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Samurai Shodown[edit | edit source]
Controls[edit | edit source]
- With Weapon
- Without Weapon
- Kicks
- Basic Moves
Gameplay[edit | edit source]
- Hikyaku
- During matches, Hikyaku, the Edo Express Delivery Man, drops items in the way of the duel contestants.
- Meat refills Life Meter.
- Chests and coins give bonus points.
- Explosives deal damage.
- Rage Explosion
- Rage Explosion occurs at
Rage Gauge.
- Rage Gauge fills when taking damage.
- Throughout Rage Explosion, damages are increased.
- Rage Explosion ends after certain period of time.
- Weapon Clash
- Weapon Clash is initiated when both fighters attack with a weapon at the same time, and hitboxes collide. They enter a state where they push each other, and the player who presses attack buttons most quickly will cause opponent's weapon to drop.
- When Weapon Clash results in a draw, each fighter can randomly drop his weapon.
- Weapon Clash can also occur when both fighters run at each other. In this case, if a character is unarmed, he grabs his opponent's weapon, and executes a Throw. If both are unarmed, both are pushed back, and take minimum damage.
- Weapon Clash can't occur when timer is 9 seconds or under.
- Weapons take damage when they exchange hits, and can be broken.
Samurai Shodown II[edit | edit source]
Controls[edit | edit source]
- With Weapon
- Without Weapon
- Kicks
- Basic Moves
= Run↳
= Brake ↳
= Roll Forward ↳ TAP
= Lie Down
= Jump Back↳
= Run (After Jump Back)↳
= Roll Forward (After Jump Back) ↳
= Lie Down (After Jump Back)
= Roll
= Lie Down
Gameplay[edit | edit source]
- Hikyaku
- During matches, Hikyaku, the Edo Express Delivery Man, drops items in the way of the duel contestants.
- Meat refills Life Meter.
- Chests and coins give bonus points.
- Explosives deal damage.
- Rage Explosion
- Rage Explosion occurs at
Rage Gauge.
- Rage Gauge fills when taking damage.
- Throughout Rage Explosion, damages are increased, and character can perform Weapon-Breaking Technique. Successful Weapon-Breaking Technique breaks opponent's weapon, who can retrieve it after the judge throws in a new one.
- Rage Explosion ends when Weapon-Breaking Technique hits the opponent, or after certain period of time.
- Weapon Clash
- Weapon Clash is initiated when both fighters attack with a weapon at the same time, and hitboxes collide. They enter a state where they push each other, and the player who presses attack buttons most quickly will cause opponent's weapon to drop.
- When Weapon Clash results in a draw, each fighter can randomly drop his weapon.
- After Weapon Clash, characters automatically switch sides.
- Weapon Clash can also occur when both fighters run at each other. In this case, if a character is unarmed, he executes a Weapon Grab : he grabs his opponent's weapon, and executes a Throw. If both are unarmed, both are pushed back.
- Weapon Clash can't occur when timer is 10 seconds or under.
Samurai Shodown III[edit | edit source]
Controls[edit | edit source]
- With Weapon
- Without Weapon
- Kicks
- Basic Moves
Gameplay[edit | edit source]
- Hikyaku
- During matches, Hikyaku, the Edo Express Delivery Man, drops items in the way of the duel contestants.
- Meat refills Life Meter.
- Chests and coins give bonus points.
- Explosives deal damage.
- Rage Explosion
- Rage Explosion occurs at
Rage Gauge, or when health is low and Life Meter becomes red.
- Rage Gauge fills when taking damage, or by charging it with Increase Power command.
- Throughout Rage Explosion, damages are increased, and character can perform a Weapon-Flipping Technique. Successful Weapon-Flipping Technique causes opponent to drop his weapon.
- Rage Explosion ends when Weapon-Flipping Technique hits the opponent, or after certain period of time.
- Weapon Clash
- Weapon Clash is initiated when both fighters attack with a weapon at the same time, and hitboxes collide. They enter a state where they push each other, and the player who presses attack buttons most quickly will cause opponent's weapon to drop.
- When Weapon Clash results in a draw, nobody drops their weapon.
- Weapon Clash can also occur when both fighters run at each other. In this case, if one character is unarmed, Weapon Clash will not occur.
- Sometimes, Weapon Clash is not able to occur at all, and weapons just pass through one another. This will continue to be the case until certain amount of damage is taken.
- Weapon Clash can't occur when timer is 14 seconds or under.
- Counter
- When Counter occurs, character receiving the hit takes more damage. Counter hit bonus damage is not consistent, as it varies by a few percentage.
- Counter happens when :
- Attack hits opponent just before his own attack connects.
- Attack hits opponent during his attack recovery (Counter timing window varies by attack).
- Attack hits opponent during his Run.
- Both fighters hit each other at the same time.
- Character gets hit during Repelling animation.
- Repelling
- Effects of a successful Repelling depend on the strength of the repelled attack.
- Deflecting a Light Attack stuns the opponent for a short period.
- Deflecting a Medium Attack stuns for a long period.
- Deflecting a Strong Attack stuns and disarms the opponent.
- Repelling effects are canceled when Rage Explosion occurs.
- When unarmed, Repelling command executes a Weapon Grab, which causes opponent to drop his weapon.
- Stun
- Hitstun is increased when character is hit from behind. This allows combo moves that normally wouldn't work.
- When character takes enough damage in a short period, he is knocked down and becomes stunned. Using Break Defense against him causes him to recover from stun.
- Final Rounds
- In a 3rd round, when both character's Life Meter becomes red, background stage is changed and music is muted.
- If there is a 4th round, timer starts from 50, and both fighters have unlimited Rage Gauge from the beginning of the round. Background stage is changed and music is muted. Whoever wins this round wins the match, even if the final result is 1-1 in rounds. However, there is a glitch where, if the result was 1-0 in 4th round and Player 1 loses the final round, Player 1 advances to play vs CPU instead of Player 2. If no one wins the 4th round, no one wins the match, even if the result is 1-0 in rounds.
Samurai Shodown IV[edit | edit source]
Controls[edit | edit source]
- With Weapon
- Without Weapon
- Kicks
- Basic Moves
= Restore Life (While lying down)
= Roll Away (While getting up)
= Quick Recovery (While getting up)
- In Beginners Class :
- In Medium Grade and Upper Class :
= Close Pounce Attack (When opponent is on the ground)
= Far Pounce Attack (When opponent is on the ground)
Gameplay[edit | edit source]
- Rage Gauge
- Rage Gauge fills when taking damage.
- With
Rage Gauge, damages are increased, certain special moves are enhanced, and character can perform a Weapon-Flipping Technique. Successful Weapon-Flipping Technique causes opponent to drop his weapon.
- When
, Rage Gauge empties instantly when Weapon-Flipping Technique hits the opponent, or after certain period of time. Attacking extends
Rage Gauge period, but it will eventually be depleted.
- When using Honorable Death, character forfeits the round in exchange of
Rage Gauge at beginning of the next round.
- Rage Explosion
- Rage Explosion occurs after executing Rage Explosion command, which provides an instant of invincibility and interrupt opponent’s attacks.
- During Rage Explosion, Rage Gauge is replaced by a new Explosion Gauge, which empties slowly.
- Explosion Gauge length is inversely proportional to how much health is left to the character.
- Throughout Rage Explosion, damages are increased, and character can perform a Fatal Flash, Link Slashes, or a Weapon-Flipping Technique.
- Link Slashes depletes part of the Explosion Gauge, and can be executed multiple times, or followed by a Special Move or a Weapon-Flipping Technique.
- Rage Explosion ends when :
- Fatal Flash is performed.
- Weapon-Flipping Technique hits the opponent.
- Explosion Gauge is depleted.
- After Rage Explosion, Rage Gauge will not be available for the rest of the match.
- Weapon Clash
- Weapon Clash is initiated when both fighters attack with a weapon at the same time, and hitboxes collide. They enter a state where they push each other, and the player who presses attack buttons most quickly will cause opponent's weapon to drop.
- When Weapon Clash results in a draw, nobody drops their weapon.
- Counter
- When Counter occurs, character receiving the hit takes more damage. Counter hit bonus damage is not consistent, as it varies by a few percentage.
- Counter happens when :
- Attack hits opponent just before his own attack connects.
- Attack hits opponent during his attack recovery (Counter timing window varies by attack).
- Attack hits opponent during his Run.
- Both fighters hit each other at the same time.
- Character gets hit during Repelling animation.
- Repelling
- Effects of a successful Repelling depend on the strength of the repelled attack.
- Deflecting a Light Attack stuns the opponent for a short period.
- Deflecting a Medium Attack stuns for a long period.
- Deflecting a Strong Attack stuns and disarms the opponent.
- Repelling effects are canceled when Rage Explosion occurs.
- When unarmed, Repelling command executes a Weapon Grab, which causes opponent to drop his weapon.
Note: In Samurai Shodown IV is now impossible to stun.
Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Shodown V Special[edit | edit source]
Controls[edit | edit source]
- With Weapon
- Without Weapon
- Kicks
- Basic Moves
= Close Pounce Attack (When opponent is on the ground)
= Far Pounce Attack (When opponent is on the ground)
- In Samurai Shodown V :
- In Samurai Shodown V Special :
= Rage Explosion
- In Samurai Shodown V Special :↳
= Overkill (During Rage Explosion)
= Meditation
- In Samurai Shodown V :
- In Samurai Shodown V Special :
Gameplay[edit | edit source]
- Rage Gauge
- Rage Gauge fills when taking damage.
- With
Rage Gauge, damages are increased, and character can perform a Weapon-Flipping Technique. Successful Weapon-Flipping Technique causes opponent to drop his weapon.
- When
, Rage Gauge empties instantly when Weapon-Flipping Technique hits the opponent, or after certain period of time. Attacking extends
Rage Gauge period, but it will eventually be depleted.
- In Samurai Shodown V, when using Honorable Death, character forfeits the round in exchange of portion or
Rage Gauge at beginning of the next round (depending on the character). In Samurai Shodown V Special, Honorable Death has no effect on Rage Gauge.
- Rage Explosion
- Rage Explosion occurs after executing Rage Explosion command, which provides an instant of invincibility and interrupt opponent’s attacks.
- During Rage Explosion, Rage Gauge is replaced by a new Explosion Gauge, which empties slowly.
- Throughout Rage Explosion, damages are increased, and character can perform a Weapon-Flipping Technique.
- Rage Explosion ends when :
- Weapon-Flipping Technique hits the opponent.
- Explosion Gauge is depleted.
- After Rage Explosion, Rage Gauge will not be available for the rest of the match.
- Rage Explosion erases Meditation Marker, therefore Concentration cannot be activated for the rest of the match.
- In Samurai Shodown V Special, Overkill can only be performed during Rage Explosion.
- Weapon Clash
- Weapon Clash is initiated when both fighters attack with a weapon at the same time, and hitboxes collide. They enter a state where they push each other, and the player who presses attack buttons most quickly will cause opponent's weapon to drop.
- When Weapon Clash results in a draw, nobody drops their weapon.
- Counter
- When Counter occurs, character receiving the hit takes more damage. Counter hit bonus damage is not consistent, as it varies by a few percentage.
- Counter happens when :
- Attack hits opponent just before his own attack connects.
- Attack hits opponent during his attack recovery (Counter timing window varies by attack).
- Attack hits opponent during his Run.
- Both fighters hit each other at the same time.
- Character gets hit during Repelling animation.
- Repelling
- Repelling has 1 frame start up, 11 active frames, and 25 frames of recovery.
- Effects of a successful Repelling depend on the strength of the repelled attack.
- Deflecting a Light Attack stuns the opponent for a short period.
- Deflecting a Medium Attack stuns for a long period.
- Deflecting a Strong Attack stuns and disarms the opponent.
- Repelling effects are canceled when Rage Explosion occurs.
- When unarmed, Repelling command executes a Weapon Grab, which causes opponent to drop his weapon.
- Sword Gauge
- Sword Gauge, located beneath the Life Meter, represents a character's attack strength. As they attack, the gauge will drop and the amount of damage they deal will decrease accordingly. Sword Gauge will slowly begin to fill again once the character stops attacking.
Rage Gauge lengthens the Sword Gauge, thus increasing potential damage.
- Rage Explosion instantly fills the Sword Gauge, while also lengthening it, thus increasing potential damage.
- Concentration
- Concentration occurs after executing Concentration command, if following conditions are met :
- One round is lost.
- Rage Explosion has not happened yet.
- Life Meter turned blue (when health is lower than the Meditation Marker).
- Meditation Marker is located above the Life Meter.
- Meditation is only possible when Rage Gauge is neither empty nor full.
- Meditation increase speed depends on character. The more Rage Gauge fills quickly, the less does Meditation.
- Meditation increase speed also depends on its level. The higher it gets, the slower it increases.
- In Samurai Shodown V, when entering Concentration state, timer stops. In Samurai Shodown V Special, timer slows.
- During Concentration, Rage Gauge is replaced by a new Concentration Gauge, which empties slowly.
- Throughout Concentration, opponent's moves are slowed down, and every hit he receives leaves him stunned and unguarded.
- Concentration ends when :
- Character is hit by the opponent.
- Concentration Gauge is depleted.
- After Concentration, Rage Gauge will not be available for the rest of the match, therefore Rage Explosion cannot be activated for the rest of the match.
- Overkill
- In Samurai Shodown V Special, character can perform an Overkill move if following conditions are met :
- One round is won.
- Character is armed.
- Opponent Life Meter turned blue.
- Rage Explosion is currently happening.
Samurai Shodown VI[edit | edit source]
Controls[edit | edit source]
- Special Evasion
- With Weapon
- Without Weapon
- Kicks
- Basic Moves
- For Spirits III, IV, V, VI, and VII :
- For Spirits II and 0 :