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  • Name: Shikuru (シクルゥ) and Mamahaha (ママハハ)

Moves[edit | edit source]

Samurai Shodown VI[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move ✋ +
Special Moves
①Myu Shikite ✋ +
①Kanto Shikite ✋ +
①Imel Shikite ✋ +
Reuke Shikite
(Forward) ✋
(from ①) +
Reuke Shikite
(Reverse) ✋
(from ①) +
Special Moves
Amube Yatoro ✋ +
Mamahaha Flight ✋ +
├►Kamui Shikite ✋
├►Yatoro Shikite ✋ +
└►Shichikapu Ai ✋ +
Weapon Flipping
Kanto Koro Kamui Risse ✋ +