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Click here for more information about Genjuro's other fighting game appearances.

  • Name: Genjuro Kibagami (牙神幻十郎 Kibagami Genjūrō?)

Moves[edit | edit source]

Samurai Shodown II[edit | edit source]

Ghost Reverse
or + or
or or
Special Move
Cherry Blossom Slice +
Lightning Wings +
Triple Death Hack + (up to 3x)
Hidden Move
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Breaking
Five Flash Rip +

Samurai Shodown III[edit | edit source]

Name Input
(A) Touha Houyoku Jin +
(A) Sanren Satsu: Kiba + (press )
(A)__Sanren Satsu: Tsuno or + (press ) after Kiba
(A)___Sanren Satsu: Rin or + after Tsuno
(A) Ouka Zan +
(A) Shizuku Jin + , close
(A) Kurenai +
(Rage) Gokou Zan +
(A) Touha Houyoku Jin +
(A) Sankuu Satsu + (up to 3 times)
(A) Ura Ouka: Ayame + (hold if opponent blocks)
(A) Hyakki Satsu +
(A) Shigure +
(Rage) Ura Gokou +

Samurai Shodown IV[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
剣質 Technique Selection
Sanren Satsu: Kiba
+ (+ )
↳ Sanren Satsu: Tsuno
or + (+ )After Kiba
↳ Sanren Satsu: Rin
or + After Tsuno
Ouka Zan
Touha Houyoku Jin
Shizuku Jin
+ Near opponent
Gokou Zan
剣質 Technique Selection
Sankuu Satsu
+ Up to 3x
Ura Ouka: Ayame
+ if opponent blocks
Touha Houyoku Jin
Hyakki Satsu
Ura Gokou

Samurai Shodown V[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Lightning Wings +
Triple Death Hack + (can be performed up to 3X)
Zen Blade (close), +
Cherry Blossom Slice +
Slash of a Hundred Demons +
(Rage) Five Flash Rip +

Samurai Shodown V Special[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Lightning Wings +
Triple Death Hack + (up to 3x)
Zen Blade (close) +
Blossom Slice
+ (hold if blocked)
Slash of a Hundred Demons +
Weapon Flipping
Five Flash Rip +
Overkill Move
Last Card Death Dance +

Samurai Shodown VI[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Lightning Wings +
Triple Death Hack + (up to 3x)
Cherry Blossom Slice +
└►Splash Raising if guarded, hold
Slash of a
Hundred Demons
Spirit Blast Exploding Pitch +
Rush Slash +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Five Flash Rip +
Hidden Moves
Lightning Wings
Demon Slash (II)
Lightning Wings
Demon Slash (VI)

Samurai Shodown (2019)[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Triple Death Hack + (up to 3x)
Lightning Wings 怒 +
Zen Blade (close) +
Cherry Blossom Slice +
Slash of a Hundred Demons +
Weapon Flipping
Five Flash Rip +
Super Move
Reverse Five Flash Rip +