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Click here for more information about Amakusa's other fighting game appearances.

  • Name: Shiro Tokisada Amakusa (天草四郎時貞 Amakusa Shirō Tokisada?)

Moves[edit | edit source]

Samurai Shodown III[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
(B) Oumaga Toki or +
(A) Shirei Jin +
(A) Nanji, Anten Nyumetsu Seyo + (attack with , cancel with )
(A) Tensho Fuuou Jin +
(A) Shoki Dan +
(B) Kairetsu Sho +
(Rage) Kyomei Jisatsu Jin +
(B) Oumaga Toki or +
(A) Meifu Mashou Dan +
(A) Nanji, Anten Nyumetsu Seyo + (attack with , cancel with )
(A) Kouma Shourai Ha +
(A) Shoki Dan +
(B) Kairetsu Sho +
(Rage) Kyomei Jisatsu Jin +

Samurai Shodown IV[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Sankaku Tobi
Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
剣質 Technique Selection
Shirei Jin
Tensho Houoh Jin
Oumaga Toki
or +
Nanji, Anten Nyumetsu Seyo
+ Cancel with
Shoki Dan
Kyomei Jusatsu Jin
剣質 Technique Selection
Meifu Mashou Dan
Kouma Shorai Ha
Oumaga Toki
or +
Nanji, Anten Nyumetsu Seyo
+ Cancel with
Kairetsu Sho
Kyomei Jusatsu Jin

Samurai Shodown V Special[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Forward Evil Hornet Gouger +
Reverse Evil Hornet Gouger +
Holy Spirit Slicer +
Phoenix Flash +
Commandment Cruncher +
Dark Destroyer +
Weapon Flipping
Legions of Hades Blitz +
Overkill Move
Crime Salvation +

Samurai Shodown VI[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Moves
Holy Spirit Slicer (Distant) +
Phoenix Flash (Distant) +
Miasma Plasma (Distant) +
Judgement Blow 👍 (Near) +
Dark Destroyer (Near) +
Forward Evil
Hornet Gouger 👍
Reverse Evil
Hornet Gouger 👍
Magic Style Change
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Legions of Hades Blitz +
Hidden Moves
Hell's Holy
Spirit Slicer (II)
(Distant) +
Rescue Demon
Wave (II)
(Near) +
Hell's Holy
Spirit Slicer (VI)
(Distant) +
Rescue Demon
Wave (VI)
(Near) +

Samurai Shodown (2019)[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Holy Spirit Slicer 怒 +
Phoenix Flash +
Evil Hornet Gouger 👍 or +
Judgement Blow 👍 +
Dark Destroyer +
├►Judgement Blow (Attack)
└►Judgement Blow (Descent)
Weapon Flipping
Repent for your sins!
But Ask Me Not
For Forgiveness
Super Move
Atonement for your
sins! But Ask Me Not
For Forgiveness