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Click here for more information about Nakoruru's other fighting game appearances.

Nakoruru (ナコルル) is a young girl dressed in clothing that looks like Ainu traditional clothes. The basic colors of her clothes are white and red. She fights with a kodachi named Chichiushi and a hawk named Mamahaha assists her in her Slash version. She also has a wolf named Shikuru who also assists her when in Bust and Rera versions. The original idea of her came from the indigenous Ainu people of Hokkaidō, Japan, who are analogous in Japan to the Native Americans in the United States. As the Japanese perceive the Ainu as living closer to nature, Nakoruru's role in the game is of a defender of Mother Nature; in some material Nakoruru has been referred to as a priestess of the Ainu religion. She was born in October 11, 1771, in a place called Ainu Moshiri Kamui Kotan (Meaning "Ainu Territory Kamui Village" in Ainu), located somewhere in Hokkaidō. She lived in there alongside her grandparent Sanoku, her grandmother Monashiri and her little sister Rimururu.

Some day in 1786, when she was 15, she and Rimururu were playing in the forest when Mamahaha flew in, holding her father's sword. Sensing her father was in trouble, she apologized to Rimururu and ran off. Upon reaching Hinowa, Nakoruru tells Gaoh that his war is hurting the planet but Gaoh tells her that he will build a new country and that he has to kill her. Upon defeating Gaoh, Kamui, the Spirit of Nature, appeared to her, asking Nakoruru to be her successor. Kamui also told her that her father was the last Ainu fighter and that he gave his life to her. Nakoruru, devastated by the news of her father, asked what would happen if she declined and Kamui told her she would ask another maiden to be her successor. Nakoruru then accepted and became the new Kamui warrior of Kamui Kotan. [Note that kamui is the Japanese spelling of kamuy, an Ainu word which approximates the Japanese term kami 神, usually translated as "spirit" or "god".]

During the late winter of 1789, Nakoruru could not hear the voices of nature and this worried her. She found out then that the spirits of nature were sucked in the Makai (demon world) and she set out to bring nature to balance. She then fought on alongside Haohmaru again and defeated Mizuki but, even after his defeat, nature's balance was still not achieved. She died in the end of 1789 at the age of 18, while giving away her life to bring balance to nature. She then became a Spirit of Nature and the new Kamui of Kamui Kotan. During 1790, Nakoruru, as the new Kamui of Kamui Kotan, was resting peacefully. She was awakened when she felt a new evil in the world and had to take human form to fight the demons sent by Yuga. Then, alongside with Rimururu and Haohmaru, they destroyed Yuga's physical body, although, Nakoruru could not save Kamui Kotan. She went then into a long sleep again in order to restore Kamui Kotan.

Wanting to be even closer to nature, Nakoruru transcends even further and becomes one with the sprits of nature, melding her own soul with Gaia to become a Divine Spirit in nature's service. Now as The holy spirit who transcends time, she travels across space and time to prevent the disasters of the world from occurring. However, she is stopped in her quest by a magical spell cast by Jigen Taishi in Ritenkyo. This leaves Nakoruru unable to assume her original form, and she can only battle evil through the strength of her fellow forest sprits. Now weakened, she knows she must stop Oboro's evil plan, but cannot without the Maiden of Light Rimururu, who has been sealed by Oboro. She sets out on a quest to free her sister and together combine their powers to defeat evil.

In her ending in Gals Fighters, Nakoruru makes a wish to the talisman, wishing to go home. The talisman grants her wish and her life is restored. She falls in front Rimururu as Rimururu is eating.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Samurai Shodown[edit | edit source]

Cut Sky Throw or +
Whiling Breast Blade or +
Deadly Cut Claw (no weapon)
or +
Ground Air
Three Kicks
or + or
Command Move
Triangle Flying Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
Special Move
Annu Mutsube +
Lela Mutsube +
Amube Yatoro +
Mamahaha Flight +
├►Kamui Mutsube or +any button
└►Yatoro Pokku or or +any button

Samurai Shodown II[edit | edit source]

Cut Sky Throw or +
Whiling Breast Blade or +
Deadly Cut Claw (no weapon)
or +
Ground Air
Three Kicks
or + or
Flying Eagle
Drop Throw
+ or
Command Move
Triangle Flying Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
Special Move
Annu Mutsube +
Lela Mutsube +
Kamui Rimse +
Special Move
Amube Yatoro +
Mamahaha Flight +
├►Kamui Mutsube or +any button
└►Yatoro Pokku or or +any button
(no weapon) +
or +
Hidden Move
Apehuchi Kamui Risse +
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Breaking
Irusuka Yatoro Risse +

Samurai Shodown III[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
(A) Lela Kishima Tek or + , close
(A) Kamui Fum Kesupu or or +
(A) Annu Mutsube +
(A) Lela Mutsube +
(B) Kamui Rimuse + (press for another flick)
(B) Mamahaha ni Tsukamari + (can move)
(B)__Tsukamari Kougeki during Mamahaha ni Tsukamari
(B)__(Kamui Mutsube + during Mamahaha ni Tsukamari
(B)__Oriru or or + during Mamahaha ni Tsukamari
(B) Rerashu +
(B) Shichikapu Etu +
(B) Shichikapu Am +
(B) Lela O Chikiri + , close
(Rage) Ererushi Kamui Rimse +
(A) Lela Kishima Tek or + , close
(A) Kamui Fum Kesupu or or +
(A) Annu Mutsube +
(A) Lela Mutsube +
(B) Kamui Rimuse + (press for another flick)
(B) Shikuru ni Nori + any button (can move, jump, dash and backstep)
(B)__Nori Kougeki during Shikuru ni Nori
(B)__Mer Shikite* + during Shikuru ni Nori
(B)__Kanto Shikite* + during Shikuru ni Nori
(B)__Imeru Shikite + during Shikuru ni Nori
(B)__Bunri Kougeki or or or or or + during moves marked with *
(B)__Oriru ( or +) during Shikuru ni Nori
(B) Epunkine Shikite when knocked out
(B) Lela O Chikiri + , close
(Rage) Nubeki Kamui Shikite + (during Shikuru ni Nori)

Samurai Shodown IV[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Sankaku Tobi
Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
Lela Kishima Teku
or + Near opponent
Kamui Fumu Kesupu
or or or +
剣質 Technique Selection
Lela Mutsube
Annu Mutsube
Shichikapu Etu
Mamahaha ni Tsukamari
+ Move with
↳ Tsukamari Kougeki
During Mamahaha ni Tsukamari
↳ Kamui Mutsube
During Mamahaha ni Tsukamari
↳ Oriru
or or + During Mamahaha ni Tsukamari
Kamui Rimuse
+ Reflects projectiles
↳ Tsuika Kougeki
After Kamui Rimuse
Ererushi Kamui Rimse
剣質 Technique Selection
Epunkine Shikite
When knocked down
Shikuru ni Nori
+ or Move with
↳ Nori Kougeki
During Shikuru ni Nori
↳ Mer Shikite*
+ During Shikuru ni Nori
↳ Kanto Shikite*
+ During Shikuru ni Nori
↳ Imeru Shikite*
+ During Shikuru ni Nori
↳ Bunri Kougeki
or or or or or + During moves marked with *
↳ Oriru
( or +) During Shikuru ni Nori
Kamui Rimuse
+ Reflects projectiles
↳ Tsuika Kougeki
After Kamui Rimuse
Nubeki Kamui Shikite

Samurai Shodown V[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Annu Mutsube +
Lela Mutsube +
Kamui Risse +
Mamahaha Flight +
__Mamahaha Attack (during Mamahaha Flight)
__Kamui Mutsube (during Mamahaha Flight)
Kamui Mukesupu +
Lelake Matek ( or )+
Amube Yatoro +
(Rage) Elelyu Kamui Risse +

Samurai Shodown V Special[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump (against wall)
Special Move
Annu Mutsube +
Lela Mutsube +
Kamui Risse +
└►Return Kamui Risse any button
Mamahaha Flight +
├►Mamahaha Attack
└►Kamui Mutsube
Special Move
Kamui Mukesupu +
Lelake Matek (close) except +
Amube Yatoro +
Kamui Risse
(unarmed) +
Weapon Flipping
Elelyu Kamui Risse +
Overkill Move
Tose Sanpe Kiku Mutsube +

Samurai Shodown VI[edit | edit source]

Nakoruru[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump 👍
(wall edge) or
Get Off 👍
(wall edge) or
Matek 👍
(close) or +
Special Moves
Annu Mutsube +
Lela Mutsube +
Kamui Risse 👍 +
└►Return Kamui Risse 👍
Touruse Sanke
Kiku Mutsube
(close) +
Amube Yatoro 👍 +
Special Moves
Mamahaha Flight 👍 +
├►Mamahaha Attack 👍
├►Kamui Mutsube
(Above) 👍
├►Kamui Mutsube
(Side) 👍
├►Kamui Mutsube
(Under) 👍
├►Yatoro Pokku 👍 +
├►Shichikapu Ai 👍 +
└►Get Off 👍 any+
Kamui Mukesupu 👍 +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Elelyu Kamui Risse 👍 +
Hidden Moves
Kamui Risse (II) 👍
Kamui Risse (VI) 👍

Murasaki Nakoruru[edit | edit source]

Her moves are the same as Nakoruru.

Samurai Shodown (2019)[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Kamuyhum Kesupu 👍 +
Kishima Tek 👍
(close) +
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Annu Mutsube 怒 +
Rera Mutsube 怒 +
Kamui Rimuse 👍 +
└►Kamui Rimuse Return 👍 any button
Amube Yatoro 👍 +
Special Move
Cling to Mamahaha 👍 +
├►Mamahaha Attack 👍
├►Drop from
Mamahaha 👍
or or +
├►Kamui Mutsube 怒
└►Kamuyhum Kesupu 👍 +
Weapon Flipping
Elelyu Kamui Rimuse +
Super Move
Ar Retar
Kamuyhum Makiri