety of ice powers, including ice boulders and an ice wall, plus its own brute force.
8:Shadow Wraith - a being made of pure darkness and nightmares. Attacks using its tendrils, small wraith creatures and other dark powers.
9: Armored Skorne - uses armor in his first fight. Can shoot various forms of energy from his gloves, mask and horns. When beaten, he drops his four items and the player can use one for a short time in the next world.
10:True Form of Skorne - he uses all his normal moves, but they pack a bigger punch. He doesn't have his armor this time, so you can see his firey form beneath.
11:Garm - fights in the form of a statue, the same statue on the console games cover. Attacks include( but are not limited to) a purple beam from both hands and a beam that sweeps across the arena.

Legendary Weapons

Each boss has a special Legendary Weapon to which they are especially vulnerable. Often, these weapons are hidden in another realm, and are typically not found until much later in the game. For instance, the Lich is the boss of the first realm the player can enter, the Forsaken Province. However, the Legendary Weapon to which he is most vulnerable, the Good Book, isn't found until the Sky Domain, the fourth realm the player can enter. The console version of the game allows players to skip fighting boss characters on their first playthrough of a realm, also allowing them to find the Legendary Weapon with which they can be defeated best.

The Legendary Weapons, the enemies weakest to them, and where they can be found are:

1:Parchment of Fire, which will create a wall of fire to counter the Yeti's ice moves, found in the Forsaken Province.
2:Javelin of Blinding, which gouges out the Plague Fiend's one eye and reduces his accuracy, found in the Mountain Kingdom.
3:Ice Axe, freezes the Dragon solid, found in the Castle Realm.
4:Good Book, which shoots a ball of light and slows down the Lich with its holy flames, found in the Sky Realm.
5:Scimitar of Decapitation, beheads the Chimera's lion head, found in the Forest Realm.
6:Toxic Bellows, reduces the Spider Queen's size and power, found in the Desert Land.
7:Lamp of Dark Obstruction, creates a dark cloud to blind the Genie, found in the Ice Domain.
8:Lantern of Revelation, blocks all of the Shadow Wraith's shadow attacks with its superior light, found in the Dream World
9:Soul Savior, deflects Skorne's attacks right back, can only be found and used in the Desecrated Temple