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  • Name: Enja (炎邪)

Moves[edit | edit source]

Samurai Shodown V[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Feet of Flames +
Hade's Flames +
__Heaven's Glow + (during Hade's Flames)
____Demon Path + (during Heaven's Glow)
Flaming Destruction + or or
(Rage) Enja's Bursting Heat +

Samurai Shodown V Special[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Feet of
+ or +any button
Hades Flames +
└►Demon's Path +
 └►Heaven's Glow +
+ or or
Weapon Flipping
Enja's Bursting Heat +
Overkill Move
World Cremation +

Samurai Shodown VI[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
Hades' Flame +
└►Demon Path +
 ├►Heaven's Glow +
 └►Heaven's Glow +
Feet of
Flames 👍
Annihilating Flames +
Absolute Incinerator +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Enja's Bursting Heat +
Hidden Moves
Hell's Flames
and Heat (II) 👍
Hell's Flames
and Heat (VI) 👍