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Samurai Shodown V logo
Samurai Shodown V logo

Basara[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Friendly Rip +
Shadow Sucker (close), +
Aerial Jab +
Soul of the Beast +
Flaying Feet +
Skull Cleaver ( or ) +
Shadow Exit +
Ground Slash +
Forward Jump Shadow Feint +
Vertial Jump Shadow Feint +
Reverse Jump Shadow Feint +
Forward Shadow Feint +
Forward Roll Shadow Feint +
Back Flip Shadow Feint +
Diving Shadow Feint +
(Rage) Shadow Dance Dream Pull +

Charlotte[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Power Gradiation +
Splash Fount + (hold )
Tri-Slash + (hold to charge)
Violette Lunge +
Lance de Lion +
(Rage) Crystal Rose +

Enja[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Feet of Flames +
Hade's Flames +
__Heaven's Glow + (during Hade's Flames)
____Demon Path + (during Heaven's Glow)
Flaming Destruction + or or
(Rage) Enja's Bursting Heat +

Galford D. Weller[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Strike Heads +
Plasma Blade +
Shadow Copy +
Replica Attack + or
Rush Dog +
Machine Gun Dog +
Replicant Dog +
Overhead Crash +
Stardust Drop (any direction)+
(Rage) Forward Double Megastrike Heads +
(Rage) Reverse Double Megastrike Heads +

Gaira[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Earthquake Assault +
Ceiling Slam Grabber +
Hard Head Grabber +
Butt Slam +
Heart Slicer +
Shout! +
Centennipierce Slam +
(Rage) Exploding Euthanasia +

Genjuro Kibagami[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Lightning Wings +
Triple Death Hack + (can be performed up to 3X)
Zen Blade (close), +
Cherry Blossom Slice +
Slash of a Hundred Demons +
(Rage) Five Flash Rip +

Hanzo Hattori[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Ninja Exploding Dragon Blast +
Ninja Shadow Split + or
Falling Ninja Cicada Larva +
Gashing Ninja Cicada Larva +
Ninja Windsplitter +
Ninja Shrike Dash (while dashing), + (cancelable)
Whistling Shrike Drop (close), +
Rolling Aerial Attack (any direction)+
Ninja Silencer +
Ninja Monkey Dance + or or or
(Rage) True Shrike Dash +

Haohmaru[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Cyclone Slash +
Secret Cyclone Slash +
Crescent Moon Slash +
Renting Tremor Slash (while dashing), +
Earthquake Slice +
Sword Slash Attack +
Rice Wine Whack +
(Rage) Secret Move +

Jubei Yagyu[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Geyser Thrust +
Tsunami Sabre +
Sabre Thrash + (hold )
Reflecting Mind's Eye Sabre +
Mind's Eye Sabre of Mutual Destruction +
Raging Heavens' Mind's Eye Sabre +
(Rage) Moonbeam Slicer +

Kazuki Kazama[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Flames of Disaster + (can be performed up to 3X)
__Soul Burner: With No "Flames of Disaster" +
__Soul Burner: With 1 "Flames of Disaster" +
__Soul Burner: With 2 "Flames of Disaster" +
__Soul Burner: With 3 "Flames of Disaster" +
__Exploding Death: With No "Flames of Disaster" +
__Exploding Death: With 1 "Flames of Disaster" +
__Exploding Death: With 2 "Flames of Disaster" +
__Exploding Death: With 3 "Flames of Disaster" +
Annihilating Flames + or or
Flaming Backdraft +
(Rage) Exploding Flames +

Kusaregedo The Demon[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Evil Spirit Summons +
Gastrorrhea +
Flesh Raiser +
Heretic Brand (close), +
(Rage) Flying Head Butt +
(Rage) Heretic Hunt +

Kyoshiro Senryo[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Dance of Fire +
Twisting Heavens +
Toad Plague +
Lion's Tail Blast + or
Raging Lion's Tail Blast +
Smoldering Blood Pounce +
Tsunami Crunch +
(Rage) Ruffian Kyoshiro's "Flesh and Blood Fandango" +

Mina Majikina[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Earthly Bow-Heart +
Heavenly Bow-Heart +
Sungan's Lure +
__Sungan's Arrival + (after Sungan's Lure)
Shinabui's Grief +
Abysmal Incantation +
Come, Champool! +
Good Night, Champool! +
(Rage) Umichimun's Rage +

Nakoruru[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Annu Mutsube +
Lela Mutsube +
Kamui Risse +
Mamahaha Flight +
__Mamahaha Attack (during Mamahaha Flight)
__Kamui Mutsube (during Mamahaha Flight)
Kamui Mukesupu +
Lelake Matek ( or )+
Amube Yatoro +
(Rage) Elelyu Kamui Risse +

Rasetsumaru[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Fatal Cyclone Slash +
Power Impulse +
Destructive Whirlwind +
Calm Blade (close), +
Death Curse +
(Rage) Supremely Furious Slash +

Rera[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Wolf Pounce +
__Wolfback Attack (during Wolf Pounce)
__Myu Shikite + (during Wolf Pounce)
__Kanto Shikite + (during Wolf Pounce)
__Schism Attack or + (during Wolf Pounce)
__Imel Shikite + (during Wolf Pounce)
Kamui Fumukesupe +
Rera Shimateku +
(Rage) Nubuke Kamui Shikite +

Rimururu[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Kamui Shtokke +
Konru Shiraru +
Konru Mem +
Lupu Quall (Nishi) + or
Lupu Quall (Tu Tu) +
Konril Nonril +
Upon Orb + (hold )
Rupu Kamui Wheh Sampekol (Head) (while dashing without weapon) +
Rupu Kamui Wheh Sampekol (Feet) (while dashing without weapon) +
(Rage) Rupu Kamui Wheh Sampekol Looyampeh (Head) (while dashing without weapon) +
(Rage) Rupu Kamui Wheh Sampekol Looyampeh (Feet) (while dashing without weapon) +
(Rage) Rupu Kamui Emyu (TUTU) +

Shizumaru Hisame[edit | edit source]

Name Input
May Shower Slice +
Freezing Rain Repeller +
Crazy Downpour (hold and release, power increases the longer you hold)
Cross Current Slicer +
Rains of Time +
Dreadful Drizzle +
__Lightning Rain (during Dreadful Drizzle)
Mist Blast +
(Rage) Hurricane Shredder Slash +

Sogetsu[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Moon Glow +
Moon Rise +
__Aquatic Moon Rise (continue holding , move bubble with control stick)
New Moon +
(Rage) Obliterating Lunar Slash +

Suija[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Moon of Death +
Full Moon +
Moon Halo Impulse +
Soaring Moon +
(Rage) Heavenly Submerged Impulse +

Tam Tam[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Paguna Paguna + (hold )
Ahaooh Gaboora +
Pagoona Dios +
Gaboora Gaboora +
Mula Mula +
(Rage) Magnus Dios Zahl +

Ukyo Tachibana[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Concealed Sabre Snowfall Slash
Swordless Sabre Snowfall Slash
Concealed Sabre Swallow Swipe +
Ghostly Dashing Slice
(Rage) 6 Swallow Fish +

Yoshitora Tokugawa[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Pink Blossoms +
White Lilies +
Tree Peonies +
Camellias +
Morning Glory +
Moonflower (close), +
(Rage) Fluttering Butterfly Blossom +

Yunfei[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Silken Seal of Heavenly Wails +
__Heavenly Millennia + (after Silken Seal of Heavenly Wails)
Heavenly Preservation + or
7 Luminaries' Profound Secret-Moon +
7 Luminaries' Profound Secret-Earth +
7 Luminaries' Profound Secret-Fire ( or ) +
7 Luminaries' Profound Secret-Gold ( or ) +
7 Luminaries' Profound Secret-Tree ( or )+
7 Luminaries' Profound Secret-Water ( or )+
7 Luminaries' Profound Secret-Sun +
Forward Heavenly Rave Flight ( or )+
Backward Heavenly Rave Flight or +
Heavenly Hailstorm +
(Rage) Heavenly Cloud Charge +

Secret character[edit | edit source]

Poppy[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Rush Dog +
Machine Gun Dog +
Replica Dog + or or
Strike Dog +
(Rage) Plasma Strike Dog +