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Samurai Shodown VI logo
Samurai Shodown VI logo

Legend[edit | edit source]

Button Description
Cut (any slash with sword)(Any Slash)
Light Slash
Medium Slash
Strong Slash
Special Evade
Works in Air alternatively.
👍 Available when unarmed.
Only possible when unarmed.

Andrew[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move +
Special Moves
Eagle Arrow +
Eagle Break +
Eagle Cross Eagle Break in succession
in Eagle Arrow
Rising Star +
└►Shooting Star +
Smart Bomb +
Blue Eye +
Grand Cannon (Ready) +
└►Grand Cannon (Fire)
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Statue of Liberty +
Hidden Moves
Gold Rush (II) +
Gold Rush (VI) +

Basara[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Moves
Ground Slash +
Aerial Jab +
Shadow Exit +
Friendly Rip (close) +
Soul of the Beast +
Shadow Sucker 👍 + or
Shadow Coat 👍 +
Forward Jump
Shadow Feint 👍
Vertical Jump
Shadow Feint 👍
Reverse Jump
Shadow Feint 👍
Forward Shadow Feint 👍 +
Forward Roll
Shadow Feint 👍
Dash Shadow Feint 👍 +
Take Back Shadow Feint 👍 +
Take Back Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Special Moves
Vertical Jump Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Reverse Jump Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Forward Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Forward Roll Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Dash Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Turn Crowding Shadow
Troublesome 👍
Flaying Feet 👍 +
├►Forward Jump 👍 (if blocked)
├►Vertical Jump 👍 (if blocked)
or or
└►Reverse Jump 👍 (if blocked)
Skull Cleaver 👍 or +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Shadow Dance Repay +
Hidden Moves
Shadow Exit
Evil Defence (II)
Shadow Exit
Evil Defence (VI)

Cham Cham[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Moves
Sideway Thrown Out! +
Upper Thrown Out! +
Caught! 👍 +
├►Scratches Face! 👍
└►Scratches Back! 👍
Paku Paku-Dios 👍 +
Mula-Paku Paku 👍 +
Paku Paku-Gabool 👍 +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
No More Foregiveness! +
Hidden Moves
It Hurts When
It Hits! (II)
It Hurts When It Hits! (VI) +

Charlotte Christine Colde[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move +
Special Moves
Power Gradation +
Splash Fount +
Tri-Slash + (hold)
Violette Lunge +
Lance de Lion 👍 +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Crystal Rose +
Hidden Moves
Splash Gradation (II) +
Splash Gradation (VI) +

Earthquake[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Move +
Special Moves
Fat Breath 👍 +
Bounding Fat 👍 +
Fat Chainsaw +
Fat Replica Attack 👍 +
Skunk Burst 👍 +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation
Weapon Flipping
Earth's Thunderation
Hidden Moves
Fat Guillotine (II) +
Fat Guillotine (VI) +

Enja[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
Hades' Flame +
└►Demon Path +
 ├►Heaven's Glow +
 └►Heaven's Glow +
Feet of
Flames 👍
Annihilating Flames +
Absolute Incinerator +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Enja's Bursting Heat +
Hidden Moves
Hell's Flames
and Heat (II) 👍
Hell's Flames
and Heat (VI) 👍

Gaira Caffiene[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
Shout! 👍 +
Earthquake Assault +
Ceiling Slam Grabber 👍 +
Hard Head Grabber 👍 +
Butt Slam 👍 +
Heart Slicer +
Determined Hard Head 👍 +
Centennipierce Slam 👍 +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Exploding Euthanasia +
Hidden Moves
Splendid Death (II)
Splendid Death (VI)

Galford D. Weller[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Move 👍 +
Drop 👍
(close) or +
Special Moves
Plasma Blade 👍 +
Strike Heads 👍 (close) +
Plasma Break 👍 +
Replica Attack (Head) 👍 +
Replica Attack (Rear) 👍 +
Imitate Replica
(Head) 👍
(when hit)
Imitate Replica
(Rear) 👍
(when hit)
①Rush Dog 👍 +
Special Moves
①Machine Gun Dog 👍 +
Replica Dog 👍 +
Overhead Crash 👍 +
Change Dog Rush 👍 (from ①) +
Change Dog
Replica 👍
(from ①) +
Change Dog Strike 👍 (from ①) +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Forward Double
Mega Strike Heads
Reverse Double
Mega Strike Heads
Hidden Moves
Mega Strike Dog (II) 👍 +
Mega Strike Dog (VI) 👍 +

Gaoh[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move +
Special Moves
Hateful Thrust Flame Way +
├►Hateful Thrust Blood Way +
└►Hateful Thrust Blade Way +
Hateful Thrust Vanity +
Hateful Thrust Enlightenment +
Tornado Spear +
Hazy Thrust +
Steel Smasher 👍 (close) +
Elegant Oxidation 👍 +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Howling Inferno +
Hidden Moves
Smasher (II) 👍
Diamond Smasher (VI) 👍 +

Gen-An Shiranui[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
Poison Cloud Puff 👍 +
Slaughterhouse Tumble 👍 +
Talon Grab +
Wall Stick (Reverse Jump) +
└►Stick on Wall Hold
 ├►Jump from Wall Release
  └►Head Cutter
 └►Get off from Wall
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
M.D.C. (Magic Diving Claw) +
Hidden Moves
Hell's Slaughterhouse
Tumble (II)
Hell's Slaughterhouse
Tumble (VI)

Genjuro Kibagami[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Lightning Wings +
Triple Death Hack + (up to 3x)
Cherry Blossom Slice +
└►Splash Raising if guarded, hold
Slash of a
Hundred Demons
Spirit Blast Exploding Pitch +
Rush Slash +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Five Flash Rip +
Hidden Moves
Lightning Wings
Demon Slash (II)
Lightning Wings
Demon Slash (VI)

Hanzo Hattori[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Rolling Aerial
Attack 👍
or +
Special Moves
Ninja Exploding
Dragon Blast 👍
Ninja Shrike Dash 👍 (close) +
Shrike Drop 👍
(dash, close) +
Ninja Windsplitter 👍 +
Ninja Silencer 👍 +
Ninja Monkey Dance 👍 +any button
Falling Ninja
Cicada Larva 👍
Gashing Ninja
Cicada Larva 👍
Special Moves
Ninja Conceal 👍 +
Ninja Shadow
Down 👍

of Buddha 👍
(when hit)
Demonic Self-
Strategem 👍
(when hit)
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation
Weapon Flipping
Ninja Heaven
Demon Flames Blast 👍
Hidden Moves
True Shrike
Dash (II) 👍
(close) +
True Shrike
Dash (VI) 👍
(close) +

Haohmaru[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
Cyclone Slash +
Fake Cyclone Slash +
Crescent Moon Slash +
Renting Tremor Slash (dash) +
Earthquake Slice +
Rice Wine Whack 👍 +
Sword Slash Attack +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Judgement Destroy
Flash Slash
Hidden Moves
Blast Slash (II)
Blast Slash (VI)

Iroha[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Contingency Jump 👍
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
Wind Slash + or
Pinwheel +
Dew Drizzle +
Rain Hollyhock 👍 +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Crane's Dance 👍 (close) +
Hidden Moves
Dawn in Winter Snow
Moon Flower (II)

Dawn in Winter Snow
Moon Flower (VI)

Jubei Yagyu[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move +
Special Moves
Geyser Thrust +
Tsunami Sabre +
Sabre Thrash +
Reflecting Mind's Eye Sabre +
Mind's Eye Sabre of
Mutual Destruction
Raging Heavens'
Mind's Eye Sabre
Dual Moon Formation 1 +
└►Dual Moon Formation 2 +
Sword Slash Attack +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Moonbeam Slicer +
Hidden Moves
Secret of Yagyu -
Tiger Slayer (II)
Secret of Yagyu -
Tiger Slayer (VI)

Kazuki Kazama[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Moves
Soul Burner + or
Exploding Death + or
Flames Crush + or
Flames of Disaster + (up to 3x)
Raging Flames Kick 👍 +
Annihilating Flames +
Flaming Backdraft (knocked down after Flames of Disaster)
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Enja Awaking +
Hidden Moves
Super Flames
of Disaster (II)
Super Flames
of Disaster (VI)

Kusaregedo[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
Evil Spirit Summons 👍 +
Gastrorrhea 👍 +
Heretic Brand (close) +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation
Weapon Flipping
Head Butt 👍
+ or
(close) +
Hidden Moves
Dinner (II)
(close) +
Heretic Dinner (VI) (close) +

Kyoshiro Senryo[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move +
Special Moves
Twisting Heavens +
Dance of Fire 👍 +
Tsunami Crunch 👍 +
Lion's Tail Blast +
Imitation Lion's Tail +
├►Raging Lion
Toad Plague 👍 +
Blood Pounce
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Ruffian Kyoshiro's Flesh
and Blood Fandango
Hidden Moves
Demon Flames
Fandango (II)
Demon Flames
Fandango (VI)

Mina Majikina[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Move +
Special Moves
Earthly Bow-Heart + or
Heavenly Bow-Heart +
Sungan's Lure +
Sungan's Arrival +
Shinabui's Grief +
Umichimun's Rage +
Come, Chample!
Good Night, Chample!
Abysmal Incantation 👍 +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Hidden Moves
Mitunci's Judgement (II) +
Mitunci's Judgement (VI) +

Mizuki Rashoujin[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Satanic Transmigration 👍 +
Hell's Circle +
Destroy Demon (close) +
Bloody Nail 👍 +
Evil Chorus 👍 +
Wail of Our Creator +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Imprison Sphere +
Hidden Moves
Grudge Soul (II) 👍
Grudge Soul (VI) 👍

Nakoruru[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Matek 👍
(close) or +
Special Moves
Annu Mutsube +
Lela Mutsube +
Kamui Risse 👍 +
└►Return Kamui Risse 👍
Touruse Sanke
Kiku Mutsube
(close) +
Amube Yatoro 👍 +
Special Moves
Mamahaha Flight 👍 +
├►Mamahaha Attack 👍
├►Kamui Mutsube
(Above) 👍
├►Kamui Mutsube
(Side) 👍
├►Kamui Mutsube
(Under) 👍
├►Yatoro Pokku 👍 +
├►Shichikapu Ai 👍 +
└►Get Off 👍 any+
Kamui Mukesupu 👍 +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Elelyu Kamui Risse 👍 +
Hidden Moves
Kamui Risse (II) 👍
Kamui Risse (VI) 👍

Neinhalt Sieger[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Vulcan Weinen +
└►Vulcan Trukken
 └►Vulcan Explosion
Blitz Seiger +
Tigerkopf 👍 +
└►Falkennagel 👍 +
 └►Elefantglied 👍 +
Fire Sturm +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Dragoner Faust +
Hidden Moves
Operation Tiger (II) +
Operation Tiger (VI) +

Nicotine Caffiene[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
Shikigamireifu Fire 👍 +
Shikigamireifu Thunder 👍 +
Shikigamireifu Life 👍 +
Wildheart Whammy 👍 +
Cane Swirl Cutter +any
Chains of Sin Blast +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Seal Demon's Spell +
Hidden Moves
Pummeler (II) 👍
Pummeler (VI) 👍

Ocha-Maro Karakuri[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
①Fan Celebrate +
②Fan Fortune (after ①) +
②Small Cherry Tree (after ①) +
②Flash Fan (after ①) +
Peak Fan (after ②) +
Cool Wave (after ②) +
Prosperous Celebrate (after ②) +
Door Willow (after ②) +
Rare Thing (after ②) +
Wind Strain (after ②) +
Feather Dance 👍
Huge Mountain Dance +
Special Moves
Puppet's Turn 1 (close) +
└►Puppet's Turn 2
 └►Puppet's Turn 3
  └►Puppet's Turn 4
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Lion's Dance
Driving Out Devils
└►Lion's Dance
Ogre Crest Seal
Hidden Moves
Secret Round
Fan Maple (II)
Secret Round
Fan Maple (VI)

Rasetsumaru[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Fatal Cyclone Slash +
Calm Blade +
Power Impulse 👍 +
Destructive Whirlwind +
Death Curse +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Supremely Furious Slash +
Hidden Moves
Power Roar (II) 👍 +
Power Roar (VI) 👍 +

Rera[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Move +
Shimateku 👍
or +
Special Moves
①Wolf Pounce 👍 +
Kamui Risse 👍 +
├►Return Kamui Risse 👍
└►Kamui Risse - Wolf Pounce 👍
Wolf Pounce Attack 👍 (from ①)
Get Off Wolf 👍 (from ①) any+
②Myu Shikite 👍 (from ①) +
②Kanto Shikite 👍 (from ①) +
②Imel Shikite 👍 (from ①) +
Special Moves
Horokeu Pokku (from ①) +
Schism Attack
(from ②) +
Schism Attack
(from ②) +
Horokeu Pokku
Schism Attack
(from ②) +
Kamui Fumekesupe 👍 +
Epenkine Shikite 👍 (down)
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Nubuke Kamui Shikite +
Hidden Moves
Kimun Kamui
Shikite (II) 👍
Kimun Kamui
Shikite (VI) 👍

Rimururu[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
Lupu Quall (Nishi) 👍 + or
Lupu Quall (Tu Tu) 👍 +
Konril Nonril 👍 +
Rupu Toumu 👍 +
Upun Orb 👍 +
Konru Mem 👍 +
Kamui Shtokke 👍 +
Konru Shiraru 👍 (peak) +
Rupu Kamui Wheh
Sampekol (Head) ✋
Special Moves
Rupu Kamui Wheh
Sampekol (Feet) ✋
Rupu Kamui Wheh
Sampekol Looyampeh
(Head) ✋
(dashing, rage)
Rupu Kamui Wheh
Sampekol Looyampeh
(Feet) ✋
(dashing, rage)
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Konru Sutou Poro 👍 +
Hidden Moves
Rupu Kamui
Emyu (Tutu) (II) 👍
Rupu Kamui
Emyu (Tutu) (VI) 👍

Sankuro Yorozu[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Ofuyo! 👍 +
Goshichi! 👍 +
Ippachi! 👍 +
Look My Admirable Life! +
Edo is Sushi! 👍 (close) +
My Tanegashima 👍 +
One Thing of Boast 👍 +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Violence is Good +
Hidden Moves
Sushi is Edo
Style!! (II) 👍
(close) +
Sushi is Edo
Style!! (VI) 👍
(close) +

Shiro Tokisada Amakusa[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Moves
Holy Spirit Slicer (Distant) +
Phoenix Flash (Distant) +
Miasma Plasma (Distant) +
Judgement Blow 👍 (Near) +
Dark Destroyer (Near) +
Forward Evil
Hornet Gouger 👍
Reverse Evil
Hornet Gouger 👍
Magic Style Change
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Legions of Hades Blitz +
Hidden Moves
Hell's Holy
Spirit Slicer (II)
(Distant) +
Rescue Demon
Wave (II)
(Near) +
Hell's Holy
Spirit Slicer (VI)
(Distant) +
Rescue Demon
Wave (VI)
(Near) +

Shizumaru Hisame[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Move +
Special Moves
Mist Blast +
Cross Current Slicer +
May Shower Slice +
Freezing Rain Repeller +
Cold Rain +
├►Sudden Rain +
└►Ground Rain +
Crazy Downpour Hold any button and release
Special Moves
Rains of Time +
├►Forward Jump
├►Vertical Jump or or
└►Reverse Jump
(descending) +
└►Lightning Rain
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Hurricane Shredder Slash +
Hidden Moves
Current Slicer (II)
Current Slicer (VI)

Sogetsu Kazama[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Move +
Special Move +
Special Moves
Moon Glow + or
Moon Rise + or
Wind Moon Slash +
New Moon + or
Read Moon +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation
Weapon Flipping
Water Mirror's Formation +
Hidden Moves
Lunar Slash (II)
Lunar Slash (VI)

Sugoroku Matsuribayashi[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
Man's Car +
Edoite's Disposition +
Thousand Chrysanthemums
Cover Beat
Rising Silver Dragon Shot +
Karuta! +
└►Sugoroku's Firecrack
Edo's Sinter
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Miniature Shrine Dash
Man's Elevated Passageway
Hidden Moves
Edoite's Chivalrous (II) +
Edoite's Chivalrous (VI) +

Suija[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Moves
Soaring Moon +
Moon of Death 👍 +
Full Moon +
Moon Halo Impulse +
Attack Moon 👍 +
Sickle Moon 👍 +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation
Weapon Flipping
Heavenly Field of Moon +
Hidden Moves
Flying Moon (II) +
Flying Moon (VI) +

Tam Tam[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Paguna Paguna +
Ahaooh Gaboora 👍 +
Paguna Dios 👍 +
Gaboora Gaboora 👍 +
Mula Mula 👍 + or (up to 3x)
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Magnus Dios Zahl 👍 +
Hidden Moves
Thiuwakan (II) 👍
Ahaooh Thiuwakan (VI) 👍 +

Ukyo Tachibana[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Concealed Sabre
Snowfall Slash
Swordless Sabre Snowfall Slash +
Concealed Sabre
Swallow Swipe
Concealed Sabre Send God +
Concealed Sabre
Sky Wind
Concealed Sabre
Frost Wind
Down Kick ✋
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
6 Swallow Flash +
Hidden Moves
Concealed Sabre
God Roughness (II)
Concealed Sabre
God Roughness (VI)

Wan-Fu[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move +
Special Moves
True Rolling Spirit Blast +
Spirit Blast Whirlwind Wham +
True Spirit Blast Beating +
Spirit Blast
Careless Pitch
+ or
Spirit Blast Exploding Pitch +
Raging Ball Pummel +
Spirit Blast Crush ✋ (close) +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Wrath of God Blowout +
Hidden Moves
Super Spirit Blast
Whirlwind Beating (II)
Super Spirit Blast
Whirlwind Beating (VI)

Yoshitora Tokugawa[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Pink Blossoms +
White Lilies +
Tree Peonies +
Camellias +
Morning Glory +
Moonflower +
Butterfly Blossom
(after others hit)
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Hollyhocks +
Hidden Moves
Hundred Flowers Slash (II) +
Hundred Flowers Slash (VI) +

Yumeji Kurokouchi[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move +
Special Moves
Concealed Sabre Solar Flame +
Concealed Sabre
Snowdust Flash
Concealed Sabre
Ephemeral Shadow
Oral Tradition
Snow Wind - Tuyu
Oral Tradition
Snow Wind - Kagi
Concealed Sabre Firefly +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Heavenly Wave
of Soichi Jinmu
Hidden Moves
Secret Move
Ground God (II)
Secret Move
Ground God (VI)

Yunfei[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Hailstorm 👍
(close) or +
Special Moves
Silken Seal of
Heavenly Wails 👍
(close) +
└►Heavenly Millenia +
Heavenly Preservation 👍 +
7 Luminaries'
Profound Secret-Moon 👍
7 Luminaries'
Profound Secret-Fire 👍
7 Luminaries'
Profound Secret
-Water 👍
or +
7 Luminaries' Pro-
found Secret-Tree 👍
or +
7 Luminaries' Pro-
found Secret-Gold 👍
or +
Special Moves
7 Luminaries'
Profound Secret
-Earth 👍
or +
7 Luminaries'
Profound Secret-Sun 👍
Rave Flight
or +
Gas 👍
or +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Heavenly Cloud Charge +
Hidden Moves
Crime Slash (II)
Heavenly Crime Slash (VI) +

Zankuro Minazuki[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Gale Slash +
Break Down Slash +
Immovable Force +
Fists of the Lawless 👍 +
Infinity Slash + (hold)
Shaking Slash +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Infinity Cannon +
Hidden Moves
Secret Matchless
Shaking Slash (II)
Secret Matchless
Shaking Slash (VI)

Console only[edit | edit source]

Chample[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move ✋ +
Special Moves
Arrow Slash. ✋ +
Head Crush. ✋ +
Hat. ✋ +
Ground Crush. ✋ +
Special Moves
Back Run. ✋ +
├►Fly Beat. ✋ (near wall)
└►Cancel Back Run. ✋
Warp. ✋ + or
Weapon Flipping
Transformation. ✋ +

Kim Ung Che[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
Shout! 👍 +
Profound Pummel +
Ceiling Slam Grabber 👍 +
Circling Beat (close) +
Heart Slicer-Sky (close) +
Centennipierce Slam +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Fist Flash Dance +
Hidden Moves
Death in Heaven
Grabber (II) 👍
Death in Heaven
Grabber (VI) 👍

Kuroko[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move +
Special Moves
Slick's Genocide +
Slick's Baji Attack 1
Slick's Baji Attack 2
Power Wave
Slick's Baji Attack 3
Double Attack
Slick's Baji Attack 4
Psycho Ball
Slick's Baji Attack 5
Slick's Baji Attack 6
Folding Fan Fandango
Slick's Baji Attack 7
Conquering Crunch
Slick's Baji Attack 8
Power Geyser
Slick's Baji Attack 0
Triple Geyser
(after 1-7 hit)
Slick's Kick +
Slick's Vacuum Slam +
└►Rasetsu hold and release
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Slick's Boisterous
Dance Introduction
└►Slick's Boisterous
Dance Development
 └►Slick's Boisterous
Dance Finale
Slick's Rage
of the 8 Maidens
└►Slick's Bloom
of the Wolf
Hidden Moves
Slick's Repressed Serpent (II) + (hold)
Slick's Max Version
Repressed Serpent (II)
(after 1-7 hit)
+ (hold)
Slick's Repressed Serpent (VI) + (hold)
Slick's Max Version
Repressed Serpent (VI)
(after 1-7 hit)
+ (hold)

Murasaki Nakoruru[edit | edit source]

Her moves are the same as Nakoruru.

Pak Pak[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump ✋
(wall edge) or
Get Off ✋
(wall edge) or
Special Move ✋ +
Special Moves
Paku Paku-Gabool ✋ +
Paku Paku-Dios ✋ +
Special Moves
Mula-Paku Paku ✋ +
Ksrukusu-Paku Paku ✋ +
Paku Paku-Paguna ✋ + or
Ahaooh-Paku Paku ✋ +
Weapon Flipping
Paku Paku-Dios Zahl ✋ +

Poppy[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump ✋
(wall edge) or
Get Off ✋
(wall edge) or
Special Move ✋ +
Special Moves
Rush Dog ✋ +
├►Rush Dog (Rolling) ✋
└►Rush Dog (Rush) ✋
Machine Gun Dog ✋ +
Special Moves
Replica Dog
(Head) ✋

Replica Dog
(Rear) ✋

Rolling Dog ✋ (missed Replica Dog)
Strike Dog ✋ +
Child Dog ✋ +
Weapon Flipping
Mega Strike Dog ✋ +

Rasetsu Galford[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Move 👍 +
Drop 👍
(close) or +
Special Moves
Plasma Blade 👍 +
Strike Heads 👍 (close) +
Plasma Break 👍 +
Replica Attack (Head) 👍 +
Replica Attack (Rear) 👍 +
Imitate Replica 👍 +
Special Moves
Lightning Slash +
Shadow Copy (Left) 👍 +
Shadow Copy (Right) 👍 +
Plasma Factor 👍 (when hit)
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
L.S.T. (Lighting
Strike Three)
Hidden Moves
T.B.C. (Thunder
Break Cannon) (II) 👍
T.B.C. (Thunder
Break Cannon) (VI) 👍

Shikuru Mamahaha[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move ✋ +
Special Moves
①Myu Shikite ✋ +
①Kanto Shikite ✋ +
①Imel Shikite ✋ +
Reuke Shikite
(Forward) ✋
(from ①) +
Reuke Shikite
(Reverse) ✋
(from ①) +
Special Moves
Amube Yatoro ✋ +
Mamahaha Flight ✋ +
├►Kamui Shikite ✋
├►Yatoro Shikite ✋ +
└►Shichikapu Ai ✋ +
Weapon Flipping
Kanto Koro Kamui Risse ✋ +

EX characters[edit | edit source]

EX Kusaregedo[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move 👍 +
Special Moves
Evil Spirit Summons 👍 +
Gastrorrhea +
Flesh Raiser +
Heretic Brand (close) +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation
Weapon Flipping
Head Butt 👍
+ or
(close) +
Hidden Moves
Dinner (II)
(close) +
Heretic Dinner (VI) (close) +

EX Mina[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Special Moves
Earthly Bow-Heart +
Heavenly Bow-Heart +
Sungan's Lure +
Sungan's Arrival +
Shinabui's Grief +
Come, Chample! +
Good Night, Chample! +
Special Moves
Put Out Something, Chample! +
Take That, Chample! (item on ground)
Catch It, Chample! +
Abysmal Incantation 👍 +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Umichimun's Rage +
Hidden Moves
Mitunci's Judgement (II) +
Mitunci's Judgement (VI) +

EX Yoshitora[edit | edit source]

His moves are the same as Yoshitora.

EX Yunfei[edit | edit source]

His moves are the same as Yunfei with Triangle Jump.