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  • Name: Basara (首切り破沙羅 Kubikiri Basara?, 'Basara the Executioner')

Moves[edit | edit source]

Samurai Shodown III[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
(B) Sashi Ashi +
(B) Zugai Wari or or +
(A) Sorasashi +
(A) Chisashi +
(A) Kage Nui +
(B) Nue Dama +
(B) Kage Sui + (move with or , cancel with any button)
(A) Tomobiki + , close
(Rage) Kage Mai: Mukui +
(B) Sashi Ashi +
(B) Zugai Wari or or +
(A) Sorasashi +
(A) Chisashi +
(A) Kage Ide +
(B) Kage Sui + (move with or , cancel with any button)
(B) Kage Damashi + any button
(Rage) Kage Mai: Yumebiki +

Samurai Shodown IV[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Sankaku Tobi
Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
Sashi Ashi
Tokotsu Wari
or or +
剣質 Technique Selection
Kage Nui
Kage Sui
+ or Move with or , cancel with or
+ or Near opponent
Nue Dama
+ or
Kage Mai: Mukui
剣質 Technique Selection
Kage Sui
+ or Move with or , cancel with or
Kage Ide
Kage Damashi
+ or
Kage Mai: Yumebiki

Samurai Shodown V[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Friendly Rip +
Shadow Sucker (close), +
Aerial Jab +
Soul of the Beast +
Flaying Feet +
Skull Cleaver ( or ) +
Shadow Exit +
Ground Slash +
Forward Jump Shadow Feint +
Vertial Jump Shadow Feint +
Reverse Jump Shadow Feint +
Forward Shadow Feint +
Forward Roll Shadow Feint +
Back Flip Shadow Feint +
Diving Shadow Feint +
(Rage) Shadow Dance Dream Pull +

Samurai Shodown V Special[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump (against wall)
Special Move
Ground Slash +
Aerial Jab +
Shadow Exit +
Soul of the Beast +
Shadow Sucker + or
Flaying Feet +
Special Move
Skull Cleaver or +
Friendly Rip (close) +
+ or or
or or or
Weapon Flipping
Shadow Dance Dream Pull +
Overkill Move
Hell Gate +

Samurai Shodown VI[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Moves
Ground Slash +
Aerial Jab +
Shadow Exit +
Friendly Rip (close) +
Soul of the Beast +
Shadow Sucker 👍 + or
Shadow Coat 👍 +
Forward Jump
Shadow Feint 👍
Vertical Jump
Shadow Feint 👍
Reverse Jump
Shadow Feint 👍
Forward Shadow Feint 👍 +
Forward Roll
Shadow Feint 👍
Dash Shadow Feint 👍 +
Take Back Shadow Feint 👍 +
Take Back Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Special Moves
Vertical Jump Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Reverse Jump Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Forward Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Forward Roll Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Dash Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Turn Crowding Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Flaying Feet 👍 +
├►Forward Jump 👍 (if blocked)
├►Vertical Jump 👍 (if blocked)
or or
└►Reverse Jump 👍 (if blocked)
Skull Cleaver 👍 or +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Shadow Dance Repay +
Hidden Moves
Shadow Exit
Evil Defence (II)
Shadow Exit
Evil Defence (VI)

Samurai Shodown (2019)[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Ground Slash +
Aerial Jab +
Shadow Exit 怒 +
Soul of the Beast +
Shadow Sucker 👍 + or
Flaying Feet 👍 +
Special Move
Friendly Rip (close) +
Feint 👍
+ or or
or or or
Skull Cleaver 👍 or +
Weapon Flipping
Shadow Dance Dream Pull +
Super Move
Shadow Dance
Deep Abyss