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  • Name: Rera (レラ)

Moves[edit | edit source]

Samurai Shodown V[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Wolf Pounce +
__Wolfback Attack (during Wolf Pounce)
__Myu Shikite + (during Wolf Pounce)
__Kanto Shikite + (during Wolf Pounce)
__Schism Attack or + (during Wolf Pounce)
__Imel Shikite + (during Wolf Pounce)
Kamui Fumukesupe +
Rera Shimateku +
(Rage) Nubuke Kamui Shikite +

Samurai Shodown V Special[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump (against wall)
Special Move
Wolf Pounce +
├►Dismount Wolf
├►Wolfback Attack
├►Myu Shikite + or or
├►Kanto Shikite +
├►Imel Shikite +
└►Schism Attack or +
Special Move
(close) except +
Kamui Fumukesupu +
Weapon Flipping
Nubeki Kamui Shikite +
Overkill Move
Irusuka Emu Newa Shikite +

Samurai Shodown VI[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Move +
Shimateku 👍
or +
Special Moves
①Wolf Pounce 👍 +
Kamui Risse 👍 +
├►Return Kamui Risse 👍
└►Kamui Risse - Wolf Pounce 👍
Wolf Pounce Attack 👍 (from ①)
Get Off Wolf 👍 (from ①) any+
②Myu Shikite 👍 (from ①) +
②Kanto Shikite 👍 (from ①) +
②Imel Shikite 👍 (from ①) +
Special Moves
Horokeu Pokku (from ①) +
Schism Attack
(from ②) +
Schism Attack
(from ②) +
Horokeu Pokku
Schism Attack
(from ②) +
Kamui Fumekesupe 👍 +
Epenkine Shikite 👍 (down)
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Nubuke Kamui Shikite +
Hidden Moves
Kimun Kamui
Shikite (II) 👍
Kimun Kamui
Shikite (VI) 👍